This Thumbtack Lamp Is a Maximalist’s Thrifted Dream
Lighting is an important part of decorating your home, but that doesn’t mean it has to be serious. Of course, lava lamps exist, but there’s also IKEA’s notable hanging wall balloons, David Krys’ martini lamp, and mushroom lamps. There’s another lamp that might look a bit tacky (literally), but it’ll be a great addition to the category of silly lamps.
Birdie Wood (@thriftyweenqueen), who often posts her thrifted finds on TikTok, has been keeping an eye out for the item for years, and found it on Facebook Marketplace.
At first glance, it seems to be a giant thumbtack with its tip placed in a cork block. But when you push down upon the top of the thumbtack, its light turns on. The playfulness of pressing up and down on the thumbtack is a part of its appeal, but how could you not love that the base of the lamp is cork? You can place smaller thumbtacks into it and add notes to your lamp. This feels fitting for a playful home that belongs to a maximalist, or even inside a teacher’s classroom.
In Birdie’s comment section, TikTok users were drawing comparison to Kaarin Joy, another TikToker with a similar style that has the orange version of the lamp. Someone in Birdie’s comment section mentioned that they have a pink one, too.
According to Oddity Mall, the lamp was created by a business in Hong Kong called VisualGram Limited. The website claims that there are six shades of the lamp, including a white, blue, clear, and red. As of this writing, there are no listings online for the lamps, but keep an eye out for sellers on Etsy, eBay, and Facebook Marketplace. The search will be worth the (tacky!) addition.