The $25 Organizer That Keeps My Bathroom Counters Clutter Free
I love beauty products, but unfortunately, my bathroom’s tidiness has suffered for it. From bottles of hair gel to packs of purifying charcoal masks, I can’t resist trying new products… which is why I’ve been needing a solution for organizing my bathroom for a while now. In the meantime, I’ve just been tossing things into the drawers. (Out of sight, out of mind, right?) There’s one drawer for hair stuff and another for skin stuff, and they’re both a wreck. Once those filled up, I resorted to putting products directly on the counter — but it’s hard to make so many little products look neat up there! I found the Flex Hair Dryer Storage on Umbra, and even though I don’t use a hairdryer, I figured it was still worth a try.
Despite its name, the Flex Hair Dryer Storage is no one-trick pony. The plastic bin comes with a removal hook attachment so that you can easily hang it over a cabinet door (genius!). It measures 10.75” x 5.6” x 6.5” and holds roughly 6-8 small boxes and bottles, depending on their size. Think nail polish remover, band-aids, medicine bottles, and all of your lotions and potions. Now I can actually see — and more importantly, use — what I have. There’s a hole on the left side of the basket for a hairdryer handle, but if (like me) you don’t use one, you can cover the opening with a detachable panel. Otherwise, leave it as is and hang your hairdryer within easy reach.
The Flex Hair Dryer Storage is a gamechanger for more than just the bathroom, too. For instance, why not use it for cleaning supplies that would normally clutter up the space under the kitchen sink? Hang them on the door instead to create storage where there is none. The bin requires no tools to install, which makes it great for renters like me, and it comes together in a minute or less. I love how compact and secure it is; when you pull the door open, the bin doesn’t slam against it or wobble around. The grip of the over-the-door clamp is tight enough to give a firm hold, yet it can still be removed without a great deal of effort or causing damage to the cabinet.
“Out of sight, out of mind” doesn’t really work if you actually want to use the stuff you have. That’s why the Flex Hair Dryer Storage has been a huge help in organizing my bathroom, especially when it comes to items like face masks, mists, and moisturizers that I used to throw into a drawer and forget about for months. I have no plans to stop buying beauty products anytime soon, but thanks to this find from Umbra, I know exactly where I’m going to put them.
Buy: Flex Hair Dryer Storage, $25