Home Remedy Recipes: How To Use Rosemary Essential Oil
Whether you’re battling dry skin, tending to a sore throat, or just trying to keep germs at bay, rosemary oil is an excellent remedy for what ails you this winter. Check out just a few of our favorite uses and consider adding it to your health and wellness arsenal!
Rosemary has been used medically for centuries as an antiseptic, an aid in digestive and respiratory health, and in skincare. Regular use can stimulate the activity of antioxidants which aid in the fight of infection and disease and will help to boost your immune system. It can be used singularly, or as an additive to carrier oils and other oils for increased bacteria fighting properties. And did I mention it smells wonderful?
Important Notes: Rosemary oils should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Rosemary oil is not recommended for children under six. While essential oils are generally safe on dogs, NEVER use on cats. Additionally, when using essential oils, you want to be sure to purchase the highest quality GRAS oil you can find. Cheaper oils tend to be less pure which can yield varying and sometimes dangerous results when consumed.
What You Need
- Rosemary essential oil
- Water
- Glass or stainless steel spray bottle
For respiratory issues:
- Add 15 drops of rosemary essential oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Breath in the vapors. (We lean over the bowl and throw a towel over our heads so none of the good vapors escape!)
- Blend 2 drops of rosemary oil with a dab of a carrier oil (hempseed oil, avocado oil, coconut oil), rub on throat and/or chest in addition to bottoms of feet.
As a disinfectant spray:
- Combine 50 drops rosemary oil and 10 oz. of water in a spray bottle. Shake well before using. I use this inside gym shoes, as a carpet freshener, and to disinfect trash cans.
- Add 5 drops of rosemary oil to a 1 oz. spray bottle to use on the go. I keep one bottle in the car and one in my every day bag —it comes in very handy after a stop at the thrift store or a visit with a sniffling/sneezing friend!
For dry scalp:
- Rosemary oil’s antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities are beneficial in treating eczema in addition to other dry skin issues. Massage 2-5 drops of rosemary oil onto the scalp before bed, rinse with a mild shampoo in the morning. If you have a more severe case, combine 2 drops each of rosemary oil, tea tree oil, and peppermint oil along with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or coconut oil. Massage onto the scalp, let sit overnight, rinse with a mild shampoo in the morning.
- Add 2-5 drops of rosemary oil to liquid castile soap, use as an anti-dandruff shampoo.
Rosemary oil blends well with: tea tree oil, basil, lemongrass, thyme, chamomile, and peppermint oils.
What are your go-to remedies during cold and flu season?