Try Using This Moving Schedule If You Don’t Have Unlimited Time, Patience, or Money
It’s a frustrating fact: moving is hard. No one really wants to do it (unless they’re a professional mover, of course) because not only is it stressful, but it also costs a fair amount of money, tests your patience, and takes up a lot of time. Don’t fret, though — we’ve got you covered. Stick to the schedule below and follow these tips from moving experts so you can keep your sanity in check throughout the move.
Three Months Ahead, or as Soon as You Know You’re Moving
Start planning now. The first thing you’ll want to do is determine your ideal move date. That way, when you find the perfect place (if you haven’t already), you’ll be able to communicate your needs quickly and with confidence. Plus, says Mykail James, the Boujie Budgeter, starting your moving plans this far in advance allows you to adjust your budget and begin saving money for expenses.
Here’s what to do at this stage:
- Determine your ideal move date
- Declutter your house and get rid of things you don’t want to move
- Decide if you’ll be using movers or DIYing it
- Begin collecting packing supplies
If you’re going to use movers, start the research process now. Piet Gauchat, president of Olympia Moving and Storage, notes that mover availability has been limited for the past two years. You don’t want any unwelcome surprises, so begin gathering estimates and make a plan. Try to move on a weekday or during the shoulder season; it might cost less.
Two Months Ahead
Take this time to hammer out some specific details — like submitting change of address forms, figuring out how to transfer utilities over, and getting the nitty gritty details of the move solidified.
Here’s what to do at this stage:
- Make an inventory list to give the movers or to guide your own packing
- Start packing seldom-used items
- Secure your movers (a company or friends)
- Make a plan for switching over utilities and other recurring bills
- Confirm move-in/move-out procedures at both properties
Now is also a good time to start putting some money aside for movers. Create a weekly savings schedule so you have the money for it saved by the time you move.
One Month Ahead
You’re in the thick of it now. This is when most packing and planning should be completed.
Here’s what to do at this stage:
- Kick packing into high gear
- Continue your savings schedule for mover costs
- Secure parking permits and elevator reservations if needed at your new home
- Book a pet sitter or babysitter for moving day
Danielle Rankin from Gentle Giant Moving Company suggests that If you can, try to bring some things piecemeal to the new house to save some time later and prepare it for your arrival. “Set up the bathroom with the basics, leave some easy to prepare food in the kitchen, and leave some bedding,” she says. Bring your pets and family with you so they can get used to the space as well.
The Day Before the Move
Are you nervous? Don’t be! If you’ve been following this plan, then you can rest assured things will likely go just fine.
Here’s what to do today:
- Make sure everything is packed and labeled with where it needs to go
- Get some drinks to offer to your movers tomorrow
- Ensure essential items and things the movers are not taking are stored in a separate room
If your friends are helping you move, offer to buy them dinner tonight so you don’t have to worry about it tomorrow. Or set some money aside (meaning, not packed in a box) so you can buy them pizza after the move.
The Day of the Move
Congrats! You made it to moving day, hopefully with your sanity intact. If you’ve got movers, there’s not too much you should be doing, aside from transporting anything they’re not moving and making sure you, your pets, and your family arrive safely.
Here’s what to do today:
- Load your car with the essential items
- Be available to the movers, or help your friends load the truck
- Offer the movers drinks
- Head to your new home and direct the movers on box placement
- Pay and tip your movers
And don’t forget to enjoy some “welcome home” bubbly!
After the Move
For the first three days after you arrive at your new home, don’t make any plans. “Give yourself time to unpack, relax, and adjust to your new home,” Rankin says. And congratulate yourself on a move well done.