The Smart Storage Hack I Use Whenever I Buy New Holiday Decor (It’s Been a Game-Changer!)
Last year my family and I bought our first home. This year I was very excited to decorate it. But I kept coming up with excuses for not buying decorations — they were too expensive, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted, what if the decorations don’t all match, and, most of all, where would I store them?
I figured out a way around a few of these concerns by going to Dollar Tree for their super-cute and inexpensive decorations. That way I was able to buy what I liked without breaking the bank or worrying about whether or not I would like it later or if other decorations I had would clash.
But I still had storage issues. That is, until I came up with this simple-yet-effective solution: I realized that I could buy the container to store my items at the same time I bought the decorations. Here’s why this is such a great storage hack.
There is storage when the season is over.
This one’s obvious, but it made me feel a lot better about bringing more decorations into our home. Without the right storage, decorations tend to pile up at the end of the season or get shoved into an out-of-the-way corner to get tripped over or shuffled around for the rest of the year. Buying the storage at the time I bought the decorations took the “but where will it go?” weight off of my shoulders, and the bin is sitting in the basement waiting for it’s time to shine.
You can fit the decorations to the storage.
I bought a storage bin from Target and then headed to Dollar Tree, so I didn’t do this, but I will on my next holiday shopping trip. If you buy the storage and decorations at the same store, you can fill it as you shop. That way, you’ll know exactly what you have space for. And just because I limited myself to one bin for space reasons, you don’t have to! The great thing is that you can buy as many decorations as you want and fill multiple storage containers.
It acts as its own transportation.
When you’re all done shopping and checking out, you can just carry everything to your car in your storage container and skip the bags! It’s not only smart, but it’s also eco-friendly.
I’ve always kept our holiday decorations to a minimum, but with three kids who love to decorate, this is quickly changing. Typically, my biggest concern anytime we buy anything is the storage, so doing something as simple as buying the container at the same time I’m buying decorations alleviates some of that stress because I know my things won’t sit piled up in a corner once the season is over waiting for a place to go. It’s a win-win!