Before & After: Drab Cardboard Boxes Turned Chic Organizational Bins
Emily of Namely Original is a crafty college student who’s never short on clever DIY’s and always excited to share them. This time she’s taken some boxes headed for the landfill and turned them into organizational bins cute enough to put on display.This is certainly one of those crafts that begs the question “Why didn’t I think of this?
Feb 8, 2013
Beautifully Organized: Shoe & Bag Storage
When you’re short on space, shoes and bags are some of the hardest items to give a proper home. It seems like they’re always hanging around in the wrong rooms, getting crushed together in a too-small bin, getting tangled together on a top shelf, or gathering dust at the back of a closet. Here are some lovely and clever ways to put those shoes and bags in their proper place.Top row (shoes):1. Bookshelves with glass doors make for a great display option and dust-free storage.
Jan 29, 2013
Pins Piling Up? 5 Ways to Keep Your Pinterest Boards Clean & Organized
I know what you’re thinking. Oh man, aren’t there enough things in this world to clean? Now we have to tidy up our Pinterest boards? I’ll leave it up to you to decide if it’s worth your time, but I spent an hour doing some work on mine the other day, and it felt kind of good. I use Pinterest A LOT these days, so the pins build up quickly. The more current and relevant the boards are, and easy to navigate, the more useful it is as a tool.
Jan 10, 2013
Before & After: Anna’s DIY Custom Closet
While Anna’s mid-century house has a fair share of closets, they weren’t exactly outfitted to store much stuff. Faced with the predicament of storing two young boys’ clothes and other belongings, Anna decided to build out the closet herself.A lot of us have faced a similar problem with our own closets — one measly shelf and a long hanging clothes bar do not exactly make the base for an organized closet.
Jan 4, 2013
Advice From a Pro Organizer: Fall Closet Cleaning
People always think of the new year as the perfect time to clean out closets, but professional organizer and declutterer Nicole Anzia of Washington DC-based Neatnik prefers to do it after Labor Day. “I always think of fall as a new beginning. Summer is over, kids are back at school and everyone else resumes a “normal” schedule in September. Plus, the weather is about to turn crisp, so what better time to clean out your closets?
Sep 13, 2012
5 Tiny Tweaks to Keep Your Bedroom Closet Organized
A newly reorganized closet is a sight to behold. You’ve cleared the clutter, your belongings look great, and you can check another chore off the list. If you’re like me, however, this feeling lasts a shockingly short time before the clutter creeps back. I just re-cleaned a closet I organized only a few months ago, and I’m determined to keep it nice with this list of easy tips.
Sep 10, 2012
Guaranteed to Save You Money & Time: Tips for Organizing Your Fridge
I’m always surprised by how much money I can spend at the market. While there are lots of things you can do to save money on food — limit your grocery runs to once a week, eat out of the freezer and pantry instead of ordering out, take lunch to work, shop with a grocery list — for me it all starts with having an organized fridge. Not to mention a clean one.Having an organized fridge is more than just a matter of things looking neat and pretty.
Aug 8, 2012
9 Steps To Arranging A Well-Organized Kitchen
Whether you’ve just moved into a new space, are settling into a summer rental, or are just frustrated with your kitchen, here are some ideas to help you arrange your kitchen for maximum cooking and cleaning efficiency that will making mucking about in the space a lot more fun.Start with what you have: You may love them, you may hate them, but unless you’ve got the money for a full scale renovation, your sink, stove and refrigerator aren’t going anywhere.
Jul 25, 2012
Before & After: Outdated Entry Gets a Hotel Inspired Makeover
Jill’s entry from the garage had been a thorn in her side for months. Though the checkerboard floor was a great feature, the paneled walls were dark and dated; certainly not the warm welcome home she craved. In addition to a brighter color, Jill knew she wanted to add what she calls a “landing pad” for shoes, coats, bags, etc — a spot other than her kitchen table!
Jun 20, 2012
5 Secretary Desks for Narrow Spaces
I’m on the hunt for a secretary desk that folds up to hide records, office supplies and a laptop. Must be tall, thin and handsome, with plenty of storage space. Modern, clean design preferred.It will be such a relief to move office work out of the kitchen and into its own space. Here are the secretary desk contenders so far:1. Campton Smart Technology Office Armoire from Pottery Barn2. Tall Blond Secretary by Thomas Wold3. Hallings Secretary by Thomas O’Brien from Hickory Chair4.
Jun 11, 2012
Tips For Storing Luggage at Home
For those of us who don’t have much closet space (let alone garages, attics, or basements!) where oh where are we supposed to store our luggage? Sure, there are some decent soft-sided suitcases out there, but many of the most durable suitcases are not exactly beautiful and they have hard sides and take up some serious space. One solution comes from the folks over at the blog In Decent Order who screwed in hooks high up on the wall of a large closet to hang their luggage from.
Apr 3, 2012
Before & After: Cabinet Goes from Sleepy to Uniquely Stylish
This snores-ville cabinet could definitely use a slap of paint to liven it up a bit. There is no question about that. But to give it even more personality, more pizzazz, what can you do?We’re reminded once again at the power of adding the right hardware; look at what a pair of mismatched, unexpected knobs does for this piece.Want to customize your cabinet in similar fashion? The brass finish Secret Key Handle from Anthropologie is available for just $4.95.And those lovely numbered knobs?
Feb 7, 2012
How Long Should You Keep Electronics and Appliance Packaging?
All it took was two episodes of “Hoarders” and I knew that the next morning I was going to…had to…go downstairs to clean out our apartment basement storage area. Hidden downstairs was a slowly expanding Jenga pile of boxes, the majority of them empty, but all kept under the presumption I’d need them later for moving or resale. It was time to get serious and clean house for 2012…The biggest source of empty boxes were for electronics and appliances.
Jan 10, 2012
Hide Awkward Electronics With Oversize Art
The cable for my building comes in a weird location half way up the wall in the kitchen. It’s awkward and problematic. If I would have seen this cool project a few years back I might have been inspired to do something about it before now. Don’t hate the problematic wires and modems, embrace them — oh yeah, and cover them up with giant artwork!Back in 2009 (that’s like a decade in cat years!) over at Mamamekko, this great oversize artwork was featured.
Jan 6, 2012
Before & After: Danny Seo Gets Organized
The image above is of the Danny that the world knows. Calm, cool, organized…let’s just say, Martha-like in his homemaking skills. Well, here is proof that everybody has a spot in their home that could use a little attention.
Nov 1, 2011
Before & After: Streamlining Scarf Storage
I may have a bit of a scarf addiction. With practically nonexistent closet space, they were taking over the hooks on my bedroom door. Not only was it an eyesore, it was impossible to grab a coat or scarf without creating an avalanche of accessories. This weekend, I found a solution that was quick, inexpensive, and visually interesting. Check out the after, after the jump!My bedroom is a square with this little nook large enough to accommodate the open door.
Oct 20, 2011
Before & After: A Pretty, Organized Hallway Closet
This hallway closet needs some serious assistance! Being the only closet in our apartment other than our bedroom closet, I need to utilize every inch of space here. And, as you can see in this before photo, there is all sorts of wasted space that can be reclaimed with a little reorganization.When we moved into this apartment, the hallway closet was set up as seen in the “before” photo above — a few high shelves positioned over the clothes bar with wasted space underneath.
Feb 21, 2011
Before & After: The Bedroom Desk Gets Organized
A small desk in the dormer window of my bedroom has never really been used properly. The desktop has always been a catch-all for books, clothes, and papers at the end of the day. And the drawer, well, the drawer was even worse. I finally set aside some time to give the area some attention, and it paid off:Now, instead of sitting on the floor at the coffee table, I have an inviting and functional nook to use for work.
Feb 9, 2011
9 Ways to Organize Books: Which Is Your Style?
I’m not a particularly organized person … except when it comes to my bookshelves, which are arranged in a perfectly logical, consistent way (although it’s logical only to myself). If you have a sizable book collection, it’s worth taking the time to organize them so that you can find whatever you’re looking for. Let’s take a look at some of the best methods to choose from.
Jan 14, 2011
The Japanese T-Shirt Folding Technique
Maybe it’s post traumatic stress from my days working at the Gap when I was 16, but to this day I still obsess over my t-shirts looking perfectly merchandised on my closet shelf. Luckily, I recently discovered the Japanese folding technique, which creates a perfect fold in mere seconds. Next step is to add a little magician’s flair so I can give that guy who’s always juggling his socks at the laundromat a run for his money.
Jan 6, 2011
The Best Closet Systems
A great solution to making the most out of any closet space is investing in a closet system that will carve out a spot for all your clothes and accessories.
Jan 3, 2011
Laundry Organization For Small Spaces
Laundry is a time consuming task that has a tendency to build up and become overwhelming. If you live in a small space, laundry procrastination can take over large areas of valuable space making your apartment feel cramped and chaotic. We all know the simple solution to this problem: do your laundry every week! But busy schedules always seem to get in the way of regular household chores.
Nov 17, 2010
Tips for Storing an Air Conditioner
During this post-Labor Day week, I can sense autumn creeping into the picture. While I’m sad to see summer come to a close, there is one advantage to the impending change of season. It will soon be time to remove the air conditioners and reclaim the windows! Here are a few tips for storing an air conditioner in the off season: After removing your air conditioner, take the time to clean it before you stick it in storage. Remove the filter and clean it in warm, soapy water.
Sep 8, 2010
How Low Can You Go…With Your Art
Artwork hung too high may be the worst thing in the world my biggest design pet peeve. If you’re questioning the height of your artwork, sticking to the principle of “better too low than too high” will probably serve you well. But is there such a thing as too low?Well, that of course depends on who it’s with, where it’s placed, and how that place is used.Visually, I think low hung art can almost always work as long as it’s in a group.
Jul 22, 2010
The Art of Layering
Somewhere in between random grouping and borderline clutter lies the art form of layering. It’s the decor equivalent to tousled hair: seemingly effortless. While the beauty of layering is in the unique combination of objects— making it impossible to come up with a one-size-fits-all formula— there are a few tips that may help you master the look:• Start big.
Jun 1, 2010
Before & After: Marie’s Budget Bathroom Makeover
We recently came across this inexpensive bathroom makeover on our Apartment Therapy SF flickr Pool. Marie and her husband Aaron moved into their Menlo Park apartment about a year and a half ago. While their initial decorating tended toward neutral colors and traditional furnishings, Marie felt a need to brighten things up by making her bathroom a bit fresher and younger. See Marie’s less than $50 makeover after the jump.
Feb 22, 2010
10 Space Saving Wine Racks
As we enter the entertaining season we find ourselves stocking up on bottles. They aren’t all for ourselves, of course. There’s one for the host, a couple for the dinner party, one for that recipe and, well, maybe a couple for us to keep at home.Unless you are purchasing wine that will be stored for a later date, storing bottles in the kitchen or dining room is fine. Instead of shelving them above the fridge (gasp!
Oct 13, 2009
Forgetting Items When You Leave The House?
We’ve come up with our own systems to keep us from experiencing another disaster after the jump. We recommend these nifty organizers to friends and clients. It’s the last place you’ll see before exiting the house (and a great reminder). Just remember to put the outgoing bill or important piece of paper in its place the night before. We prefer doorknob organizers over an outbox for paperwork (that way the important information doesn’t get lost at the bottom of a pile).
Feb 19, 2009
How To Neatly Wrap Cords and Hoses
While we’ve got all of our indoor extension cords neatly stored away, storing the 50ft length of medium gauge outdoor extension cord isn’t going to work with our DIY solution.
Nov 13, 2008
10 Best Useful Household Items
This morning, after we posted about Zilok, the online items rental service, we started a laundry list of items we feel are essential to have around the house. These fairly mundane items are items we use regularly, use for multiple tasks around the house, and we couldn’t think living without… Binder clips: We didn’t realize how important these were in our household until we ran out of them recently.
Jun 4, 2008
12 Uses for Baskets around the House
We love baskets. Their woven texture and light airy look says summer to us. And with their many colours, weaves and sizes, they’re versatile. Here are some ways we use them around the house.[Image via Zara Home] To catch paper waste in the bathroom or office. A natural for towels, wet or dry, in the bathroom or use them for beach towels outside. Baskets are often used to hold dirty laundry because their lattice texture keeps it from smelling rank.
May 15, 2008
Look! DIY Platform Bed With Storage
David tells us his DIY platform bed project isn’t yet complete, but we think he’s done such a spectacular job with his bed/storage to this point, we wanted to go ahead and share what’s he’s completed thus far… The bed frame is a platform filled in with sheet-rock compound. “…there’s a few things left to do to the bed before it’s complete.
May 8, 2008
The 20 Best Household Uses for Velcro
Technically the item we’re showing up above isn’t velcro. It’s actually called 3M Dual Lock Reclosable Fasteners, a velcro-like product with Herculean fastening capabilities four times the tensile strength than normal velcro.
Feb 12, 2008