Before and After: This Bathroom Answers the Question “Can You Paint Tile?”
While this bathroom would have been the absolute height of luxury and style a few short years ago—and it’s still extremely nice—it was basically the opposite of its owner’s style. After a creative, approachable DIY, this went from earth-toned bath to brightly colored… ball pit?
Roxanne of @daintylibrarian is a visionary who saw a spa tub and thought, probably, “This could be a lot more fun.” This is one of the most whimsical, unnecessary, fun features in a bathroom makeover, and it’s pretty delightful. The rubber duckies and flamingo floaties are the perfect finishing touches.
While the ball pit definitely pulls focus, the true star of this makeover is tile paint, which transformed the variegated brown tiles into teal and pale pink tiles overflowing with vintage charm. The paint highlights the geometry of the tiles, which was somewhat lost amid the stone finish. The new palette is fresh and delightful, and the framed art and inflatable flamingos contribute a slightly deeper pink and perfectly capture the vintage vibe.
As for the ball pit? A deep dive into Roxanne’s Instagram reveals that it appears to be used as an actual ball pit, providing an excellent hangout and photo spot for Roxanne and pals—like an Instagram museum in the comfort of one’s very own home, no standing in line required. A cocktail hour in a ball pit might be irresistible, especially when you know that the ball pit is squeaky clean.
Thank you, Roxanne of @daintylibrarian!