I Tried This $10 Renter-Friendly Bath Storage Hack in Two Different Places — and Here’s What I Thought
When it comes to bathroom storage, I’m always looking for creative ways to keep my stuff under control. And by “my stuff,” I mean my kids’ toys. Currently, they’re into pretend scuba diving in the bath, which means kids-sized flippers and snorkels just sit in the tub (or on the bathroom floor) until the next use. Scrolling TikTok one night, I found a genius solution for storing their bath gear. Just hang a basket on two Command Hooks for easy storage and draining!
To say I ran to Target is the understatement of the century. Command Hooks? Check. Eight dollar metal basket? Check again! I’m fairly confident I bought the same one as the TikTokker, and I’ll admit, I wasn’t convinced it would work. It’s a lot bigger and heavier than I assumed it would be — and my kids’ bath gear weighs quite a bit more than the rubber duckies in the TikTok. Still, I was determined to give the hack a whirl.
Technically, it did work. The Command Hooks I bought hold 3 pounds each, so that’s six pounds per basket of stuff. It easily held everything I needed it to. The best part? Besides finally getting the toys off the bathroom floor, the holes in the basket drain the excess water, so I don’t have to worry about the stuff getting moldy or musty.
That said, as much as I love the Command Hook idea, I’m not sure I’ll leave it hanging up unless I find a more inconspicuous basket option. Our only bathtub is in the bathroom guests use, and I felt like this basket was just a little bulky — but I was dedicated to finding a use for it.
So I went upstairs, to my own bathroom, where I desperately need more storage. My shower just has a tiny shelf, which barely fits my shampoo, conditioner, and face wash. Why not try the basket?
While I didn’t give a rip how the giant basket looked in my shower, it wasn’t quite strong enough to hold more than a few of my toiletries. I could try putting it on the shower floor, but I’ll likely end up buying one of those suction cup hanging bins or an over-the-showerhead caddy and using the humongous basket in a storage closet or my kids’ toy room, not attached to a wall.
The silver lining of this whole trial? That extra Command Hook was exactly the solution I needed for hanging my razor, which constantly slides down from the tiny cubby. Now that’s a shower hack I can get behind!