Channel Your Energy: The Very Best Things To Clean When You’re Angry
When you’re angry—or even just a little peeved about something beyond your control—how do you deal in a healthy way? Some people exercise, and others go out with friends to blow off some steam and have some fun, for example. But there’s another way to deal that can also help you be productive at home, too: angry cleaning.
Apr 21, 2017
DIY Ideas for Impeccably Organized Drawers
Your guide to custom-crafted drawers.
Apr 18, 2017
The Best Spot for Small Space Storage May Be Right Behind You
If you're hard up for storage solutions, you may be looking below your sofa or your bed, or above your cabinets — but what about behind?
Apr 13, 2017
Eke Out More Space: Put Your Windowsills to Work
It's like instantly adding more square footage without even trying.
Apr 11, 2017
3 Simple Things Happy Travelers Do Before They Leave for a Trip
Nothing beats the relaxation that comes with taking a much-needed vacation. A trip away from it all—whether you’re headed somewhere warm and beachy or ready to bundle up somewhere colder—can be just the thing you need to help you unwind and de-stress. But there’s one thing that can drag you right back to reality when you return: a messy home.
Mar 28, 2017
Inspiring Workspaces That Will Make You Ready To Take On Even the Worst Monday
When you work from home (whether full-time or even just the occasional catch up day) it’s important to have a space carved out that’s just for getting things done. Not only because it’s hard to be productive and creative when you’re sitting in bed with a laptop, but because it’s hard to separate work and life when you spend half your time working in spaces that aren’t really designed for it.
Mar 26, 2017
Clever Ways To Store (and Use) Your Luggage at Home
Luggage is just one of those things that tends to take up a lot of space, and when you live in a small home, you know how hard it is to find a place for small trinkets, let alone huge trunks and suitcases. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or just take a trip once or twice a year, you probably own at least a suitcase or two, so here’s how to make use of them when you’re not on-the-go and where to hide (or display!) them when you’re settled in.
Mar 23, 2017
No Counter Space? Solutions for a Clean and Clutter-Free Kitchen Sink Zone
Kitchen sink zones come in all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, the smaller the space, the harder it is to find extra room for storage. Throw in the fact that you’ve barely got any countertop space, and keeping things clean and organized around your sink can really start to get tricky. Luckily, all it takes is some effort and imagination to transform a cramped kitchen area into a streamlined display.
Mar 14, 2017
Clever (& Cheap!) Ways To Organize With Wooden Dowels
Walk into almost any hardware or craft supplies store and you’ll find a bin full of inexpensive wooden dowels. Buy one of these 48-inch-long wooden wands for under $5, and magically transform it into a useful organizing tool — everything from a DIY pegboard to a simple coat rack, like the one in the entryway above. If your home’s in need of some serious organizing help (whose isn’t?), let these hardware store hacks put things in their place.
Mar 14, 2017
The 5 Stages of Cleaning After a Breakup
No matter how long you’ve been dating someone, the ending is never fun. It can leave you feeling sad, confused and angry — and frankly, sometimes you just don’t know what to do with yourself. Often our post-breakup instincts fall somewhere between wallowing, wanting payback or finding something productive to focus on instead.
Mar 6, 2017
Making it Work: 8 Solutions for Even the Smallest Studios
Aside from getting a glimpse at how other readers make a home, one of the best things about Apartment Therapy House Tours is exploring the myriad small space living solutions. Renting a small space—particularly a studio—often presents obstacles: perhaps there is an unsightly feature that can’t be removed or a seemingly inevitable storage issue (we’ve all been there).
Mar 5, 2017
7 Real Homes that Master the Art of Organization
It’s easy to spend an entire day clicking through photos of gorgeous houses and apartments and finding decor inspiration, but what about when it comes to organizing? There are beautiful, clever ways to store your things that you may not have even thought of yet.
Feb 26, 2017
No Time for Bullet Journaling? Inspiring Daily Planners to Try Instead
It’s no secret we’re fans of bullet journaling here, but we totally get that it’s not for everyone. Bullet journaling requires some time upfront to get it all set up and a dash of creativity to make it look Instagram-worthy. If you’re more of a ready-to-write type of person when it comes to your daily planner, then we suggest checking out our list of chic and cool planners and printables below.
Feb 22, 2017
Toss & Keep, Garage Edition: How to Clean Up the Messiest Place in the House
Your garage is guaranteed to be the messiest place in the house —a place to ferret away junk and keep closed and off-limits when company comes over. It’s a holding vault for the kids’ old toys and items you borrow from neighbors and plan to return…eventually. What do you toss*, and what do you keep? How do you organize it all so the clutter never takes over again? Here’s a handy guide to see you through the decluttering process.
Feb 17, 2017
The 3 Catch-Alls You Need to Keep the Top of Your Dresser Clutter-Free, Forever
“Everything in its place” is a great mantra, but it doesn’t seem to allow for things like an errant IKEA S-hook that might be useful one day, or for the receipt you’re sure you’ll need if you change your mind about the shoes. But those things exist and they keep coming into our homes, filing themselves away in junk drawers and on the tops of dressers.
Feb 16, 2017
Rank Them: The 5 Little (But Life-Changing) Cleaning Commandments
Cleaning isn’t really all that fun, especially when you have to do a total overhaul of your home all at once. To keep dirt and clutter from building up over time, it’s a good idea to follow a few simple cleaning and organizing rules on a daily basis. That way, you do a little bit of picking up each day and avoid doing a whole lot of cleaning later on.
Feb 15, 2017
Shelf Help: Strategies to Style Your Open Shelves (And Keep Them Looking Neat)
Ask anyone who’s lived in rental apartments with questionable design decisions, there’s definitely a different vibe between embracing trends because you want to and embracing them because you have to. (“White appliances are hot again!,” they say. So why can’t you look at your circa-1996 kitchen and get excited?
Feb 7, 2017
Stylish Storage, Crazy Low Prices: Online Dollar Store Hollar Launches Private Label
If you’ve ever found yourself lost amidst the rows of The Container Store wondering why what essentially amounts to a simple box is so dang expensive, we’ve got great news. Hollar, the world’s first online-only dollar store, just launched their own private label home collection, and it’s chock full of inexpensive items to keep your life organized. Brick-and-mortar dollar stores are doing quite well these days.
Feb 4, 2017
Room by Room: 9 Clever Ways to Organize Your Home with Pegboard
Using pegboard at home means you can have unlimited options for organizing and decorating—you can paint it in any way you choose, use different kinds of hooks and organizers, keep it practical or display tons of art, rearrange things as you see fit, and use it in just about any room. And the best part: Since it’s fairly simple and inexpensive to install and take down, it’s also a handy solution for renters.
Feb 2, 2017
The Surprisingly Big List of Things You’re Probably Not Keeping in Your Car (But Should)
Having grown up in an old farmhouse miles from… well, anything, I know firsthand how unfortunate it can be when your car breaks down or you get stranded with no one nearby to lend a hand. My only saving grace has been that I live somewhere warm enough to walk the miles that stood between my car and civilization. If I lived in a colder state, I’d probably already be a goner. So whether you keep your ride spotless or your floorboards double as storage receptacles (holla!
Jan 31, 2017
How to Cope with Little or No Bedroom Storage (& Maximize the Storage You Have!)
If your bedroom storage situation is such that you laugh-cry every time a person on “House Hunters” (or any given home show) sashays through a walk-in closet and then pouts, “This just isn’t enough closet space,” then grab a cup (okay, more like a big pot) of tea and settle in.
Jan 26, 2017
Organizing DIYs Based on How Much Makeup You Actually Have
There’s nothing more aggravating than a messy makeup system. When you have eyeshadows separated between drawers, lipsticks rolling around aimlessly, bronzers tossed into corners, and bottles of foundation stuffed onto shelves, it can be a nightmare to try and get ready. And if you still haven’t recovered from the whirlwind of parties and traveling from the holidays, chances are that space is looking a little more rough than usual.
Jan 25, 2017
The 10 Commandments of a Clean Car
For many of us, our cars become a home away from home. Between work commutes, kid pickups, and daily errands, we wind up clocking some serious hours inside our vehicles. And just like any place where we spend a lot of time, keeping things tidy can be tough. Luckily, with a little effort, there are ways for even the laziest of drivers to stay nice and neat. So to help, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite (and foolproof) approaches for maintaining an orderly automobile.
Jan 18, 2017
5 Ways to Organize a Desk Without Drawers
In a small space, it’s hard enough to find room for a desk, let alone a big desk with drawers and tons of storage space. The good news is, you don’t need a cabinet full of drawers attached to your desk to store all your things—just use the space you do have to your advantage. These tips and tricks can help you make the most of your desk, drawers not included. 7 Ways to Organize a Bathroom Without a Medicine Cabinet or Drawers 9 Ways to Organize a Kitchen Without Many (or Any!
Jan 13, 2017
How To Creatively Document Your Trips: Discover Midori Traveler’s Notebooks
When I was in high school, I was hardcore into scrapbooking (nerdy, I know). I loved being able to document memories in a fun and creative way. I considered taking up the hobby again in more recent years, but when I remembered back to how time consuming and exhausting it was to pick up my big mess when I was done, I quickly decided against it.
Jan 11, 2017
Selling Your Home: The 11 Most Important Spots to Declutter Before the Open House
Make no mistake about it: when you’re selling your house, potential buyers want to see everything. That means no area of your home (not even your utility closet) is safe from the gaze of a serious house hunter. That’s why it’s crucial to maximize every square inch of your place—backyard shed included—by minimizing your overall clutter.
Jan 9, 2017
5 Ways You Can Organize with Toilet Paper Rolls (Really!)
Stop right there! Before you throw away your next empty toilet paper roll, consider this: with a little effort, you can probably get so much more use out of it (and keep it out of a landfill). From keeping unruly cords at bay to organizing your favorite makeup tools and jewelry, those cardboard tubes can come in incredibly handy. So, sure, you could toss it in the trash, or, you could use it to make your home a more beautiful, organized place with these projects—you decide.
Jan 7, 2017
A Sneaky Way to Create a (Really Big) Closet in Your Small Space
Living in a tiny apartment? Short on closet space? Here’s a clever way to make a walk-in (yes, walk-in!) closet in your small apartment, and create a cozy spot for sleeping at the same time. You’ve probably guessed from the photo above that the solution is lofting your bed. If your ceilings are tall enough, you’ll wind up with plenty of space below for a closet and plenty of space for sleeping above.
Jan 5, 2017
The Easiest (Yet Most Important!) Step of the January Cure
I promise that my headline is not hyperbole. Today’s assignment really is super fast, easy AND it’s the number one thing that will make a difference in your home from today on. Those of you who have done the Cure before most likely already have one of these magical items in place. If you do, I’m hoping you’ll consider your assignment to add something new to yours today, and then let us know what you chose in the comments.
Jan 5, 2017
The Storage Black Hole in Every Home
It doesn’t matter if you cook every day or once in a blue moon. You might have a teeny tiny kitchen or one with more cabinets than you know what to do with. No matter what, I’m going to guess that everyone doing this Cure could benefit from shining a little light on the storage black hole we all seem to have in common: the pantry cabinets in our kitchens.
Jan 4, 2017
Sneaky Hidden Storage Solutions for Small Spaces
There’s a lot of wisdom out there for fitting extra storage into small apartments, but a lot of it ignores a particular reality of small space living, which is that in many small spaces, you can see pretty much your entire living area at one time. And while there are some things you may want to proudly display on the wall, there are others you would probably prefer not to look at all the damn time. Plus, having a little hidden storage just makes a space look less cluttered.
Jan 3, 2017
15 Home Organizing Mini-Tasks You Can Tackle in 15 Minutes
Okay, so you’ve got a few minutes before the newest episode of your favorite show comes on—how do you spend it? You could flip through the channels to find something random to watch until it starts, or, you could work towards making your home a more beautiful, organized place (and make your life a little bit easier). Need inspiration? Try one of these quick tasks… Are your books actually organized, or do you just place them wherever you have room on a shelf?
Jan 2, 2017
6 Instagram Must-Follows for the Bullet Journal Obsessed
If you’ve caught the bullet journaling bug and now just can’t stop hunting for layout inspiration, follow these seven bullet journal-obsessed Instagrammers stat. Each feed is brimming with enviable bullet journal photos that will without a doubt get your creative juices flowing and help get your life totally organized. Italian bullet journalist Roberta Ranieri’s feed is filled with beautiful BuJo eye candy. Her layouts are simple, beautiful, and filled with creative doodles.
Dec 23, 2016
Excess Baggage: What to Ditch When Your Bags Are Overweight
You may have packed lightly and organized on the way to your destination, but it never fails: excess baggage follows you home from vacation like a lost puppy. You invested time in finding all those sand dollars, and there was this perfect little gift in the window of the most adorable shop ever, begging to be taken home to Mom. Now, these perfect little gifts laugh mischievously as you stare at your suitcase in dismay. But that’s not the only problem. Your bags are overweight.
Dec 16, 2016
Bigger’s Not Always Better: 10 Reasons to Love (Cleaning) Your Small Home
When it comes to cleaning house, bigger definitely isn’t always better. Ask anyone with a giant place if they’d rather be responsible for looking after a studio-sized apartment—and suddenly your humble abode won’t seem so bad after all. In fact, preserving your neat and orderly small-ish home can feel relatively painless when you compare it to cleaning ones with more square-footage—consider it the silver lining of small housekeeping.
Dec 13, 2016
Get a Closet that Works For You: 5 Ways to Customize Yours
Your clothes aren’t one-size-fits-all, so why would your closet be? Whether you’ve got a walk-in wardrobe, an open clothing rail in your bedroom, or something in between, you’ll want to make it work for you and give you a thrill every time you visit. Here are five ideas for customizing your closet. So maybe your wardrobe isn’t the walk-in you dream of. It might not even be stand-in.
Dec 11, 2016
5 Bathroom Cabinet Storage Hacks You Need to Try
When you have a tiny bathroom in your home, you know that how you use your space is of the utmost importance. Unless you’re clever about how you arrange things and where you store your products, your bathroom can quickly become an out-of-hand mess. And even the nicest, sleekest, most-organized bathrooms can have a dirty little secret—a messy cabinet under the sink.
Dec 6, 2016
16 Hilariously Relatable Tweets About Cleaning
Even if you’re generally good at keeping up with your household chores, we can all agree on one thing: Sometimes cleaning really just, well…sucks. There’s nothing worse than when the dishes pile up or you suddenly realize you’re out of clean clothes, and as zen as dusting and vacuuming can be, they’re not exactly at the top of your fun activities list.
Dec 5, 2016
The Best Ways to Store The Dishes You (Almost) Never Use
‘Tis the season to be merry—and host dinner parties, of course. It’s time to break out a couple of bottles (or boxes, no judgment here) of wine, about a metric ton of food and, well, the dishes to help you serve said culinary delights. Since most of us don’t host large dinner parties every day, this means some of the extra dinnerware used during the holidays isn’t in regular rotation.
Nov 24, 2016
Techniques for Decluttering Without Emotion (When You’re an Emotional Person)
So, you’re a “stuff” person. It’s okay—a lot of people get emotionally attached to their things (myself included!) to a point where it’s hard to get rid of anything that has any sort of meaning to it. But you probably know, on some level, that collecting things you don’t need and don’t use can lead to a ton of clutter, especially if you live in a small space or lack an abundance of storage.
Nov 9, 2016
5 Things Impeccably Organized People do on Sundays
There’s a subtle shift in the mood of every Sunday that signals the end of kicking back and the beginning of gearing up for the week ahead. Paying attention to this shift can mean the difference between a manic Monday and one that sets the tone for a smooth week ahead. Here are five ways to set yourself up to be on top of it as the week starts.
Oct 30, 2016
Smart Hacks: 7 Ways to Add More Storage in the Living Room
A living room closet is a godsend, a convenient place to cram all your belongings so your living room can be clutter-free for relaxing and entertaining. But if yours doesn’t have a closet, storing things in the living room can be tricky. You don’t want all your belongings strewn randomly across the most aesthetically important room in your home. Luckily, with a little creativity, you can make a lot of space in your living room without sacrificing any elegance or organization.
Oct 28, 2016
9 Reasons Why It’s Infinitely Better to Clean by Yourself
Let’s be real—cleaning isn’t exactly fun for anyone (unless you’re Monica living in an old episode of Friends). But maybe, just maybe, cleaning doesn’t have to suck so much. The key to happy cleaning might actually be turning it into a solo activity, and finding ways to make it more fun. It can even be kind of calming if you approach it right.
Oct 27, 2016
10 Tiny Details that Really Up Your Organization Game
When it comes to housekeeping, a little effort can truly go a long way. That’s why it pays to mind the details when you’re organizing all of your home’s unsightly stuff. Small things that might seem insignificant—think: box labels, basket lids, and table skirts—can actually make a world of difference when you’re putting together your place.
Oct 26, 2016
6 Easy & Clever Ways to Organize Your Hair Styling Tools
You wouldn’t trade your favorite curling iron for anything, and yet, you probably don’t even have a designated storage space for it. Keeping your heat styling tools clean and organized is important for more than just aesthetic reasons—having a safe place to store them will help them last longer, since easy organization means no more destroyed cords and damaging falls from the countertop.
Oct 22, 2016
7 Ways to Prevent Product Clutter When Your Bathroom Is Tiny…or Teeny-Tiny
When my husband and I were on the hunt for a home last year, one of my must-haves was a spacious master bathroom. You know, the whole nine yards – a huge soaking tub, plenty of storage, dual vanities. So if you knocked on the door of our sweet beach-town bungalow today and asked for a tour, you’d likely be surprised to find a master bathroom so slight that my husband and I can barely fit in it together. (In its defense, it does have a massive tub.
Oct 20, 2016
Built-ins on a Budget: DIY Ways To Get the Look Without a High Pricetag
Find out how to hack or recreate these covet-worthy architectural details.
Oct 19, 2016
DIY Ideas: 6 Decorative Ways to Store Toilet Paper
Gone are the days of stacking your bath tissue on the back of your toilet. Say hello to your new toilet paper goals (seriously, who knew you could have toilet paper goals?) Your TP storage doesn’t have to be boring—with some creativity and a dash of DIY, you can organize your toilet paper and treat it like decor. All you need to make the glass toilet paper display above is a tall, round glass vase wide enough to fit rolls of toilet paper, and some decorative tape.
Oct 16, 2016
Organizing Strategies to Help You Leave the House on Time, Every Time
Does it seem like no matter what you do, you’re always running late for something? Getting out the door early may seem impossible, but with a few new organizing strategies, you might just surprise yourself with your newfound promptness. Little things like packing your bag the night before and doing some easy meal prep can make it so that you leave on time, every time—here’s how.
Oct 12, 2016
6 Dirty Little Secrets of People Who Live in Small, Perfectly Organized Apartments
Let’s be honest: we all have a friend or family member who against all odds is irritatingly clean. Despite their studio-sized apartment space and insanely jam-packed schedule, they somehow manage to keep their place perennially—if not inexplicably—prim.
Oct 11, 2016
Getting Along While Getting It All Done: 7 Fun Ways to Divide Up Roommate Chores
Chores aren’t fun, and unless you’re lucky enough to get along with all your roommates, having the conversation to divide them up might not be easy, either. Good news: Apps can help, and you can add a little variety into your cleaning routine by trying some fun DIY takes on chore charts, and by turning your chores into a bonding activity.
Oct 9, 2016
How to Actually Rid Your Apartment of The Things You’ve Decided to Donate
Marathon runners will tell you that the last mile is the toughest. And so it goes (in, admittedly, a lesser way) for organizing your apartment. The journey from kitchen or closet to a box by the front door might feel like a mission in itself, but getting that box out to a donation center, resale shop or just to the recycling—that might be even harder.
Oct 7, 2016
Work Through Your Wardrobe by (At Last!) Tackling This To-Do List
Cleaning out your closet is a really big task. There’s a lot to unpack, pun slightly intended, when you determine your wardrobe needs sorting—just deciding to get rid of a few pairs of jeans might send you on a tailspin through everything from sentimental memories to body image issues.
Oct 6, 2016
A Plan (and a Flowchart) for Clearing Out Your Bath and Beauty Products
Your bathroom may possibly be the only division of your small space with four walls and a door, so it’s not totally surprising that a lot of clutter ends up settling inside the bathroom to hide. Couple that with the fact that your bath and beauty kit is likely the last thing that gets refreshed (Do you know when your mascara expires? Do you?), and you’re looking at a bonafide problem area. Today, we clean it out for good.
Oct 5, 2016
A Foolproof Method for Finally Slaying Your Paper Clutter Monster
Living small has its disadvantages—and the biggest one just might be how a tiny apartment seems to magnify your mess. If you’re going to be a small-space dweller, you have to be ruthless: sorting through your things on a daily basis, deciding with a swift hand what stays and what goes (and most of it should go). If that daily practice has escaped you for, say, the last several months—It’s OK.
Oct 3, 2016
10 Things You Should Always Keep in a Fireproof File Cabinet or Safe
Get these 10 things out of your car, wallet and drawers and into a safe place—literally. A fireproof safe will make sure all the documents protecting you, your assets, and your loved ones are secured in case of almost any catastrophic event, as well as allow you to keep all your important info in one convenient, private, burglar-proof location. And if you’re not currently in a position to acquire a heavy, high-quality safe, I’ve got you covered!
Sep 26, 2016
5 Instagrammers to Follow If You’re Bullet Journal Curious
Have you heard of bullet journaling? The latest trend in list making, it really just requires a notebook, a pen, and maybe a ruler if you’re a stickler for straight lines. Part planner, part diary, all bullet journals start with an index, and the rest is up to you. You can add yearly overviews, monthly calendars, daily habits, shopping lists, class notes, doodles—you name it.
Sep 23, 2016
Clever Ways to Store Your Hair Elastics (So You Never Lose One Again)
Quick: Name one thing you buy all the time but never have when you need it. You’re thinking about hair elastics, aren’t you? If you have long hair, hair elastics can be the bane of your existence. They’re so helpful, and yet, so hard to keep track of. It feels like no matter what you do, your hair ties are always disappearing.
Sep 15, 2016
It’s Not Too Late! 5 Things People Don’t Do Enough (But Should)
Have you ever opened up the refrigerator to discover last week’s leftovers taking out a new and seriously unappetizing lease on life? It’s okay. You’re not alone. In light of the fact that modern life keeps us all on our toes (and some things are way too easy to let slip through the cracks) here are five things we should all pencil into our calendars on the regular, ranging from simple to stink-prevention. Technology is great… but it’s also kind of unpredictable.
Sep 8, 2016
How To Actually Get a Project Done Before Summer Ends
With just a few weeks until the official end of summer, the clock is ticking on your summer bucket list. If your list includes getting some projects done around the house, consider this your how-to guide on finally get them done.
Sep 4, 2016
6 Genius Ways to Organize Under the Sink
The area under your kitchen or bathroom sink can sometimes feel like an island of lost products. And it will never get any better, until you actually take the steps to sort it out and install some (potentially temporary) organization solutions. Here, half a dozen ideas to get your cabinets in order. Put one or more of these into place, and you’ll be rewarded with a storage area that looks better (good for your heart) and works better (good for your mind).
Aug 31, 2016
From Nearly Nonexistent to Enviably Large: 5 No-Fail Recipes for an Organized Entryway (At Any Size)
Here at Apartment Therapy, we’re huge proponents of the landing strip—having a dedicated “clutter filter” in the entryway can make your whole home more organized. What’s more, no home is too small for this crucial bit of design know-how. Read on for my recipe for an organized foyer at any size.
Aug 30, 2016
10 Storage Sacrifices You Have to Make When You Live Solo in a Small Apartment
Although scoring your first solo apartment can be a wonderful thing, you still have to prepare yourself for the daunting task of packing—and fitting into—a presumably much smaller place than you once shared with your roomies. The fine line between “holding onto” and “hoarding” means it’s finally time to decide which of your housewares are truly worth keeping—a process that can be almost as exhausting as moving itself.
Aug 24, 2016
#EntrywayGoals: When Storage Is Tight and There’s No Coat Closet In Sight
The closet by my front door is overflowing with jackets, raincoats, and accessories. It’s packed so tight, I can’t even reach into that closet to grab anything. Heaven forbid I should need to add anything else to the mix. I’ve got to find a solution to keep in-season outerwear at the ready, and a place to stash guest coats at a moment’s notice.
Aug 23, 2016
How to Handle the Bedroom Chair Pile-Up For Good: 5 No-Hanger, No-Fold Options for Casual Clothes Storage
Here are five of our favorite no-hanger, no-fold options for casual clothes storage.
Aug 16, 2016
10 Double-Duty Must-Haves for a Super Organized (and Efficient) Entryway
The foyer is possibly the highest traffic area of your house (that is, if you’re lucky enough to have an actual entryway.) It’s the landing strip for your jacket, bag, shoes, keys, mail, and where you stash anything else you’ll need out in the world. All of this is happening in probably one of the smallest spaces in your home, so you’ll need components that perform double—or even triple and quadruple—duty, like these 10 do to take control of this drop zone.
Aug 16, 2016
A Dozen Tips for a Super-Organized Dorm Room
Most dorm rooms are tiny. And sure, you probably don't need a lot of stuff when you go off to college, but you still need some stuff. We've got some ideas for how to fit it all in.
Aug 16, 2016
Storage Solutions: 8 Brilliantly Hidden Kitchen Drop Zones
I can’t imagine Ben Franklin was thinking of secret and sneaky compartments for modern home storage solutions when he said “A place for everything, everything in its place,” but the inventor’s wise words are no less true today, particularly in these 8 genius kitchens. Above: Add just a few more inches to your upper kitchen cabinets to stash away dog leashes, keys, wallets, notes, and beyond.
Aug 16, 2016
5 Plans for Efficiently Organizing Your Home’s Most Cluttered Spot
When it comes to a design-savvy home, a proper entryway is key—pun intended!—to staying organized and prepared to leave the house every day. If you’re lucky enough to have a formal foyer at home, by all means, go buy yourself an entry table or storage bench and bask in all of your front door glory. But if you’re like the rest of us—working with a tight corner or narrow hallway in place of an actual entrance—staying coordinated can be a bit more trying.
Aug 15, 2016
4 Brilliant Small Space Solutions Inspired by Tiny Homes
There are tons of space-saving lessons to be learned from the tiny home movement. Here are four of our favorites.
Aug 15, 2016
A Short Guide to Traveling Light: 5 Rules to Help You Pack Less
The best rehab for an overpacker is a strict set of rules. They’re a little tough and ruthless, don’t get me wrong, but I promise there’s an inverse relationship between how little you can pack and how much fun you’ll have. Mix it up with tees, blouses and tanks, but limit yourself to packing only one per day of the trip. You can still switch it up between pieces from day to night, just give your things time to breathe in between.
Aug 11, 2016
The Daily Routines You Need to Survive Studio Living
Here’s a survival tip akin to the tagline of “Alien”: In a studio, there’s nowhere to hide your mess. While one-room living demands that you keep a clean home, there is less to clean, generally. That means you can make tidiness just another part of your daily routine and be one of those people who never has to clean because they’re cleaning all the time. While you’re brushing your teeth and getting ready for the day, add these two tasks to your morning flow.
Aug 11, 2016