5 Things To Do With Extra Sofa Pillows
The small pillows that came with my sofa upon purchase didn’t really accent anything as their name might suggest. I wanted something a little brighter and jazzier. Instead of keeping those pillows shoved in the back corner of the linen closet, try putting them to use with one of these 5 ideas:
1. Remove The Covers: By removing the pillow covers, you can switch them out to be any color, pattern or style you want. It seems obvious, but is an easy one to forget.
2. Chair Pads: Depending on the size of your pillow, tufting them down and adding strings to the back (we suggest making a small hole in the back and sewing in a coordinating colored fabric strip to tie them to the chair) is a great way to get a cohesive look throughout your space, especially if your living room and dining room are near by.
3. Make Floor Cushions: Try gutting your pillows and put the stuffing to work inside a large floor pillow. They aren’t as hard to make as you might think and it’s a great way to add a little extra seating to your space. Not into floor cushions? Try making a pouf instead that can double as a foot rest.
4. Small Dog Bed: Even though pillows seem rigid in shape, don’t be afraid to undo their seams and stitch a few together to make one large cushion. It means your dog bed matches the space perfectly and will make Fido’s space identical to yours (hopefully keeping him off the sofa altogether!).
5. Spot Treatment Checks: If you’ve gutted the pillows for their stuffing for a project above, make sure to hang onto the outer covers for spot treatment checks. It’s always safest to check your cleaning mixture on an “out of sight surface,” but on many modern pieces of furniture that spot doesn’t really exist. Instead, save a pillow piece for spot checks.
How have you repurposed sofa pillows in the past? Let us know in the comments below!
Related: How To Wash a Pillow
(Image: Sarah Rae Trover )