Sneaky Ways To Stash All Your Craft Supplies
I love having a well-stocked craft cupboard (or room, tote, or closet), but find myself locked in a never-ending battle with my craft supplies. A box from IKEA holds all my embroidery supplies except my oversized hoops, my twines are all in a tangle, and there are pompoms everywhere. Here are a baker’s dozen ways to keep your stash organized, accessible, and even aesthetically pleasing.
Jul 30, 2016
No Guest Room? 5 Tricks to Make Visitors Feel at Home
The summer is prime hosting season, but the reality is, many of us don’t have the luxury of owning a guest room to offer to friends and family when they pass through town. Yet even in a small space, there are simple ways to make overnight guests feel more comfortable and welcome in your home—even if they’re just crashing on the couch.
Jul 5, 2016
5 Travel Essentials I Always Forget to Pack (And Hereby Vow Never to Overlook Again)
I’ve gotten to be a savvy enough packer that before I take a trip, I write a list of what I need to bring with me to my destination. Bathing suit? Check. Something to sleep in? Got it. Bridesmaid dress? Uhhh… right over here. (Thank god I wrote that one down – true story.) All the necessary things make it on to the list.
Jul 1, 2016
Bikes & Skis & Surfboards, Oh My: Ingenious Ways to Store Gear in a Small Space
Fitting big hobbies—the type that require a board, a helmet, and maybe even a wetsuit—into a teeny-tiny home can be a tall order. Your best bets for storing this space-hogging gear are to work them into your decor plan or place them in often-overlooked spots (aka hide them in plain sight). Here are nine ways to stash sports gear, without cramping your style. This bike rack from CB2 doubles as a shelf, with a small platform to place your water bottle or helmet on.
Jun 27, 2016
More is More: How to Display Your Most Treasured Collections
For those collecting maximalists among us—who can’t have just one globe, camera, or milk glass goblet, but seem to amass them by the dozen—here are some creative ways to organize and live with the things you love. All of these ideas keep your most cherished items in sight, incorporating them seamlessly into your decor. This is probably going to become your new favorite spot in your home.
Jun 27, 2016
The Big List of Clever Ideas for Your Most Organized Kitchen Yet
There’s a lot that goes on in your kitchen, so it’s especially important that it be organized. Here are 18 ideas that will keep your cabinets and countertops clean and uncluttered, so you can focus on the important stuff, like cooking, and, of course, eating. Use tension rods inside a drawer to keep the contents from being jumbled about. Another great use for tension rods? Holding cookie sheets neatly upright. You can also get the same effect with a file organizer.
Jun 24, 2016
Space Savers: IKEA Hacks for Small Closets
Teeny tiny closet got you down? After you’ve winnowed your clothes down to the essentials with our Closet Cure (of course), check out these nine clever ways to use IKEA products to squeeze out a little extra storage in your closet. Above: A Grundtal rail and hooks squeeze out storage for a few extra pairs of shoes behind the door in this closet from Maria EMB. The Bygel rail can do the same for heels, as seen on Stylizmo.
Jun 15, 2016
Cluttered is the New Clean: 10 Truths All Messy People Know
“You’re born messy and you die messy, but someplace in between you get bullied into believing that you should be neat and organized,” says writer Jennifer McCartney in her hilarious book, The Joy of Leaving Your Sh*t All Over the Place. Bravely rejecting the KonMari method and other trendy tidy-up plans, McCartney proposes a revolutionary (albeit tongue-in-cheek) system for accepting your own clutter.
Jun 14, 2016
Practice Home Mindfulness: It’s Time to Fix that Thing that Annoys You About Your Home
We all have something about our homes that irritates us—it may be a leaky faucet, a creaking door, a window that’s jammed. Oftentimes, rather than fix these micro annoyances as soon as we notice them, we choose to ignore them. But why? Wouldn’t it be better if our phone chargers didn’t slip behind our desks and if we secured down the edge of the rug that always trips us up? I think yes!
Jun 14, 2016
The Art of the Weekender Bag: 9 Secrets to Packing Light
Now that travel season is finally here, it’s time to pull out your weekender bag and refresh your getaway gear. Last year, I was like most New Yorkers—who live in one of the world’s most fabulous cities, but who are absolutely itching to get off the grid the second it’s summer—and tried to book as many weekends away as possible.
Jun 10, 2016
Design Solutions: A Lookbook of (Good Looking!) Hanging Pots & Pans Solutions in Real Kitchens
Whether your space is just too small or your storage options lacking, you might find yourself in the position of figuring out where to store pots in your kitchen. Don’t despair if there’s no cabinet to tuck them away in; there are ways to store your pots out in the open that won’t hurt your eyes. For your storage inspiration files: 14 examples of real homes storing pots stylishly.
Jun 9, 2016
Clever Products to Help You Never Lose Your Keys Again
If you’re the sort of person who tends to be a little absent-minded and spends entirely too much time looking for their keys, then this post is for you. Here are ten little gadgets that will provide you with a convenient space to stash your keys, so you’ll never lose track of those suckers ever again. Above: Magentic key target, $65 from Bower NYC. The key catch ($7.
Jun 9, 2016
Setting Yourself Up for Success: The Easy Way to Keep Your Closet Under Control
You’ve made it! Through sorting and straightening, mixing and matching, you should come out the other side of our two weeks together with a cleaner closet and more organized way of thinking about your wardrobe. Through the processes of decluttering and rebuilding, you hopefully have learned a bit more about your style and what suits you, have pulled together some outfits you like and have a better idea of what you need to add to make even more good looks.
Jun 6, 2016
The ModCloth Founder’s Closet Is Exactly as Amazing as You Think (Actually, More)
You’ve seen ModCloth founders Susan Gregg Koger and Eric Koger’s home style in their San Francisco house tour. Susan shared personal style advice, closet organizing tips and some favorite style resources in her style profile. Now, take a deep dive into the amazing ocean of vintage finds, ModCloth buys, fabulous shoes, shiny accessories and more in Susan’s closet tour.
Jun 6, 2016
Organization Orgasms: 12 Well-Designed Pantries You’d Love to Have in Your Kitchen
You know you’re Type A when the sight of a perfectly organized pantry sends shivers down your spine. We’ve rounded up 12 spectacular kitchen spaces with perfectly portioned storage built for these families’ dry goods and serveware. If you’re building out your own pantry right now, these spaces will serve to inspire your design. And if you don’t even have a pantry? Feel free to scroll down and immerse yourself in an addicting bout of organization zen moments.
Jun 3, 2016
The Final Round: Sorting Shoes, Bags and Last Season’s “Maybe Box”
If this is your first Apartment Therapy closet cure, then today is your final sorting exercise: the time has come to tackle the so-easy-get-out-of-control area of (dun dun dun) shoes and bags. For those of you who are on Round Two of our Closet Cure (aka graduates of last Fall’s inaugural version) then you will likely have an easier go of it with far fewer shoes and bags and therefore will have time to pop the lid on your “maybe” box from last time around.
Jun 1, 2016
Before & After: IKEA + Wallpaper = A Match Made In Closet Upgrade Heaven
We’re all about the goings-on inside of your closet, but sometimes the outside needs a little love and attention. Anne hits all of the functionality & beauty buttons with her new closet. She not only had the closet fixed to fit the space and her needs, she added some gorgeous color and pattern to her spare room. From Anne: My old closets had ugly doors, and too much space behind walls. I wanted to open up the access and have sliding doors.
May 28, 2016
Buy or DIY: The Coolest Geometric Shelves Under $100
A home really starts to take shape the moment shelves are hung on the walls, and these stand-out geometric gems pack enough personality to set the tone of the entire room. Whether you choose a market pick or decide to make it yourself, these statement shelves look like modernist works of art—even before you fill them with your most marvelous collectibles. (above) Room goals: Pentagonal shelves that stack up to the ceiling. Geo Shelf, by Urban Outfitters, $89.
May 24, 2016
The Secret History of the Closet
You probably think of a closet as a little room where you hang up your clothes. But for much of its history, the closet has served a completely different purpose entirely. Come back with me, if you will, to the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages having a bedroom was a bit of a privilege — most common folks slept either on the floor of the great hall of the manor where they lived, or in the single room that served them as kitchen, living room, dining room, and bedroom all in one.
Apr 24, 2016
Before & After: Two Tiny Closets Get a Super-Functional Update
The master bedroom of Nikkia and Daniel’s two-bedroom apartment had an especially perplexing and inefficient closet situation: two tiny closets side by side, each with a single shelf and hanging rail, and a tiny door that made accessing the closet’s contents a challenge. So as part of their apartment renovation (which included a very smart kitchen update), they combined the two tiny, poorly designed closets into one big, super-efficient one.
Apr 1, 2016
6 Ways to Fill a Wall that Are as Useful as They Are Beautiful
Imagine for a moment that you’re an infallibly practical person. The idea of filling a wall with framed artwork…well, it would be such a waste, wouldn’t it? Sure, there’s value in surrounding yourself and decorating your walls with pretty things. But useful things can be beautiful, too. A cork wall treatment acts as a big mood board, perfect for a study, home office or any room that welcomes constant visual change.
Mar 24, 2016
Before & After: A Closetless Apartment Dilemma, Solved
When you find the perfect apartment, but it doesn’t have a closet, you have two choices: You can either A. throw away all your clothes, or B. get creative. I chose B. Finding an apartment in New York is not easy. In fact, it is damn near impossible.
Mar 15, 2016
Fresh Modern Takes on Pegboard
Pegboard is having a moment right now. You can find the standard fare in any home improvement store, but there’s also so many modern takes on the market that give you a whole new reason to hang them on your wall. And it’s still fantastic and useful storage for every room in the house. Above, the Pink Mesh Circle; $329 from Bride & Wolfe is a slight variation on the theme with shelves instead of pegs, but the idea is the same. (Also, digging the David Bowie styling alot.
Mar 2, 2016
Real Small-Space Closet Solutions: How To Hang Your Clothes Out in the Open Without it Looking Like a Mess
No closet? No problem. You know how Edward Sharpe says “Home is wherever I’m with you”? Here’s your new motto: My closet is wherever I keep my clothes. Let’s just grab a sturdy garment rack (or make one from scratch) and set up shop in the living room or bedroom. It can look great, with the right inspiration. Flank a garment rack with a dresser on each side, like shown above in Jeanette & Mikul’s Airy, Sunny and Minimal One-Room East Bay Loft.
Feb 25, 2016
How To Double Your Closet Space for $51 and One Trip to the Store
Closet too small? Join the club. It’s called “everybody.” But good news! There are two ways to battle a too-small clothes closet: One is to get rid of some of your stuff (in that case, you’ll want to check out this three-part capsule wardrobe series). The other is to get smart about storage. It doesn’t take a lot of time or money. In fact, all you need is one fifty-dollar bill, some sofa cushion change, and an afternoon at your local superstore.
Feb 22, 2016
What to Do About Yoga Mats & Towels Drying Everywhere, Every Day?
Q: My husband has become an avid practitioner of hot yoga which means I now have wet yoga towels draped all over the furniture in my bedroom and yoga mats laid out to dry all over the floor.
Feb 19, 2016
Step-by-Step Success: A Game Plan for Tackling a Massive To-Do List
Faced with a growing list of important things that just need to get done… it can be a little overwhelming to say the least. What you need (besides a clone–natch!) is a fool-proof system for staying on top of your task list. There eight tips are here to help. Stick with these strategies and you’ll be able to make quick work of a long list, week after week.
Feb 18, 2016
Space-Maximizing Secrets: Making the Most of Dressers & Credenzas
We do a lot of talking about how to organize the big storage spots in the home — from your closet to your kitchen counters to the pantry and more. But what about those smaller but still vital storage spaces in your home? The stand-alone furniture pieces like dressers, credenzas, storage cabinets and more? If you’re anything like me, these vital storage spots can sometimes get overlooked and become messes.
Feb 18, 2016
6 Ways Magnetic Storage Could Save Your Organizing Life
Magnet magic is something you can put to work in your home — and in all kinds of ways you might not have imagined.
Feb 8, 2016
5 Real-Life Wardrobe Storage Solutions From Apartments with No Closets
Take inspiration from these five real-life apartments, whose residents found smart ways to store everything with no closet in sight.
Feb 5, 2016
How To Edit Your Bookshelves and Start Loving Your Space
Quite like beautiful jewelry, a well-styled bookshelf will always catch your eye. Every bookcase offers an opportunity to display your favorite books and objets in a perfectly styled gallery of sorts. But–again, just like jewelry–too much can definitely be a bad thing. Overloaded shelves will begin to look cluttered and messy if you’re not careful. If you sense your space has ventured into the latter categories, you just need to take an hour or so and edit your shelves.
Feb 2, 2016
Easy Ideas for Making Your Entryway Work Better for Winter
Kerstin & Andy’s Colorful and Happy Family Home in Australia With snow, salt, mud, and the other sloppy aspects of winter, it’s all too easy for the entryway to become a mess. Whether your door deposits you right into your living space or you’re lucky enough to have a mudroom, there are some things you can do to make your entry as winter-friendly as possible. Handmaid Tales Shoe storage First things first: boots.
Feb 1, 2016
You’ve Got This: Goodbye Cure, Hello to Keeping Up the Good Work
I’m convinced that there truly is something magical about the start of a new year. It’s like a big shiny reset button, just waiting for us to hit it, which allows us all to feel free to start fresh and move our lives toward whatever we see as ideal. But, in reality, that mindset can be an everyday one.
Jan 29, 2016
Keep Your Home Cleaner & More Organized, (Almost) Automatically
Getting this assignment done today will help keep your home cleaner and more organized for as long as you keep it up, guaranteed. This key part of the Cure ups your consciousness around what comes into your home, which is a pretty straightforward formula for success – the less dirt, clutter, useless paper and items that come in, the less time you need to spend cleaning and organizing it later.
Jan 26, 2016
Take a Peek Inside America’s Largest Closet
A few weeks ago we featured 12 super luxurious closets that are about the size of the typical Manhattan apartment. But these, it turns out, do not even come close to the size of the biggest closet in America, which covers three stories and measures a whopping 3,000 square feet. The closet, to no one’s surprise, is in Texas, where land is plentiful and everything is bigger.
Jan 25, 2016
Organization Inspiration: Small Hallway Storage Projects That Make a Big Difference
Hallways are awkward spots in our homes, both overlooked and undervalued —they’re weird in-between places that we pass through multiple times daily, but we don’t actually spend a lot of time there. What they don’t have to be is a waste of space. With a little time and effort they can be storage powerhouses. Who says you can’t have built-ins in the hallway?
Jan 22, 2016
How To Pare Down Everything Just Like You Pare Down Your Wardrobe
If you’ve tried a few different ways of decluttering your stuff — from home decor to paperwork to furniture to cleaning supplies and more — but still find yourself struggling with feeling like you need more room in your home and life, you might find success with this method. It’s a good process, particularly if you’re someone with a love and mind for fashion.
Jan 21, 2016
A Little Lesson in Keeping a Home Under Control for the Long Haul: One Small Step at a Time
When I hear from readers who do the Cure, one of the things they often say is that the thought of getting a whole home clean and under control is so daunting that they don’t even want to start, but when it’s broken up into bite-size chores, they actually want to do MORE after completing a task, not less. I think there is something to this reverse psychology that we pull on ourselves.
Jan 7, 2016
The Totally Free Clutter-Clearing, Worry-Busting Home Organizing Secret Weapon
Today’s assignment is the easiest one you’ll complete this month. It’s also the single most important step toward the continued success of your Cure and the future of your sure-to-be enviably calm, clean and under control home. You’re going to set up a simple but powerful tool that makes it far easier and less stressful to let go of things that you no longer need. It’s Not Too Late! Join The January Cure: It’s an Outbox.
Jan 6, 2016
Get Rid of Christmas Clutter: 5 Things to Toss Right Now
Before you mindlessly pack up all of your holidays decorations, and store them out of sight for the year, take a moment to toss things that have no business sticking around. You’ll be happy next December when you don’t have to wade through three storage bins full of glitter and gold. Get rid of these five things, and maybe you can even get it down to one small box. Instead of holding onto lights that no longer light up, get rid of them.
Jan 4, 2016
Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet: Join the January Cure and Get Organized
There is nothing like the start of a new year to kick yourself into gear and make changes that last. And no, I’m not talking about resolutions, which have a sneaky way of fading along with the holiday glow. I’m talking about taking just one month and investing some effort (21 do-able assignments in total throughout January) toward a cleaner, more organized and more peaceful home.
Dec 22, 2015
Sneaky Storage Secrets of a (Really Really) Tiny Apartment
Once upon a time Tesha lived in one of the smallest apartments I’ve ever seen, a trim little 224 square foot one-bedroom on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Since then she has upgraded a bit (tour coming soon!), but today we’re taking a look back at her old place. Despite its small size, it was also one of the neatest apartments I’ve ever seen — thanks to a few clever tricks. In a small space, finding space to store things is a constant struggle.
Dec 11, 2015
Out-of-Sight Style: Inspiration and Resources for a Compact Closet Office
We recently featured a House Tour of Joe and Alana’s 160-year-old Newport home. Alana works for a commercial production company and a creative agency, both in New York City, while Joe is the founder and president of a company based in Warren, Rhode Island. To be together, they travel between the Big Apple and the Ocean State, an arrangement which requires them both to work remotely at times.
Dec 3, 2015
5 Things That Should Never Happen in Your Living Room
Your living room is a place for connecting with friends, spending time with family, relaxing by yourself and more. What it shouldn’t be is a place for any of these five things. Take a look at this list and banish any of these if they’ve been taking place in your living space. Do you start apologizing for a mess, for the pet hair, for the unfinished DIY projects, for the sofa that isn’t quite your dream sofa yet?
Nov 28, 2015
The Secret Weapon That’s Going to Help You Thrive During Your Next Move
Moving is tough. Uprooting your life. Disturbing your routines. Not to mention having to put everything you own into boxes (and then into vehicles and then out of vehicles and into a new place). That’s why the next time you move, whether it’s in a few months or a few years, you should consider this small trick that might help you survive it with your sanity intact.
Nov 23, 2015
3 Secret Weapons for a Clutter-Free Home
We all know someone whose home is always mysteriously, maddeningly clutter-free. How do they do it? Maybe they just don’t have any stuff. Maybe they incinerate everything right before anyone comes over. Or maybe they have a few secret weapons. Here are three of your most important allies in the fight against clutter. If you are trying to get rid of clutter, drawers are almost magical.
Nov 11, 2015
Before & After: A Multi-Purpose Dining Room Gets Organized
I live in a one-bedroom apartment. Being an Interior Designer and pillow shop owner, I have a lot of different things to do on a daily basis. I sew everyday, sketch room designs, pull together fabrics for client projects and new pillow designs, and do various computer tasks for my business and blog. So, I was forced to use my dining room to store all my business stuff. There was clutter everywhere and no room for a large enough table to both sew and eat on.
Nov 9, 2015
10 Smart and Stylish Storage Solutions for Your Craft Space
If you’re a crafter, you know how quickly things start to pile up. Yes, I do need that many different types of scissors and that many colors of ribbon! If you have a designated craft area either large—lucky!—or small, it’s nice to (at least try to) keep it organized, especially if it’s in a part of your home that’s not off-limits to guests.
Nov 8, 2015
10 DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas
No matter how clean it may be, a cluttered bathroom always looks messy. Whip it into shape and put everything in its place with one of these easy DIY makeup organizers. 1. DIY Skateboard Makeup Shelf by a pair & a spare Kick-push your makeup into the right space with this fine-looking recycled skateboard shelf. 2. Leather Makeup Brush Holder by hello natural Having a hard time keeping your brushes close? DIY this easy, chic holder in leather—or your favorite heavy duty fabric. 3.
Oct 28, 2015
10 Ways to Refresh Your Bedroom in Under 30 Minutes
Jamie & Byron’s Elegant Art Canvas You spend a huge chunk of your life in your bedroom, but if you’re like me, it’s one of the rooms you give the least consideration, in terms of decor. Usually there are a few central pieces of furniture to think about, and beyond that, it seems like a matter of keeping linens clean. But there are plenty of ways that you can easily and cheaply refresh your bedroom, even if you only have 30 minutes to spare.
Oct 14, 2015
Yes, You Can Have A Lot of Stuff and Still Be Organized (Here’s How)
There’s a war on stuff lately. Minimalist manifestos abound, both inspiring decluttering and shame. If you’ve gotten the impression that to be an organized person you can’t own more than one of a particular object, we want to assure you that yes, you can have a healthy love of stuff and collecting and still manage to have an organized home. Here are are best tips to have the best of both worlds. We all have one, and it’s individual to each and every one of us.
Oct 12, 2015
20+ Clever Ideas for a Super Organized Garage
Your garage is a hardworking space. It’s where you keep your sports equipment, your tools, your gardening supplies, your out-of-season decorations. How in the world are you supposed to keep all that stuff organized — and maybe even make room for your car? Here are 23 inspiring ideas. Above: A workbench with plenty of wall-mounted shelving above, spotted on BHG.
Oct 1, 2015
3 Easy, Instant Ways I Made More Room in My Tiny Kitchen
I moved into a small, 500 square foot apartment with real wood floors, tall charming ceilings and a spunky little kitchen that can’t be more than a few feet wide. Yes, WIDE. We’re talking can’t-open-the-oven-unless-you’re-standing-on-the-side small. But I managed to fit everything I needed in my kitchen snugly, in a way that functions well enough that I can easily pull things out as I need.
Sep 28, 2015
Block Scheduling Versus To-Do Lists: How to Budget Your Time
To-do lists, while necessary, are the minutiae of what we do with our time, and mostly detail the things we have to do as opposed to the things that are most important. Block scheduling, on the other hand, is the big picture, category-level view we need to pay attention to in order to truly be in control of our time. Budgeting time is very similar to budgeting money: you have a certain amount of it to spend and you’re going to decide before it’s gone where it’s going.
Sep 23, 2015
4 Easy Things You Can Do to Make Any Size Kitchen Better
Looking for easy things you can do to make your kitchen better, look nicer and feel more comfortable? You want it to be an inspiring space you want to use. There are lots of improvements you can make; these four things are easy and work with any size or style of kitchen. What are those things you use everyday? The things you’d have to open a door or drawer to get to (or maybe even dig out of some container)?
Sep 23, 2015
The Most Important Step of the Closet Cure
Congratulations! You made it to the end of our inaugural Closet Cure. We started out a little less that two weeks ago with our eye on the prize of a pared down wardrobe, filled with things that make us look and feel good, stored in clean, uncrowded closets and drawers. Whether you have reached that goal already or are still working through the assignments at your own pace, I hope you feel like your efforts have been paying off.
Sep 22, 2015
Turn Up the Awesome: A Weekend’s Worth of Easy, Effective Closet Upgrades
As we turn the corner into the second (and final) weekend of the Closet Cure, I’m hoping you are feeling proud of yourself. You should be! It’s not easy to sort through and pare down your stuff; and you’ve done plenty of that this past week. Now its time to double down on the hard work you’ve already done and make the most of the physical space of your closets and drawers. We have a weekend ahead, so lets make the most of it!
Sep 17, 2015
The Final Sort: Socks and Tights and Bras, Oh My
We’re more than halfway through the Cure (Assignment #6, so only 4 more to go, woo) and today is your final day of sorting (can I get an amen?). You’ve already done the heavy lifting when it comes to paring down, and I tried to save the fastest, easiest-to-sort stuff for last; the things that are often easiest to let go of and to replace: lingerie/underwear, workout wear, pjs, socks and tights. Be ruthless!
Sep 16, 2015
Faking an Entryway in a Small Space: 6 Strategies That Really Work
Don’t have an actual entryway? You’re not alone. Small space dwellers and those with modern homes that didn’t build an entryway into the floor plan all suffer from being dumped right into a living room and not having a proper introduction to a home (not to mention a spot to store day-to-day items you need easy access to).
Sep 16, 2015
Stay Strong: Sorting Shoes & Bags
I love shoes. You love shoes. Everyone loves shoes. Which is why maybe we just might own too many pairs. (Shocking, I know.) And, I’m pretty sure that some of you might be in the same boat when it comes to bags. These are the fun, fashionable yet practical items that are so easy to add to your wardrobe, they seem to magically multiply on their own. Well, it’s time to channel your inner sorting superhero and stay strong: today is the day to tackle the hard-to-let-go-of shoes and bags.
Sep 15, 2015
Calling All Closet Curers: A Chance to Catch Up and Drop Off the Dry Cleaning
Happy Monday! After a very ambitious and busy start to the Closet Cure (and with plenty more to come), today is a well earned day away from all the sorting and decision-making – and a chance for anyone who is feeling behind to get caught up with the assignments.
Sep 14, 2015
Divide & Conquer: The Big Bad Clothes Sorting Weekend
Welcome to the first full weekend of the Closet Cure! The next assignment won’t be sent out until Monday, so you’ve got three days to get lots of good curing in. If you haven’t gotten started yet, no worries – this is your chance to get on board and catch up with the group. Now that you’ve walked through the sorting process with your sweaters, it’s time to work your clothing assessment magic on some other key sections of your wardrobe.
Sep 11, 2015
Here Are 10 Things You Could Get Rid of Today (and Never Miss)
After a while, you get so accustomed to seeing the things in your home that you tend to gloss over cluttered spaces because they seem normal. So we’re getting really, really specific. Are you guilty of storing any of these things that you don’t want or need? The groceries are long gone; their day is done. Is your linen closet keeping up with your furniture? Why are you still storing that frizz-inducing shampoo?
Sep 11, 2015
Why Does Getting Rid of Stuff Feel So Good?
Many of us strive for a more simplified life, in which what surrounds us are things we either truly love or truly need, preferably both. To arrive at — and to maintain — such a lifestyle, we have to get rid of things, whether it’s in one fell swoop or in small doses. While it feels like a big mountain to climb, getting rid of things ultimately feels sooo good. Here’s why. Physical space and mental space go hand-in-hand.
Sep 10, 2015
Slimming Down Your Sweater Collection
I live in Chicago so layers are a lovely fact of life here. Sweaters are both a fashion opportunity and a warmth necessity and while there’s no reason to fight it, that doesn’t mean all knitwear is good knitwear. It can get pilly, shrunken, holey and plain old worn out. Today, we’re going to start the Closet Cure off in a relatively small and manageable way and sort through just your sweaters. Let’s go.
Sep 10, 2015
Bags, Boxes & Big Plans: Getting Ready to Get Organized
Today is the day to get ready for the big closet and wardrobe cleanout that you know you are going to be so happy to be on the other side of. And you know that anything worth doing is worth doing well. And you know that the best way to do something well is to have a plan in place, prepare what you need to follow that plan and then just do it (and don’t give up; but of course, you aren’t going to do that, especially if you are prepared!).
Sep 9, 2015
The Ten Minute Bathroom Clutter Cleanout
Storage space in the bathroom is always at a premium, and if you’re like most people, your bathroom is probably full of things you don’t really use. The good news is that cleaning all that stuff out doesn’t have to be time-consuming or involve a lot of agonizing decisions. Just take ten minutes and follow this handy guide. Here are a few things that have no place in your bathroom: 1. Towels that have seen better days.
Sep 8, 2015
Having These 5 Things in Your Entryway Will Save You Time Every Day
If you’ve been reading Apartment Therapy and participating in the Cure, you know all about the power of a well-organized entryway to help catch clutter and keep your home looking beautiful. But did you know the things you decide to keep by your front door can also save you time every day?
Sep 3, 2015
3 Ways to Save Your Memories (So You Can Let Go of the Actual Things)
One of the our biggest emotional blocks against reducing clutter is nostalgia! We want to keep remembering the great things that happened to us while wearing that sweater or the time in our lives when we loved those plates, so we hang on to stuff that we no longer need. But guess what? You don’t need the actual items to keep those great memories at the front of your mind. Try these ideas.
Aug 30, 2015
Before & After: Eleanor’s Corner Kitchen Cupboard Clearout
Like most people’s, or at least most avid cooks’, my kitchen never seems to have enough storage. I’ve mentioned my issues with kitchen storage and organization before, and it’s an ongoing struggle, but one of my cupboards has recently gone from hot mess to holy moly, that’s tidy!, all thanks to two cheap, simple products.
Aug 10, 2015
3 Lifesaving Home Hacks for Lazy People
I have tried to hide it, because I have a professional interest in pretending to have one of those homes that always looks inexplicably perfect, but here’s the truth: I am lazy. I hate picking up. I hate cleaning. Of course I love it when my house is not a complete wreck — who doesn’t? — but I hate the effort it takes to get there.
Aug 6, 2015
Marie Kondo Says Don’t Do This Key Thing While Decluttering
Decluttering maven Marie Kondo has inspired us all to live, not only with less, but with only the things that spark joy. Her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing is full of inspiration and instructions about how to make your home the streamlined, joy machine it can be and, notably, warns against one specific thing (that we do all the time!). We wouldn’t have thought of this one but it’s so true.
Aug 2, 2015