100 DIY Ideas for the 3-Day Weekend
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Laurel & Margot’s Celebration of Craft (Image credit: Janel Laban)
It’s the start of the first three day weekend of the summer, so in keeping with (and expanding upon!) recent Apartment Therapy tradition, we put together a big list of DIY projects to consider for the days ahead. From crafting to cleaning, renovating to relaxing, there is an idea here for everyone – 100 to be exact!
Join Us on Pinterest:
- Learn to make your pics prettier: How To Instantly Improve Your Photos
- Give your dining chairs a new (tufted!) look: How To Tuft a Seat
- Fancy up the laundry: How To Make a French Vintage Inspired Hamper
- Make your plants swing: DIY Hanging Planter
- Style up some succulents: 5 Easy Indoor Succulent DIY Ideas
- Make some cash: How to List an Item on Apartment Therapy Classifieds
- Give an old friend a makeover: How To Paint a Wooden Dresser
- Brighten up your closet: Quick DIY Colorful Hangers
- Make a cool mobile: Make Your Own Decahedron Himmeli Mobile
- Get ready for old-school vacation gaming: DIY Travel Checkers Set
- Line your drawers: 3 Uses for Decorative Paper
- Wrangle those toys: Build a Letter Block Toy Box
- Fix up a jacket before packing it away: How To Sew a Button On
- Get your tables gleaming: How To Polish Wood Furniture
- Keep the summertime grime out: Make It: A Colorful Wooden Doormat
- Make a rustic-chic note holder: How To Repurpose a Door Knob
- Speak your mind on a pillow: Graphic Stencil Pillow
- Learn something new: Design Cheat Sheets from Around the Web
- Explore block printing: Block Printed Textiles Inspiration & DIY Tips
- Whip up an easy outdoor side table: How To Make a Flower Pot Table
- Make a custom light switch plate: One Minute Tip How To
- Make some type-based magnets: Modern Cement ABCs
- Turn your instagrams into somehting new: Make Faux Photostrips
- Learn to cut your own mats: How To Cut a Mat for Framing Artwork
- Let there be light: How To Install a New Light Fixture
- …or not: How To Remove a Light Fixture
- Embrace the neon trend: DIY Graphic Neon Vase
- Tackle a chilly job: How To Clean & Organize a Refrigerator
- Organize some treasures: How To Make an Alphabet Shadow Box
- Add a little vroom to a kids room: Washi Tape Toy Car Track
- Say goodbye to the wallpaper: How To Remove Wallpaper
- Elevate a photograph: DIY Custom Photo Canvas
- Lose the wires: How To Make Any Lamp Cordless
- Decorate your table: 20 DIY Centerpiece Projects & Ideas
- Make a little chef happy: How To Make a Toy Grill for $20
- Stash your pens and pencils: DIY No-Sew Colored Pencil Roll
- Clean your bedroom: Guide to Green Cleaning Your Bedroom
- Make your kid fly – How to Make Your Baby Fly
- Create a charging station: Upcycled Plastic Bottle Charging Station
- Tidy up: How To Make a Rope Wrapped Hanging Clothes Bar
- Go to sleep!: How to Nap (No, Really!)
- Create an urban garden: Budget Friendly: DIY Cinderblock Planters
- Stop the tangles :DIY Tangle-Free Headphones with Embroidery Floss
- Make map pillows: Modular DIY Map Cushions
- Upcycle in a colorful style: DIY Painted Jars
- Make a window box: DIY Wood Shim Window Box
- Add some design detail: $5 DIY: Dress Up Your Frames with Tape
- Cover an ugly light: How To Make a DIY Drum Shade
- Make a headboard: 10 DIY Headboard Ideas
- Stencil something: Put Some Pattern On It: Stencil Resources
- Give your bed a fresh look: You Can Do It: Sew Your Own Bedding
- Light up the night: DIY Leather & Glass Outdoor Lanterns
- Make everlasting flowers: DIY Paper Flowers From Recycled Maps
- Get your books in order: How To Organize Your Personal Library
- Dress up your can lights: How To: Make Can Light Luminaries
- Put up a yurt: How To Raise a Yurt in Four Hours
- Switch out your shower head: DIY Basics: Replacing a Shower Head
- Learn the technique: How To Tie a Perfect Bow for Presents
- Join the terrarium trend: Buy or DIY: Trendy Terrariums
- Stamp it: DIY Wine Cork Stamps
- Dress up a wall: How To: Create A Reclaimed Wood Wall
- Weave a basket: DIY: Recycled Paper Sewing Basket
- Dress a window: Making Your Own Curtains: Easy Instructions
- Funkify your keyboard: Colorful Keyboard Makeover
- DIY an ikat mirror: How To Make an Ikat-Inspired Mirror
- Build an outdoor dining set: Simple Farm Style Table & Bench
- Tape your floors: Bring Crazy Colors to Your Floors with Vinyl Tape
- Hit the road for vintage finds: 10 Architectural Salvage Stores
- Make everything a blackboard: Chalkboard Paint: Off the Wall
- …with your own paint: How to Make Your Own Chalkboard Paint
- Watch how it’s done: Video Alert: How Spray Paint Cans are Made
- Custom print fabric: How To Print DIY Patterned Fabric
- Dress up the fridge: How to Create a Patterned Refrigerator
- Create an impromptu patio: How to Build a Quick Outdoor Patio
- Camp in your living room: How to Build an Indoor Fort
- Prepare for the real heat:Time to Tune Up: AC Tips
- Shut out the world in style: How to Make No Sew Roman Shades
- Get label happy: Free Printables to Organize Your Home in Style
- Create new furniture with rope: Jessa’s DIY Rope Wrapped Table
- Put your denim on ice: How to Freeze Your Jeans
- Freshen your furry floor covering: How to Clean a Flokati Rug
- Create a library of plants: How to Make Your Own Book Planters
- Bring fire to the party: A Cure for Cool Nights: A DIY Firepit
- Celebrate two crafts in one: Cross Stitch Wall Mural
- Create outdoor ambiance: How to Create Glowing Outdoor Orbs
- Put some color on the wall: Sally’s DIY Paint Chip Wall
- Add a farmhouse feature: How to Create a Sliding Barn Door
- Make a new tuffet: DIY Floor Cushion
- Disguise the power source: You’ve Got to Hide Your Cord Away
- …or make it into art: Turning Power Cables into a Design Plus
- Stow your wheels: How to Build a Vertical Bike Rack Using Spare Parts
- Dress up a door with felt: How to Make DIY Felt Sliding Doors
- Save space: Make Your Own Radiator Covers for Extra Shelf Space
- Dress up the walls with fabric: DIY Burlap Wallcovering
- Line your walls with music: Dave’s Musical Wallpaper Treatment
- Make the bath look so much better: How To Recaulk a Bathtub
- Set up a napping place outdoors: Make Your Own Bed Swing
- Add a little pizzazz: How To Brighten Up Your Medicine Cabinet
- Clean your greens: How To Clean a Large Housplant
- Find your own project in our archives and let us know how it goes!
Re-edited from a post originally published 5.25.13 – JL