I Tried This 2-Second Sleep Hack, and I’ve Never Fallen Asleep So Peacefully
As someone who needs nine to 10 hours of sleep a night, going to bed early is always a good idea. But sometimes, an early bedtime is easier said than done, so I’m always in search of effective ways to wind down. I’ve tried everything from a hot shower before bed to yoga and breathing exercises. But one trick I hadn’t tried was the simple habit of using pillow spray before bed.
I love spritzing fragrance during the day, and while the concept isn’t new, a bedtime fragrance feels chic and sophisticated. Studies have shown that certain scents can help you relax before bed and help ease you into sleep, so I wanted to see if I could harness the power of pillow spray to help me get my full nine hours. As luck would have it, I had a pillow spray gathering dust in my medicine cabinet, so I brought it out and slept with it for a week. Here’s how it went.
Why Pillow Sprays May Help You Sleep
As I dove into my weeklong experiment, I also chatted with Andrew Colsky, a trained behavioral sleep medicine clinician and founder of National Sleep Center to get his take on bedtime fragrance. “A quality pillow mist, when used as part of your bedtime wind-down routine, can contribute to your ability to feel more relaxed and comfortable while promoting your ability to attain a deep, restful sleep,” he says.
My pillow mist of choice is Osea’s Vagus Nerve pillow mist, which is a blend of chamomile, lavender, lemon tea tree, rosemary, and juniper essential oils. Colsky notes that lavender has long been used to help people sleep. “Several studies of lavender’s effects on sleep found that subjects who inhaled lavender oil before sleep reported a subjective reduction in anxiety, shortened time to sleep onset, and overall improved sleep quality,” Colsky explains.
“Scientists believe that the scent of lavender is processed by the brain’s limbic system, which helps regulate emotions and promotes relaxation.”
Chamomile is also known as a calming agent, which is why it’s the main ingredient in many bedtime teas. “Chamomile contains apigenin, a naturally occurring flavonoid that binds to receptors in the brain and is believed to lead to relaxation,” Colsky says.
I was also curious to know more about the vagus nerve, especially since that’s what my pillow spray claims to activate. Essentially, this nerve helps you regulate stress and activates your relaxation response. “The vagus nerve is a large nerve traveling from the brain stem through the heart, lungs and digestive tract and terminating in the abdomen,” Colsky explains. “As an essential part of our parasympathetic nervous system, it helps regulate our heart rate, promotes digestion, and influences emotional well-being.”
And how can you stimulate your vagus nerve? “Aromatherapy, deep diaphragmatic breathing, yoga, and meditation,” Colsky says. Sounds like a perfect nighttime routine to me!
What Happened When I Used Pillow Spray for Better Sleep
With all of this newfound knowledge, I was excited to start using my pillow spray. I did my normal nighttime routine for a week, and when it was time to turn off the lights and go to sleep, I sprayed my pillow a few times before resting my head.
At first, I didn’t love how the fragrance smelled, which is why my bottle had been going unused. I prefer warm, sweet floral scents that are bright and energizing — which is the opposite of the vagus spray’s intention — so it makes sense that a calming scent took some getting used to. I’m glad I stuck with it this time around, because I acclimated to the scent after just a day or two.
What I like about Osea’s pillow spray is that the scent isn’t overwhelming. It doesn’t fill the room — it stays on the pillow where you can easily breathe it in. As I got used to the scent, I started to notice how relaxed it made me feel. It was a nice little ritual to add to my routine, and I could tell it had an effect on my body and mind.
I sometimes find it tough to turn my brain off at bedtime, but focusing on my breathing while inhaling the scent helped clear my mind as long as I was intentional about it. I’m not quite sure if it helped me fall asleep faster than usual, but it certainly was a more pleasant, soothing experience. I had heard that using pillow spray leads to having to wash your sheets more, but I continue to wash my pillow cases weekly, and it seems just fine. The verdict: I plan on spritzing my pillow from here on out.
If you’re looking to start the ritual yourself, Colsky recommends finding a pillow spray that uses high-quality oils. “Avoid mists with fillers or synthetic components, and choose those that use safe, nonreactive carrier oils over those that use alcohol or synthetic chemicals,” he says.
Osea is a clean beauty brand that uses high-quality ingredients, but you can also make your own. As Colsky recommends, be on the lookout for organic oils free from fillers, and simply add a few drops in an amber glass bottle with distilled water. Spritz on your pillow case before bed and enjoy!