How to Get Rid of Gnats
If your apartment is plagued by tiny floating black dots, you might think you’re hallucinating or your eyes are failing. We can’t totally rule those out… but it’s more likely you’ve got a much less alarming but still extremely annoying problem.Gnats.There are a few strategies for getting rid of your pesky new visitors.
May 10, 2019
How To…Get Rid of Bleach Stains in the Bathroom
Bleach stains…sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? Well, a few days ago, in an effort to unclog our drain, we followed the advice of one of our friends and poured bleach down the drain. And man, we learned our lesson: Don’t. Do. That. EVER! Even after we rinsed the tub, the next morning we found nasty bleach stains around the tub. After two hours of scrubbing to no avail, we went online to hunt for some kind of remedy… After some research, we tested out a few solutions: 1.
May 10, 2019
How To: Build A DIY Humane Mouse Trap
It appears that my recent house guest was an elderly member of a rodent community underneath our building. Our friend and neighbor found another rodent brought in by her cat in her adjoining unit, and was notified that some workmen discovered a nest of mice living beneath the building in the foundation. She’s been looking to get rid of it, but humanely, but isn’t too keen on traditional traps.
May 10, 2019
How to: Naturally Clean Up Pet Vomit From Carpet
Occasionally our cat scarfs down his kibbles so fast he doesn’t properly digest his meal, undoubtedly resulting in a small pile of partially digested dinner ontop of our rug. Cleaning it fully requires some careful handling, since you don’t want to press in the mess into the fabric and leave a stain…First, use a butter knife or a spoon to pick up the bulk of the mess from ontop the carpet.
May 10, 2019
How to: Clean Around the House with Alka-Seltzer
AT readers in the past have commented a few times about the household uses of the indigestion relief tablets of Alka-Seltzer for tasks like odour removal in the fridge or for cleaning vases. Here are a few other household tasks that can be tackled with the plop-plop-fizz-fizz action:Clogged Drains: this won’t work for serious clogs, but it’s a low cost solution for a moderately clogged kitchen sink (it won’t work with hair).
May 10, 2019
How To Read Upholstery Cleaning Codes
Upholstery should be marked with a code that allows the buyer to know in advance, what type of cleaning is suggested. This is an important thing to keep in mind when purchasing new pieces for your home, or dragging something old back from an auction or estate sale. Click through the jump to see what these letters mean and share your tried and true methods for stain removal.
May 10, 2019
How To: Foolproof Red Wine Stain Removal
Our new friends before the wine mishap.A recent lovely evening of food, conversation and wine came to a halt when we noticed a few drops of red wine had stained the embroidered tablecloth we were dining upon. Emily immediately turned to the ole fashioned pile of salt routine, but this didn’t seem to work as well as we had hoped.
May 10, 2019
How To: Clean Your Driveway
Although cleaning your driveways seems like something painful, it’s like most things and needs routine maintenance. It’s easy to forget about, but will be quickly remembered when you have to fork over the cashola to have a new one poured. Click through the jump to learn 8 essential driveway cleaning tips that can save you great hassle down the road. Cleaning your driveways is something best done with regularity.
May 10, 2019
Good Questions: How Can I Get Rid of Bathtub Stains?
AT DC, I moved into an apartment with old bathtub stains that really gross me out. The former resident’s bathmat left dark stains on the bottom of the tub. I love taking baths but wouldn’t be able to relax with those icky stains. I’ve tried various bathroom cleaners and none have gotten rid of the stains. Any ideas? I really miss my bath time!
May 9, 2019
7 Quick Things You Can Do This Weekend to Refresh Your Space for Summer
Being able to be outside signals the start of the year's change of season and our change of pace.
May 9, 2019
Tips For Using Communal Laundry Facilities
In our apartment building there are 15 units with roughly 40 people in them. On the main floor there are 2 washers and 1 dryer for everyone to share. Needless to say, laundry is always running around our place (even at 6am, which we have found to be the best time to do ours!) and because of it, there are a few tricks and tips we have picked up to insure our laundry turns out clean and timely. Before heading downstairs to run a load of laundry we always fill our Downy Ball with a bit of vinegar.
May 9, 2019
Tips and Tricks: 5 Cheap Alternatives to Air Fresheners
A clean house usually means a fresh-smelling house, but sometimes there are lingering or very hard to handle odors that make you consider store-bought air fresheners. Before you make the purchase, you can try one of these 5 normal household items that you most likely already own…We found a these tips and tricks at Readers Digest:Citrus: Deodorize a Humidifier: Add 3 or 4 teaspoons lemon juice into the water.
May 9, 2019
How To: Get Rid of Pesky Home Odors
We were going on day six (no, that’s not a typo!) of living with the horrific lingering smell of burnt popcorn. The usual drills of opening the windows, spraying air freshener, and lighting candles seemed to have little lasting effect, so it came time to do some research. Here’s a roundup of the helpful tried and true advice that restored our home’s air quality to breezy good health… 1. Vinegar.
May 9, 2019
How To: Remove Breastmilk Stains
As I found out recently when I was putting some of our son’s newborn things away, breastmilk really is the gift that keeps on giving. In his first few months our son spit up a LOT – on himself, on us, on bibs, burp clothes, blankets, you get the picture. The stains seemed to wash out but now, nine months later, I was distressed to find prominent yellow stains on everything.
May 9, 2019
Dust and Dust Mite Proof Your Bedroom
If humans or animals live in your house — you have dust mites. No special test is needed to check, it is a fact. Even if you are not sensitive to dust, keep reading.I found all of this information on the web via Environmental Health and Safety Online and The Allergy Store.House dust mites are microscopic bugs that primarily live on dead skin cells regularly shed from humans and their pets. Dust mites are harmless to most people.
May 8, 2019
We Cleaned Our Sofa In The Washing Machine!
Last year we purchased a sectional sofa with clean lines and best of all, removable and washable upholstery. Even though the tag said it was ok to do so, we were still shy about using our washer to get things clean. Curiosity won in the end, so we tossed them in — said a silent prayer — and hit start! We originally purchased our ridiculously large sofa (over 15 feet total!) from a dealer in KC, just before the holiday season last year.
May 8, 2019
How To Remove Jar Labels and Odors
We reuse jars and bottles everywhere in the home – to store bulk grains, dish soap, buttons, nails, you name it. Removing the sticky labels and any odors (most often from foods like tomatoes, pickles, and garlic) from the jars is a mundane yet satisfying task. Here’s how we do it.MaterialsHot waterDish soapSponge or steel woolVegetable oil or peanut butter (optional)Sunshine (optional)Vinegar (optional)Baking soda (optional) ToolsHair dryer (optional) To remove labels1.
May 8, 2019
How To Clean An Old Frame
Since we haven’t gotten around to hanging any of our artwork in our new apartment, we’re literally tripping over everything. For example, this frame used to hold an antique print–but it fell and broke. After we took it apart and removed the broken glass, we took the opportunity to clean up the very old frame.Ingredients [OR] MaterialsMild dishwashing soapWhite VinegarWood Oil ToolsToothbrushQ-tipsSoft cloth 1. Wipe any dust and dirt off of your frame with a clean, soft cloth.2.
May 8, 2019
When Should Your Shower Sponges Be Discarded?
Did you know your bathroom sponges, loofahs and poufs can be a serious breeding ground for some nasty bacteria and germs? It seems silly since we soap them up and rinse them clean, but we recently learned they should be tossed out far before you see any wear and tear. We were shocked at how short their lifespan really is!
May 8, 2019
How To Make A Wine Bottle Tiki Torch for Under $4.00
Inspired by the this Recycled Wine Bottle Torch post and annoyed by mosquitoes this week (how is it that they’re already out and there’s been only a few weeks of spring?), we hit up the hardware store and threw together a $3.48 recycled wine bottle torch filled with citronella. While it’s not as classy as the real thing (nor as safe), it keeps the bugs at bay and looks pretty good. And it was quick and cheap.
May 8, 2019
3 Quick Ways to Clean Glass Vases
Often times once we’ve gone to the trouble of buying flowers and arranging them in a beautiful vase, we’ll let them die there, becoming a different kind of bouquet. The only issue is that this can often mean that our vase has a residue left inside that can be hard to clean.The same goes for vintage glass containers we find in thrift stores that have residue or mineral deposits left behind. Here are our go-to ways for making them sparkle.1. Salt and Vinegar.
May 7, 2019
For a Safer Option Than Dryer Sheets, You Can Throw a Scented Paper Towel in Your Laundry
For as nice as fabric softener can make your clothes smell, it turns out that sometimes, they're not so great for the environment, or your skin.
May 7, 2019
What’s the Best Green Way to Clean Tarnish Off Antiques?
Q: As a student in interior design I was taught to use naphtha for cleaning antiques. Now I am more concerned about being green. What is best?Sent by BrendaEditor: Here’s what our friends at Green Home Guide say.Answered by Jennifer Davidson, J. Davidson Design & Consulting Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the metal surface you want to clean.
May 7, 2019
How To Clean A Quilt
I am a quilt hoarder. No matter the style, if the price is right it’s coming home with me. I’ve never paid more than $50 for a quilt (but only because of budget restraints, believe me, I know the more expensive ones are worth every penny!), so this means that I’m often purchasing them from yard sales or thrift shops. And this means its imperative they get a good cleaning before taking up residence in the blanket closet.
May 7, 2019
How To Green Clean Moldy Shoes
Moldy shoes. I know… scary stuff. I can understand how your first thought might be “Quick! Throw them out!” But fear not; if you are a fellow humid climate dweller who has faced this situation and shamefacedly thrown out pair after pair of otherwise perfectly good shoes. I have the solution! It’s quick, it’s easy, and you more than likely already have everything you need. You don’t need any harsh cleaners.
May 7, 2019
How To Get Mouse Pee Out Of Particle Board
In a perfect world we would all have furniture made from 100% sustainably sourced materials and press board or particle board would be a thing of the past. But here in the real world that’s not always the case. We find pieces at thrift stores and auctions, rescue them and bring them home. We clean them up and have big plans for painting or making them over and then we see it, or rather smell it. Yes, that’s right: mouse pee.
May 7, 2019
Seal the Deal: How To Save Space With A Vacuum
With winter well behind us in most parts, it is once again time to stow away all those bulky blankets. Here is a dead simple tip on how to save loads of space with nothing but a vacuum, a garbage bag, and a rubber band!Bulky blankets, pillows, linens, clothing, you name it!Vacuum with a hoseGarbage bagRubber band 1.Fold the blanket, winter coat or whathaveyou. Stack several on top of each other if desired.2.Place the folded material into the garbage bag.3.
May 6, 2019
The Day After: Removing Fireworks Stains from Concrete
If any of you set off fireworks on the sidewalk or driveway (if you have one) last night, you might wake up this morning to black powder and sulfur stains marring the concrete. Want to rid any concrete surface of them?
May 6, 2019
How to Quickly & Easily Spruce Up Wood Furniture
I’m the kind of DIY-er who imagines elaborate and wonderful furniture re-finishing ideas and is consistently too busy, lazy, or pre-occupied to execute them. But in desperate need of bedroom dressers I dropped $70 for a pair from craigslist that had good bones, but were grimy, scratched and in need of help.
May 6, 2019
One Of Our Favorite Affordable Roomba Alternatives Is Even Less Expensive Today On Amazon
Roomba is to robot vacuums as Tupperware is to food storage—its practically a synonym for the product. But there’s a whole world of robot vacuums out there, including many budget alternatives that might make your dream of a self-cleaning house that much easier to attain. We wrote about our favorites in our guide to robot vacuums and found some under $200 models that can get the job done. Today, Eufy, one of our favorite budget-friendly brands, is one of Amazon’s daily deals.
May 6, 2019
Club Soda + Salt = Non-Toxic Stain Remover
A few years ago I was hosting some friends when the spill of all spills happened. The one you nervously laugh about when purchasing anything white. Yep, the dreaded red wine spill, on a white wool rug, because really, what fun is a red wine spill unless it happens on something white? But my friend was quick on the draw. She ran to the kitchen and returned with salt, club soda, and a dish towel. By the next morning the stain was gone.
May 6, 2019
Clean IQ: What’s Really in Those Tide to Go Pens? And Why Don’t You Have to Rinse Them?
What's going on inside those wizard sticks?
May 6, 2019
5 Tips: How To Quickly Make Your House Look Cleaner Than It Is
You get a text message that company is dropping by and they’re only 10 blocks away. Don’t panic. Take a deep breath, now panic and check out these 5 tips for making your house appear clean in a flash. That’s right, I said appear. Who has time to really clean in 10 blocks? 1. Clean the Three T’s: Toilets, Tabletops, the Television. What? The television? Yup!
May 6, 2019
True or False? Use Instant Yeast To Unclog Slow Drains
Science is cool, right? Clean a slow drain with baking soda and vinegar, and it makes things smell better but it doesn’t do much for getting rid of the unwanted matter blocking your pipes. So instead try a little instant yeast. To which you say, I’m sorry, what?If your shower or bathroom sink is running a little slow, it’s been said you can pour two packets (or a few tablespoons) of instant yeast down your drain.
May 6, 2019
Tricks for Dealing With a Hairy Home
I have long, dark hair and lots of it. You’d know this if you went into my home even if you’d never met me because it is everywhere. Whether the hair in your home is your own or belongs to your pet, dealing with shedding hair is a challenge. Here, some tips on how to deal with it!Dust with a dryer sheet: Yet another use for the all-purpose dryer sheet! They’re a magnet for hair (the used ones work just as well as the new ones) plus they leave behind a fresh scent.
May 6, 2019
Cheap & Chic: How To Make a French-Vintage-Inspired Wire Hamper
Is it possible to find a laundry hamper that’s cheap, sturdy, and so stylish that it makes you feel like Jean Seberg in 1960s Paris? No, it isn’t. That’s why you’ll have to make your own. This vintage inspired design cost around $20 to make and is perfect for holding all your Breton stripe shirts.
May 6, 2019
No Substitute: Which Products Inspire Brand Loyalty?
When it comes to most things I buy for my home (toilet paper, for example), I am pretty flexible: I will buy what is at Costco or what is on sale, including generic or store brands. But with certain products I am very brand loyal (even when my budget tells me to be otherwise).Do you have brand loyalty with certain household products?
May 6, 2019
Homekeeping Tip: Keep The Tops Of Your Cabinets Clean with a Kitchen Staple
Even though you rarely see the top of your kitchen cabinets, that doesn’t mean they aren’t busy getting dusty and dirty. Grease, humidity and general kitchen use can make this a tricky and icky spot to clean. Forget the hassle and bust out a pantry staple to do the dirty work for you.At some point in time everyone has bought a roll of wax paper. Maybe you thought it was parchment paper, maybe you only bought it because your mom always had a roll and you thought you needed it.
May 5, 2019
Crazy Ideas to Make Your Life Saner
Don’t knock it ’til you try it, the saying goes, and in this case it applies. While some of the things I’m suggesting might sound a bit nutty (and too meticulous) they’re tricks that work, and hey, isn’t that really the bottom line? Keep a marker in the freezer: If you’re the type of person who cooks a lot and freezes the leftovers, or someone who likes to buy in bulk, keeping a marker in the freezer might mean the difference between “what is this?
May 5, 2019
5 (More) Ways to Make Cut Flowers Last
If you’ve been reading Apartment Therapy for a while, you know we’re big advocates of keeping fresh flowers in your home. Here are a few more tips for making them last, whether they’re freshly picked or a favorite flower that you buy all the time.  Put freshly picked flowers in water immediately and leave them for at least 5 hours before arranging them, a process calling conditioning.
May 5, 2019
The Ultimate Used Furniture Cleaning Kit
With the season of flea markets and antique fairs now upon us, I’m prepping for the summer influx of secondhand furniture finds and putting together the ultimate used furniture cleaning kit. With most of these household items already in your kitchen, you’ll be ready to get any grimy piece sparkling in no time.  Baking soda. Mixed with water, baking soda forms a paste that polishes silver, lifts coffee and tea stains from ceramic and porcelain, and removes mildew and grime.
May 5, 2019
Kill Mold Overnight with a Simple DIY Clove Oil & Water Spray
Is this the secret to chemical-free mold cleaning? I just had a root canal, which absolutely was not much fun, but it did gave me a few hours of recouperating time during which I discovered a new-to-me show from Australia on Hulu Plus called Lush House. During the course of watching a few episodes, I learned that getting rid of mold might be easier and greener than I knew.The host of the show (and one of my new housekeeping heroes – she’s so calm and helpful!
May 5, 2019
Quick Tip: Use a Salad Spinner For Quickly Drying Small Clothing Items
Here’s a quick tip I learned from friends who regularly go car camping: they always bring a large size salad spinner with them, just in case they find themselves needing to wash, then dry a t-shirt, socks, or intimates… I’ve got several technical synthetic material athletic shirts, socks, and tights/sleeves I prefer to hand wash and hang dry throughout the week immediately after workouts (they can accumulate a funk quickly, the sweat hog I am).
May 4, 2019
Before You Leave Home: A Pre-Trip Checklist
Coming home from a long trip can be a welcome reprieve: you look forward to sleeping in your own bed, raiding the fridge, and cozying up in front of the TV. That is, until you arrive to an overstuffed mailbox, fruit flies, and a fridge full of semi-liqified produce (not that I’m speaking from experience or anything).
May 4, 2019
How To Wash Plastic Toys
As I mentioned recently in a post about cleaning stuffed animals, my somewhat psycho-rigid side prevents me from having too much fun with things like grime and dirt in general. Imagine my badly faked smile when a couple of weeks ago, my kids giddily brought up a box full of 30-year-old LEGOS from my parents’ basement! This brought up a mind-numbing cycle: the inventory of all plastic toys needing to be cleaned in our house and how to do it. Well, turns out it’s not that complicated.
May 4, 2019
Duct Cleaning: Myth Or Necessity?
I was hoping to sink my teeth into a juicy duct cleaning debate (possibly including scandals!), but it seems that the experts are unanimous: unless you see insect or rodent droppings in your ducts, or if someone in your household is having mysterious illnesses and/or respiratory difficulties, duct cleaning is unnecessary…and in fact can do more harm than good. Scandal! Let’s start with the big guns: The Environmental Protection Agency.
May 4, 2019
How to Clean Your Shower and Keep it That Way: 5 Quick Tips
Rebecca just showed us how to refresh our bathrooms, but let’s zero in on the shower for a minute. I’ll venture a guess that it’s the area that gets cleaned the least in all the bathroom. Here are five easy ways to have a sparkling shower all year long. Cover your shower faucet with bag of vinegar and secure with a rubber band. Leave it there overnight and you’ll have a clean shower head without all the scrubbing.
May 4, 2019
Better Sleep & Allergy Relief: How To Banish Dust Mites from Your Bed
Do you hate waking up with a stuffy nose and watery eyes? Environmental control of allergens can help — and it’s not as hard as it sounds. Your bed is heaven for dust mites, who thrive in warm, humid environments with a steady supply of shed skin cells. Sound like where you sleep? Yeah. To get rid of dust mites, and therefore allergens, in your bed, follow our handy guide: Sanitize and Cover Your Pillows.
May 4, 2019
5 Strategies to Keep the House Clean (and Your Sanity Intact!) with Young Kids
I don’t know about you, but my kids are not the type to sit and play quietly on their own while I tidy up the house. My oldest daughter (soon to be four) is my constant shadow – if I’m not sitting on the floor playing princess or barn with her she likes to get involved in whatever it is that I am doing. Whether it’s cooking, putting the baby down for a nap, or cleaning – she’s there too.
May 4, 2019
Take the Weekdays Off: The Complete Weekend-Only Cleaning Plan
Keeping your home clean is less about being born naturally obsessed with cleaning and more about finding the schedule that works with the way you live in your home. Though there are a number of methods to keeping one’s house clean throughout the week and month (like cleaning a little bit everyday, for example), this is a plan you can follow to keep your house regularly clean without lifting a vacuum or mop on the weekdays. How?
May 4, 2019
2 Completely Disgusting Reasons to Wash Before You Wear
A kids’ epidemiology book, its cover depicting an ominous microscope surrounded by an eerie sci-fi green haze, confirmed what my mother always told me: Wash your clothes before you wear them — or else. Or else what? Well, poisoning for starters. Seriously. In the medical mysteries book I read, a boy was slowly poisoned through his skin by his new jeans.
May 4, 2019
Clean As You Go and Other Smart, Simple Kitchen Cleaning Tips
As we all probably know from experience at one time or another, it doesn’t take much for the kitchen to get away from you. Especially if you cook at home a lot, have a particularly small kitchen, or share the space with family or roommates; it’s a room that can definitely develop a mind of its own. Here are some of our best tips for reigning in the beast without becoming a slave to kitchen cleaning: Clean as you go. This is a big one that we had to include prominently in the title.
May 4, 2019
7 Time-Saving Methods for Faster Kitchen Clean Ups
After cooking and a meal, the last thing anyone wants to do is tackle a kitchen disaster. But, it’s part of the deal, so here are some practical tips for how to make kitchen clean-up as efficient as possible. 1) Start clean. Cleanliness begets cleanliness. Starting with a clean kitchen motivates you to keep it as clean as possible as you cook. For example, a clean counter makes your dribbles obvious and helps you wipe them right away.
May 4, 2019
Your Home is Making You Late: 12 Things You Can Do the Night Before
I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely not a morning person, so I probably hit the snooze button a half dozen times before actually getting out of bed. This means that I have a very small window of time in which to get ready and get out of the house in the morning. To combat this time crunch, I try to streamline my morning routine by prepping as much as possible the night before. Here are a few key things that you can do around the house the night before to avoid being late. 1.
May 4, 2019
Drowning in Paper? What to Keep, What to Toss, What to Digitize
Paper is the bane of my existence — and probably yours, too. In preparing for tax season, I recently digitized a box of old receipts but also ended up clearing out a filing cabinet full of statements, warranties, and other papers that have sat forgotten for years, but looked like they could be important. When it comes to paper clutter, what should you keep and what’s safe to toss?
May 4, 2019
Do or Don’t? Foil as an Electric Oven Liner
I’ve moved in and out of eight different rentals in the last nine years, which means I’ve done my fair share of post-move-out cleaning. The one task I always dread is cleaning the oven. I hate using toxic oven cleaner, yet it seems to be the only effective combatant against that hardened puddle of food crumbs, melted cheese, and pie juice from a year of careless cooking.
May 4, 2019
The Best Non-Toxic Cleaners That You Already Have at Home
I took several printmaking classes in college, and I was astounded by how toxic a lot of the materials were— especially the mineral spirits and paint thinner. I later found out about totally nontoxic printmaking, pioneered by studios such as Zea Mays in Florence, Massachusetts. Inspired by some of these methods, here are eight ways you can make your house shine using common kitchen ingredients. Soy sauce is an excellent degreaser.
May 4, 2019
How To Get Rid of Bedbugs
A warning before you read further: this post will make your skin itch. A good friend of mine aptly pointed out that bed bugs are like the adult version of head lice. I never had head lice as a child, and I never imagined that I would have bedbugs as an adult, until it happened to me. I had heard about the great bedbug epidemic in New York back in 2010, but my personal nightmare with bedbugs began last fall.
May 4, 2019
Search and Destroy: How To Get Rid of Sweater Moths
Usually the first sign you have a moth problem is when you pull out a sweater and discover it’s laced with tiny holes. Clothes moths are sneaky little pests. They like to lie low in dark corners, snacking on your best cashmere. They rarely take time out from feasting to flutter about your house, so before you start swatting at each and every moth you see, here is what you need to know. Tineola bisselliella and Tinea pellionella are the two most common types of clothes moths.
May 4, 2019
Terribly Helpful: How To Identify Household Pests
Last spring, I celebrated sundress weather with some huge, blotchy bites on my calves. San Francisco is known for its lack of mosquitoes, so I did the sensible thing and panicked: BEDBUGS. Nope — it was spiders! In an effort to save you the same confusion, I’ve put together this list of tips for IDing your household pests. Bite in the night? Get yourself to a doctor.
May 4, 2019
How To Avoid Bringing Bedbugs Home from Hotels, Thrift Stores and More
Although they aren’t actually dangerous unless you’re allergic to their bites, bedbugs are pretty revolting. And, as we all probably know, infestations have been on the rise. Following are some ways to help ensure that these very unwanted guests don’t end up in your home. Here are a few ways you could unintentionally bring bedbugs home — and how to avoid them.
May 4, 2019
Rethink the Stink: 5 Odor Removing Products No Home Should Be Without
As nice as it would be to always keep a perfectly clean, perfectly smelling house — the truth is, bad odors happen. Whether it’s smelly upholstery from a great thrift store find, a pet’s potty training accident, or a party that needs a massive cleanup, funky smell are an unavoidable part of everyday life. With that in mind, here are the 5 products we’d recommend always having in the house to combat and remove odors. 1.
May 4, 2019
Tips & Tricks: How To Spot Clean Rugs
All rugs can use a good overall cleaning occasionally. But if you have a small stain or flaw that you want to address immediately without having the entire rug cleaned, spot cleaning is an important skill to have in your arsenal. Following are spot cleaning techniques for a few different scenarios: Get it while it’s wet. Once a stain dries, it’s much more difficult to remove.
May 4, 2019
Emergency Cleanups: How To Remove Ink, Wine & Oil Stains
Spills are almost always unexpected, and always a pain. My mother clearly knew this: when I left for college she gave me a small, thick book called “Field Guide to Stains,” which I still have and reference more frequently than I ever thought I would. STAIN REMOVAL STAPLES I find the best way to deal with stains is to be prepared.
May 4, 2019
Spring Cleaning Tips for Allergy Sufferers
Spring cleaning is a mixed bag for those who suffer from dust and other allergies. On the one hand, it’s a great opportunity to clean many oft-overlooked items that could be harboring allergens. On the other hand, the cleaning itself may set off fits of sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion. Following are some spring cleaning tips for allergy sufferers. If you suffer from allergies, pay attention to these areas of your home when you undertake a bigger spring clean. 1) Mold in bathrooms.
May 4, 2019
In Praise of IKEA’s FRAKTA Bag
What’s big, blue, and one of my all-time favorites from IKEA? At $0.59, the FRAKTA bag is cheaper than a soft serve cone from the Swedish behemoth, and it just might be the brand’s most versatile product. What’s it good for? How much time have you got? Laundry – The FRAKTA is enormous and weightless, which makes it great for hauling dry cleaning and laundry. The flat bottom even makes it work for collecting clean folded laundry before putting it in its place.
May 4, 2019
A Shiny New Shower & Tub: A Cleaning Regimen for Keeping them Perfect Forever
Alright, I keep telling myself, this is your one chance. You may never again have a bathroom with a brand-new bathtub and shower surround. Of the 10 bath/shower combos I’ve lived with in my life, none have been remotely new nor perfect…but soon all that will change. I’ve got one chance to do this right!
May 4, 2019
5 (Typically Weekly) Chores You Can Skip When You’re Busy
Give yourself a break when things get overwhelming and let go of that “I have to do it all” feeling. As long as you don’t let any extended cleaning breaks slip into a comfortable habit, there are some chores you can ignore every once in awhile. Here are five you can skip when you’re busy… Wanna know what we think are the chores you should never skip?
May 4, 2019
The Assassin Bug: Facts, Dangers & Prevention
Assassin bugs (or kissing bugs) get their names from their habit of biting humans on the face near the lips. (It’s true people: I can’t make this stuff up.) Here’s what you need to know about this not-so-nice insect. Assassin, a.k.a. kissing bugs, are found all across the bottom two-thirds of the United States, and predominantly in Arizona, California, Texas, and New Mexico.
May 4, 2019
5 Chores You Should Never Skip (Even If You’re Busy)
Pressed for time? Running late? Didn’t finish your Sunday morning “to clean” list but need to head out the door to brunch right now? Whenever you’re pressed for time — or have an extra heavy schedule a certain week — don’t let all your chores and cleaning duties slip into disarray. Keep your house functioning by being choosy with which chores you skip and which ones you tackle.
May 4, 2019
How To Make Homemade Dishwasher Detergent Pods
Have you made any lavender laundry detergent yet? Good news: to make lemon dishwasher detergent pods you only need two additional ingredients (kosher salt and powdered lemon). They are fast and inexpensive to make, you know exactly what’s in them — and they work really well! Read on to see how to make yours. Makes approximately 35 pods. Original recipe courtesy of Happy Money Saver.
May 4, 2019
6 Dumb Household Rules You Hated Growing Up, but Now Totally Understand
When you’re young, it’s your job to not worry and to push limits. It’s all about you, you, you. It’s up to your parents to firmly establish boundaries and rules. And while you live under their roof, it’s either their way or the highway. Sound familiar? Here are six seemingly arbitrary household rules that drove you nuts at the time, but make so much more sense today. Then: Why bother? I’m just going to use it again tonight!
May 4, 2019