Costco’s Fan-Favorite Plant Find Is (Finally!) Back in Stock
If a large, healthy fiddle leaf fig is on your plant wish list, then you’re in luck. Costco just stocked a bunch of gorgeous fiddle leaf fig trees, so you can officially grow the plant to end all houseplants — and only spend $50 doing it.
“Costco just got in huge and beautiful fiddle leaf figs,” Laura from the Costco Hot Finds Instagram account said in a recent video. “I can’t believe the size of those leaves. These are indoor houseplants that require a bit of care, but if you can get it right, they’re such a showstopper in a room.”
“Fingers crossed that these are a nationwide item at Costco,” she added.
Costco has sold these fiddle leaf figs over the past few years, and some shoppers are still going steady with theirs. “I’ve had mine for three years now,” one person commented. “It’s not as full, but it’s doing great.” Another wrote, “I’ve had mine since last summer — it’s gotten huge!”
However, others still can’t seem to overcome the curse of the fiddle leaf. Someone shared, “I have a green thumb and this plant has died on me two times.” And another commenter added, “I thought I was really great with plants … I killed three of these consecutively.”
There are a few secrets to keeping fiddle leaf figs happy. First, make sure it receives a ton of sunlight and that the leaves are dust- and dirt-free so it can absorb as much light as possible. Rotating the tree will also help it stay straight and not lean toward the window.
And once it’s in its spot, keep it there. Fiddle leaf figs don’t like being moved around, and doing this can actually cause it to drop leaves. Like many other plants, fiddle leaf plants only need to be watered about once a week when the soil is dry to the touch.
“I live in Colorado and keep mine near a window with lots of sunlight,” one commenter added to Laura’s post. “Got it when it was 4 ft tall now it’s about 11 ft tall.” Someone else also suggested using coffee to keep plants happy: “I’ve managed to keep mine alive with black coffee,” they wrote. “They even sprouted many new leaves.”
Try your hand at parenting a fiddle leaf fig while they’re just $50 at Costco. They may be finicky, but wow do they look pretty.