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Last month, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences phoned Jean-Luc Godard to tell him that he would receive an Honorary Oscar at their November 13 Governors Awards event. Characteristically, the French film director (who’s been known to scoff at Hollywood before) seemed not to care — so much, in fact, that he didn’t return their phone call.
As the Depression era saying goes, "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." Easy, at these free community organized workshops for people fed up with throwaway culture.
You may have drooled along with us at Tony Stark’s dream garage and workshop. Turns out some of the tech is actually quite achievable. Unfortunately we don’t mean the fantastical suit of armor, fanciful interactive 3D user interface, the sports cars, or the kickass space. But there’s plenty of daily tech in use that is quite attainable. Come check out Iron Man’s man cave!Tony Stark’s workspace is a man’s dream realized for the movies.
The belt clip cellphone holder is the modern equivalent of the fannypack – super useful but super dorky. While many women (and some men) carry the equivalent of a Best Buy Mobile store in their purses, the streamlined person has to make to do with the old school pocket. But with smartphones getting more expensive and more often out of your pocket than in, the gadget holster is making a stylish comeback as a useful tool and somehow not as dorky as it used to be.
Living with three cats means living with three sets of turds, sometimes twice a day. Now put that in a studio (we know – crazy cat lady = us) and you may as well have a cot within the sewer system.It’s truly amazing how long we, as a culture, have had cats as pets and how little the litter box has advanced. It’s only been of late that some high tech solutions have shown themselves.
Times have changed for family games. With iPads, iPods, and smartphones abound, the old family card and boardgame standbys like Monopoly and Uno face some serious competition. Is there no middle ground between great family living room classics and Farmville?I just recently helped my mother upgrade her smartphone, and as an avid Scrabble family growing up, I set her up with Words With Friends so we could keep in touch over tiles and triple word scores.