Leonardo DiCaprio Buys Moby’s House in Los Feliz for $4.5M

Written by

Melissa Massello
Melissa Massello
Boston girl gone Austin + pixie dust spreader on the Tilt-A-Whirl. In her past life, Melissa was the founder of Shoestring Magazine, DIY Boston + The Swapaholics. Now she just wants to drink wine, hike, do yoga + save all the damn dogs, is that so wrong?
published May 16, 2018
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When celebrities buy other celebrities’ homes, it’s fun to noodle about the things that the two people actually share in their private lives, apart from their taste in aesthetics — like the intersection of sustainability and environmental activism that no doubt led Leonardo DiCaprio to take an interest in buying Moby’s home in the woodsy Los Angeles neighborhood of Los Feliz.

Aside from their wildly successful careers in film and music, respectively, DiCaprio and Moby (aka Richard Melville Hall) share a passionate advocacy and philanthropy for all things eco and animal welfare. And it will be super interesting to see how the two creative kingpins soundboard and brainstorm potential new projects together now that they’re living as next door neighbors.

While DiCaprio just purchased Moby’s five bedroom, eight bathroom home in Los Feliz for $4.91 million, Moby went ahead and scooped up the five bedroom, eight bathroom house next door for $3.4 million. Commence visions of the two piling in DiCaprio’s Prius, or perhaps walking (with Leo’s brood of rescue pups in tow) the mile-plus down the street to Silver Lake for a vegan bite at Moby’s restaurant, Little Pine — to meet up with Al Gore while he’s in town, of course.

There’s likely less reality to this happening than one of us “regular people” being able to afford a spread like this, but it’s an impressive addition to DiCaprio’s growing real estate portfolio — and an impressive house flip for Moby, who just picked up the 1926 home three years ago and has spent the last two renovating it — not to mention some good escapism to break up the week for this vegan eco-nerd, at least. Has the makings of a real estate rom-com, for sure.