Bricor 0.5 GPM Ultra Low-Flow Showerheads
Bricor claims they are the only manufacturer to create a truly “low flow” showerhead without sacrificing water pressure. Their Ultra Max 100 showerhead has only a 0.5 GPM, yet it has the highest performance value rating of any showerhead tested—more than Oxygenics or Delta. See here for Bricor’s assessment of their FIT rating (Flow Impact Intensity)Technically, “low-flow” is anything under 2.5 GPM, so 0.5 GPM is pretty astounding. How does it work?
May 8, 2019
The Color Green Is, Ironically, Pretty Toxic
Anyone even remotely informed about the environment and sustainable design knows that the color green is the go-to visual representation, via branding and packaging, that a product is sustainable, organic, or eco-friendly. But a fascinating article recently in The New York Times points out the cruel fact that most forms of the color green are manufactured in ways that are ecologically irresponsible, and in some cases severely damaging to the environment. How’s that for irony?
May 8, 2019
Before & After: Lisa’s First House, Revamped On a Budget
Just as the markets started crashing in September of 2008, Lisa Hoffman and her husband bought their first house in Oakland, California. Thankfully, they weren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves, dig in, and do most of the work themselves—all on a very tight budget. The photo above is the sad-looking living room prior to their renovation. (Check out that wallpaper!
May 7, 2019
5 Homemade DIY Natural Fabric Softeners
It should come as no surprise that fabric softeners have a long list of artificial ingredients and chemicals in them. So if you want that cozy, soft feeling without the headache-inducing scent, you can try one of these natural alternatives:1 Baking Soda: Add a 1/2 cup of baking soda to the water in your washer and let it dissolve. Add your clothes.2 Vinegar: Add 3/4 – 1 cup of vinegar to either the wash or the rinse cycle.
May 7, 2019
A Visit to Mrs. Meyer’s Headquarters in Minneapolis
As I shared yesterday, last week I got on a plane and flew to Minneapolis to tour the Mrs. Meyer’s headquarters and meet the fabulous 79-year-old Mrs. Meyer in person.
May 7, 2019
How Can I Properly Dispose Of My Old Carpet and Pad?
Q: I’m getting new carpet in my house and trying to find out where in my local area I can dispose of my old carpet and pad properly? I live in Macomb, MI, and have over 1300 sq feet of carpet and pad to dispose of.Sent by LynetteEditor: Here’s what our friends at Green Home Guide have to say:Answered by Cynthia Phakos of Koffka Phakos Design: My first step in finding carpet recycling options in your area was to visit the website for CARE, the Carpet America Recovery Effort.
May 7, 2019
Recommend a Nontoxic Waterproof Wood Sealer For Outdoor Windowboxes?
Q: Can you recommend a nontoxic waterproof wood sealer for my outdoor window boxes? I’m building and planting my own outdoor window boxes this year, and I’m having a hard time finding a nontoxic waterproof wood sealer that won’t poison my plants or the environment, and that doesn’t need to be reapplied every year. Any advice?
May 7, 2019
How To Stop Wasting Water While Waiting for Hot Water?
Q: What is the best solution to stop wasting water while waiting for hot water to reach the kitchen? My kitchen sink and dishwasher are a long way from the hot water heater. What is the best solution to stop wasting water while waiting for hot water to reach the kitchen: a tankless water heater under the kitchen sink, an on-demand recirculating system, or something else?Sent by SandraEditor: Here’s what our friends at Green Home Guide have to say:Answered by Alex Georgiou, Recurve Inc.
May 7, 2019
Can I Use House Plants To Improve Indoor Air Quality?
Q: Can I use house plants to improve my home’s indoor air quality? There is data and research on the value of outdoor plantings and the positive effect on air quality through natural transpiration. It would seem that the same would be true of indoor plants, if well maintained, both in terms of overall humidity levels, and in terms of potential CO2 reduction and biofiltration.Sent by TomEditor: Here’s what our friends at Green Home Guide have to say.
May 7, 2019
What’s the Best Green Way to Clean Tarnish Off Antiques?
Q: As a student in interior design I was taught to use naphtha for cleaning antiques. Now I am more concerned about being green. What is best?Sent by BrendaEditor: Here’s what our friends at Green Home Guide say.Answered by Jennifer Davidson, J. Davidson Design & Consulting Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the metal surface you want to clean.
May 7, 2019
Before & After: DIY Sofa Upgrade On the Cheap
Re-Nest reader Abigail recently sent us her super thrifty sofa upgrade: A hand-me-down from her parents, she’s been living with the sofa for 3 years trying to disguise it with a floral slipcover and lots of pillows.
May 7, 2019
Before & After: An Old Door Salvaged and Hung
BEFOREOld doors can be used for many things, but what about using them as, well, a door? That’s what Adrienne of Dream Book Design did: she found a door on the side of the road (for free!) and, after a bit of sprucing, made it work to fit in her existing laundry room door frame. See the ‘After’ and how she did it below: AFTERAdrienne explains that the door they replaced was a generic particle board Home Depot door that lacked character.
May 6, 2019
Before & After: An Old Fashioned Hutch Goes Modern
Re-Nest reader Cassidy (of the blog Remodelaholic) emailed us her hutch makeover, and we were impressed enough to want to show it to you! She managed to turn what is otherwise a pretty old-fashioned hutch into something crisp and modern.
May 6, 2019
Before & After: Basement Turned Light-Filled Art Studio
This basement makeover, submitted to us by Re-Nest reader Sarah of cafe + dish, shows just how transformative a few coats of white paint can be. As she writes: “Living in Boston, space is at a premium. The studio is in a “garden-level” part of the basement, so I used lots of white paint to brighten the space. What once was a very dark and dingy corner of a basement is now one of my favorite spaces…”“The renovation took about a week combined to complete.
May 6, 2019
5 Things to Do in Your New Kitchen Before You Move In
So you’re moving, huh? Congratulations! While moving itself is stressful, the prospects of a new place are usually always exciting. It’s a fresh start — a chance to reorganize and redecorate! But where do you start? I’ll tell you: You start before you move in — especially in the kitchen. Here are five things to take care of before you unpack that first kitchen box.
May 3, 2019
5 Brilliant Ideas to Steal from Julia Child’s World Famous Kitchen
In 1976 Julia Child wrote an essay for Architectural Digest about her home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In it she called her kitchen “the beating heart and social center of the household … both practical and beautiful, a working laboratory as well as a living and dining room.” Sounds so lovely, right? We—as her humble servants, now and forever—can’t get enough of her kitchen either.
May 3, 2019
10 Cheap DIY and Before & After Projects Under $50
Innovative DIY projects are always inspiring, but even more so when they’re budget-conscious! All of these Before & After DIY projects can be done for under $50. So pick your favorite and get to it!
Apr 7, 2019
25 Easy Tips, Strategies, and Ideas for Small Space Living
As we close out our Small Spaces & Simple Living month here on Re-Nest, we’re rounding up a list of tips and ideas provided by YOU via this post. Everyone has a bit of a different take on coping with small spaces: it’s all about purging your stuff. No, it’s all about organizing your stuff. Wait, it’s all about storing your stuff!
Mar 13, 2019
20 Posts On How To Get & Stay Organized
As we noted earlier this month in our Slow Home Manifesto, a slow home “doesn’t have to be fancy. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It just has to be easy to live in.” And what’s one of the tenets that make a home easy to live in? Organization! Here are 20 of our best posts on how to get and stay organized.
Feb 24, 2019
15 Outdoor DIY Projects For Summer
Fancy an outdoor rolling bar cart? Or a succulent scrap wood table? How about a shade sail or some wine crate planter boxes? Make the most of the outdoors this summer with one (or more!) of these 15 DIY projects.
Feb 23, 2019
15 Repurposed, Upcycled, and DIY Storage Ideas
There’s nothing we like better than seeing something creatively repurposed into something else—particularly if that ‘something else’ is storage-related.
Feb 21, 2019
I Spent $30 on a Fan for My Kitchen, and It’s Made a Huge Difference
A while ago, I wrote a post about how to ventilate a kitchen when you don’t have a range hood or vent. A number of Kitchn readers recommended installing a reversible window fan which, when put on the exhaust setting, can effectively draw smells, steam, and smoke out of your kitchen. I don’t have a hood in my rental kitchen, and for a long time I just ran the ceiling fans in other rooms when I cooked something particularly smelly or smoky. It worked okay, but wasn’t ideal.
Jul 23, 2018
10 Smart, Introspective Questions to Ask Your Partner at the Dinner Table
“How was your day?” Every couple sharing an evening meal together has asked this question. It’s a fine question; you care about each other, after all, and are genuinely interested in what happened that day! But sometimes, especially for couples who’ve been together a long time, dinner conversations can settle into the same grooves night after night — work talk, complaining about the subway, what’s new with the kids.
Jun 9, 2018
5 Hard-to-Kill House Plants
Mar 20, 2014
9 Dining Room Sideboard Alternatives
Mar 12, 2014
11 Industrial-Style Kitchens
Mar 6, 2014
5 Ways to Cut Down on Dirty Dishes
Mar 5, 2014
Inspired by Tidy Kitchens
Feb 28, 2014
Tips to Refresh Your Dining Room
Feb 24, 2014
7 Stellar Kitchen Wallpaper Looks
Feb 21, 2014
How to Paint Over Vinyl Floor Tiles
Feb 18, 2014
Tips for Cleaning Hardwood Floors
Feb 7, 2014
A Dining Room Project to Inspire
Feb 6, 2014
10 Inspiring Appliance Garages
Jan 30, 2014
Match IKEA Cabinet Doors to Your Kitchen Style!
From Apartment Therapy → Match IKEA Cabinet Doors to Your Kitchen Style!
Jan 29, 2014
5 Projects Made from Hardware Store Supplies
From Apartment Therapy → 5 Projects Made from Hardware Store Supplies
Jan 28, 2014
Tips to Beat the Dustpan Line
Jan 27, 2014
Mixing Cabinets and Open Shelving
Jan 23, 2014
The Most Colorful Cafe in Paris
Jan 22, 2014
Pineapple Accessories for the Home
Jan 21, 2014