Uncommon Goods Is Selling Succulents in Live Mini Pumpkins (and They’re Perfect for Fall!)
Buying the right plant for you and your home takes a considerable amount of thought. In addition to figuring out what will look best aesthetically in your space, will the spot you put them in get enough light? In that vein, how much maintenance are you willing to do, in terms of checking the soil and watering them on time? Now, we have a ton of tips and tricks to keeping all of your plant babies alive longer, but there’s one type that’ll work for everyone, regardless of if you’re a first-time owner or seasoned pro: succulents.
If you’re an AT reader, you can probably tell how much we love succulents due to how often we write about them. They’re extremely easy to take care of, affordable, and to top it off, they look great, coming in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes. There are ones that look like they have mouths, glow-in-the-dark ones, and tons more unique options out there. But we might’ve just found one of the most interesting succulents on the market right now, and it’s perfect for fall. Here’s why you should add Uncommon Goods’ Living Pumpkin Succulent Arrangement to your plant collection this season.
What is the Living Pumpkin Succulent Arrangement?
It’s just what its name sounds like: a succulent and moss bouquet placed inside of a hollowed out pumpkin instead of a pot! It gives you the best of both worlds — an easy-upkeep succulent and pumpkin for a subtle dose of seasonal decor. You can choose between a larger white-striped pumpkin or three mini ones (though, one thing to keep in mind is that sizes may vary, since they’re made from live components). The retailer claims that, with consistent bright light, both the succulent and the pumpkin will last for months, and even when the pumpkin begins to rot, you can plant the succulent cuttings.
This whimsical succulent will look right at home with your other plants or on your dining table as a centerpiece. With fall in full swing and Thanksgiving just a few weeks away, make sure to grab yours now so that you have a gorgeous conversation piece during the height of the season.
Buy: Living Pumpkin Succulent Arrangement, starting at $40