You Can Solve Your Kitchen Crumb Problem with $15 and One Click
Remember when you cleaned under your appliances and found all those little crumbs, accumulated from many, many counter clean-ups? Yeah, gross.
Jul 11, 2019
The Perfect Laundromat Doesn’t Ex— Wait, It’s Beautiful, Comfortable, AND Has Free Detergent??
What does it mean to modernize laundry? First, create an environmentally and health-friendly way to wash. And, second, make it fashion.
Jul 10, 2019
How To Clean an Iron
We’ve all been there: pressed for time (pun intended), forced to use our iron with a dirty plate, nervous that the precious few minutes we are taking to actually iron out the wrinkles might set us even further behind by the transferring of gunk to the garment, forcing you to choose a completely new outfit altogether. Maybe you haven’t been there, but I’m speaking from experience. Good news: If you’ve got 10 minutes, you’ve got a clean iron!
Jul 9, 2019
Thanks to These Laundry Sheets, You’ll Never Have to Buy Detergent Again
They’ll also replace your stain remover, fabric softener, whitener, brightener, and anti-static dryer sheets.
Jul 6, 2019
A Laundry Expert Reveals How to Clean the Top 7 Stains that Happen During the Summer
Why is it that the best things about warmer weather—backyard grill-outs, picnics at the park, sunscreen-slathered beach days—also come with the toughest-to-remove stains?
Jul 3, 2019
Score Two of Our Favorite Cleaning and Decluttering Solutions on Sale During Today’s Early Prime Day Deals
We'll be keeping track of all the best Prime Day deals here.
Jun 27, 2019
Make Your Space Feel Bigger With This Mindful Cleaning Mission
This year, we’re on a mission to help you tackle spring cleaning on your time. Each weekday until April 13, we’ll guide you through a plan to clean and organize different areas of your home, but you’ll have the flexibility to choose exactly what to work on and how long you have to dedicate to the job. Each year, the breezy spring weather is a great reminder that home doesn’t have to end at your entryway.
Jun 26, 2019
7 Quick Weekend Ways to Cozy Up Your Space for Fall
Here is something every small-space dweller learns in the course of living pint-sized: Your home does not have to end at your four walls. In fact, the best way to expand your mind and your living space is to spend as much time as you can in the “in-between” space just outside your door, amongst neighbors and nature and all that good stuff out in the world.
Jun 26, 2019
3 Ways Spring Cleaning Can Connect Your Home With Nature
Your outdoor space is whatever area of your home base that you go to when you want to comfortably connect with nature.
Jun 26, 2019
How Often You Need to Clean Your Dish Rack, According to a Pro House Cleaner
A professional house cleaner tells us how often we actually need to clean our dish racks to keep mold, mildew, and rust away. Plus shares her picks for the best hand-washing tools.
Jun 24, 2019
3 Tips from a Microbiologist That Will Change the Way You Think About “Clean”
A surface that appears “clean” (your toilet is the perfect example!) isn’t necessarily free from bacteria.
Jun 23, 2019
If You’re Going to Wear Your Shoes In People’s Homes, At Least Follow These 5 Rules
I don't ask guests to remove their shoes. But!—yes, here's the big but—there are some golden rules.
Jun 20, 2019
9 Smart Things to Clean on the Longest Day of the Year, Using the Extra Sun to Your Advantage
Use the super sunny day to your advantage and tackle these tasks around the house.
Jun 19, 2019
The No-Freak Out Guide for How to Handle a Wild Animal in Your Home
Wildlife management experts say, for the most part, you can evict unwanted tenants (also known as "nuisance animals") fairly easily. But don't try to take care of everything yourself (and don't ignore what's happening). Call on the experts for guidance as soon as possible.
Jun 19, 2019
The Truth About White Floors
Anna of Door Sixteen‘s beautiful white floors When we were researching the idea of installing white floors as part of our kitchen renovation, we couldn’t find an honest report on what it was like living with them. Are they a nightmare to keep clean or is it much the same as a darker coloured floor? Are damages more noticeable? Someone please just give us an opinion other than “they’re pretty!”.
Jun 19, 2019
A Cleaning Expert Weighs in on the Best, Most Efficient Ways to Vacuum Any Room
If you’re looking to take your vacuum game to the next level—and save a little time—you can certainly employ some strategy.
Jun 18, 2019
We Put These Cheaper, Generic Magic Erasers to the Test Against Mighty Mr. Clean
We put the cheaper, generic brand to the test against mighty Mr. Clean, and one came out on top.
Jun 18, 2019
8 Quick and Easy Cleaning & Laundry Tips that Airbnb Hosts Swear By
Those of us who survive and thrive in this world of letting strangers tell the internet how tidy we are have learned some mad skills when it comes to cleaning and laundry.
Jun 16, 2019
There's a Hidden Part of Your Floors You Need to Vacuum This Weekend
Weekend Projects
A home that looks clean and a home that is clean are not the same thing. And it could literally cost you if you skip it.
Jun 14, 2019
9 Amazon Products (Under $35) That Will Solve Your “Hair Everywhere” Problems
If it feels like your home is literally covered in hair — whether it's yours or your pet's — you're not alone.
Jun 13, 2019
6 Things You Should Always Clean Before Dinner (and 7 Things to Clean Right After)
It doesn't matter how you divide the labor in your house—if you want a cleaner kitchen, put somebody on each of these 13 tasks.
Jun 10, 2019
I Kept Up With a 1950’s Cleaning Schedule for a Week—and I’m Exhausted
I decided to try a week-long cleaning experiment, to see if I could unlock Grandma’s secret to a clean home and how it would fit into my modern lifestyle.
Jun 10, 2019
This Power Drill Brush Changed the Way I Clean—and It's on Sale for $10
I love my drill as much as I love my motorcycle boots and red lipstick, so being able to use it to conquer my gross oven? Yes. Bring it on!
Jun 9, 2019
11 Ways to Appease Your Inner Clean Freak This Weekend
Here's a roundup of super satisfying, rarely tackled deep cleaning projects to get you in the mood. Just don't tell anyone how much fun you're having.
Jun 8, 2019
How To Green Clean Your Grill Without Lifting A Finger
Grilling can be a year-round activity, but summer is an especially popular time to get cooking al fresco. Not only is the warm weather and longer, lighter days good reason to get outside, but that same nice weather can also make cooking inside (and preheating your oven) seem unbearable. Simply prepared meats and vegetables can feel downright special with minimal effort. So with all that extra grill use in the summer months, it can be important to show your grill some attention for its hard work.
Jun 7, 2019
This Countertop Dryer Dries Your Laundry in Just 15 Minutes
On the hierarchy of clothes-related crises, nothing grates more than having to forego stepping out in a smashing ensemble simply because you forgot to dry a piece of clothing ahead of time. For those of us who know this soppy scenario all too well, this Kickstarter campaign for a fast-working countertop tumble dryer just might offer a solution we’ve been looking for.
Jun 6, 2019
How To Clean Ceiling Light Fixtures
Light fixtures tend to be the final resting place for bugs. And if it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned yours, you’ve more than likely got a bug graveyard hanging over your dining room table. Cleaning up can be quick and easy, and is a great project to add to your seasonal cleaning duties. So gather your supplies, round up some help and evict those exoskeletons. Depending on what type of fixture you are working with, you might need an extra set of hands to help out.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean a Fireplace
No matter how clean a room may be, a dirty fireplace can make it look messy and unkempt. Tidying up can take time and effort, but the end results are rewarding, and will help keep your fireplace in great working order. More than likely you’re only dealing with some soot here and ther—and if that’s the case, your cleaning adventure won’t take all that long. But if you’ve inherited a neglected fireplace like mine, prepare to put in some time and serious elbow grease!
Jun 5, 2019
How To Whiten Yellowed or Bleached Wool
White or natural color wools can yellow for a number of reasons, ranging from age to the environment it’s stored in. If your wool has yellowed naturally or because of a bleach stain, don’t fear! You can bring it back. I recently took in a stray rug that had a pretty significant bleach stain. The stain was intimidating but the rug was really nice, so I was determined. I figured it couldn’t get any worse than it already was!
Jun 5, 2019
How To Wash Walls
Washing your walls is a fantastic deep cleaning chore that is best tackled in late spring and early fall when you can crack a window or open a door to assist in the drying process. However time consuming, it is a necessary task to keep your home looking (and smelling!) great and can extend the life of your paint job. Washing your walls is a fantastic deep cleaning chore that is best tackled in late spring and early fall when you can crack a window or open a door to assist in the drying process.
Jun 5, 2019
Use That Booze: 10 Ways to Clean With Vodka
Whether you’ve resolved to lay off the libations in January (Anyone out there giving Drynuary a try this year?), have just a few drops left in a bottle, or are stuck with bottom-shelf booze after a big bash, we’ve got some great alternatives to pouring the party down the drain—clean with it!
Jun 5, 2019
Scrub A Dub Dub: How To Make a Natural Cleaning Paste For The Tub
Over the years I’ve been guilty of occasionally buying whatever bath cleaner is on sale at the store -could be all-natural, could not. The moment I try to settle into a nice, relaxing bath I immediately start thinking about what chemicals I’m being subjected to and majorly regret my decision.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean A Wool Blanket With Snow
Wool blankets are one of the most coveted finds at flea markets these days. They are practical, durable, and fashionable. And we’ve found a great way to clean them that costs only your time —and maybe your comfort if you don’t have a big warm winter coat. People have been cleaning with snow for ages.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean a Chandelier
We recently stripped the old paper from our parlor walls. Though precautions were taken to keep our chandelier safe while we were working, wallpaper particles and plaster dust found its way to the fixture, leaving the prisms dusty and in need of a good clean. Knowing all too well it would probably be months before we decided on a paint color to finish the room, I figured I’d add some sparkle by showing the chandelier a little love.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean a Shaving Brush
Shaving brushes can run the gamut in terms of cost, ranging from $5-$250 depending on the materials used. No matter what you spend, one thing remains true: Your brush needs to be cleaned regularly to keep soap scum from building up and bacteria from growing. Vinegar Castile soap or organic detergent Warm water Glass or shallow dish Clean rag or paper towel 1. Run your brush under warm water to remove any soap hanging around from your previous shave.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean Makeup Brushes
It’s a task that’s too-often overlooked, but cleaning your makeup brushes regularly is so, so important: it’s an easy way to promote healthy skin by keeping bacteria and dead skin cells at bay. It takes just two minutes, and can even prolong the life of your makeup brushes. How often should you clean your makeup brushes? At least once a week for concealer and foundation brushes that get caked with build-up.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean an Oven Without Harsh Chemicals
Forget harmful oven cleaners: This two ingredient, all-natural recipe is great for more recent stains, like quickly cleaning up the lasagna spillage in your oven (and on your pans!). I know baking soda is a miracle compound, so I had pretty high expectations as to what this magical paste would do for my oven. The photo below is what I was hoping to tackle, but alas, this years-old stain was just too much for the simple recipe.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Repair Chips on Porcelain Tubs and Sinks
I recently moved into a very old home and inherited a gorgeous claw foot tub. It’s pink, gigantic, and nearly perfect in every way, except for one issue: the porcelain around the drain has been worn away, leaving a very unsightly, uninviting rusty ring in my otherwise dreamy tub. While I have plans to keep this tub around, its not currently in the budget to have it refinished.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean Diamonds With Denture Tablets
Here’s a cleaning tip even Marilyn would appreciate: Make those diamonds sparkle and shine with a non-traditional jewelry cleanser that will also clean your toilet and flower vases! Denture cleaner tablets Warm water Small glass jar Toothbrush 1. Drop one cleansing tablet into a small dish filled 3/4 full with warm water. Add the jewelry and let sit for 20-30 minutes. Once the tablet starts to effervesce, the water will turn blue and start to foam. 2.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean the Inside of Vases the Easy Way
Fresh flowers are a treat for yourself and your home. The clean up afterwards, especially on narrow-necked vases, not so much. Our solution? Denture cleaner! The tiny tablets pack a punch and go to work on a myriad of household chores —and can be stored away with ease. Denture tablets Warm water Add very warm water to your bottle, stop an inch or two from the top to allow for possible fizzy overflow. Break apart one tablet and drop it inside.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Polish Silver with Toothpaste
It kind of makes sense — if toothpaste can remove plaque on your teeth then it should come as no surprise that it will also do a number on that pesky tarnish that has built up on your silver! Toothpaste (not gel!)An old scrubbing toothbrush Apply a dollop of toothpaste to your piece of silver. I used about as much as I would on my teeth, however, if you are working on a larger piece you might need to use more. Add just a bit of water to your brush and go to town!
Jun 5, 2019
How To Polish Wood Furniture
Of all the responsibilities that come with taking care of your home, paying special attention to your wood furniture is sometimes overlooked. I recently inherited a beautiful wood rocking chair that had been stored away for a few years and was in need of some TLC. If it’s time to restore the surface of your wood furniture, this step by step guide shows you everything you need to know and how to lengthen the time before your next polish as much as possible.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Remove an Ink Stain with Milk & Vinegar
Sometimes we find ourselves in the most cliché nerd predicament: a leaking or exploding ink pen (where was your pocket protector when you needed it!?). But you can put away your inhaler, because removing an ink blob is easier than you think. Just grab some milk and vinegar and get to the stain ASAP! 2 parts whole milk1 part white distilled vinegarLarge bowl 1. Place your garment in a bowl at the most shallow part, allowing it to be covered completely with the mixture. 2.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Polish Silver Using Banana Peels
Bananas are legit. They are a proper on the go snack, packed full of nutrients and vitamins, and come in a convenient peel-and-toss wrapper to boot! But before tossing the wrapper, consider attempting this super simple method for cleaning your silver. BananasWaterBlenderRag to polish silver There are a few all natural recipes for cleaning silver but this is my preferred method for jewelry.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Make Your Own Wood Polish
If you’re tight on space and don’t want a bottle of rarely-used wood polish hogging the shelf, don’t buy it! Wood polish is easy to make in small, single use batches, so you don’t have to worry about trying to jam yet another bottle away under the cupboard. Depending on the size lemon you use, the polish ends up being around about 1/2 cup of liquid.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Naturally Clean a Bathtub with Grapefruit and Salt
Lemons and vinegar are the great dynamic duo of green cleaning, but there’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh grapefruit. It’s fresh and sweet, and can give your bathroom that extra boost of freshness that is usually only obtained with heavily scented candles and other cleaning products that aren’t so earth-friendly. I recently moved into a home that had sat empty for a year and while it was in great condition, the old cast iron tub looked pretty rough.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean a Rug With Snow
Antique and handwoven rugs are breathtaking but can be tricky to clean. Stay away from chemical detergents by using nature’s cleanser, snow! Snowvember is upon us here in the midwest and I’m trying to make the most of it. After hearing about the magical cleaning powers of snow, I laced up boots, grabbed a recently purchased hand-woven rug and headed outside.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Polish Silver with Ketchup
Its delicious on french fries, but can you clean with ketchup, too? We gathered a few pieces of tarnished silver to see if this diner staple could pull double duty and make the job of polishing silver just a bit easier. Word on the street is that the acid in the tomatoes reacts with the oxidizing of the tarnished silver in just three simple steps. We tried this with our old souvenir spoons and the results were… well, lets just say this is not our preferred method of polishing silver!
Jun 5, 2019
How To Clean a Fan
In anticipation of spending the warmer months with our oscillating fans on to keep us cool, now is a good time to pause and take a few minutes to give them a quick clean. They’ve got a lot of work ahead of them and could use a little bit of attention. (Plus it will keep your fan—and your lungs—in better shape!) Small toiletry items like cotton swabs, makeup brushes, foam craft brushes, or toothpicks are great for jobs like this.
Jun 5, 2019
How To Naturally Unclog The Bathroom Sink
A clogged or slow-draining bathroom sink is a common problem in most homes. It shouldn’t happen too often, but when it does, be sure to use this natural formula to remove all the gunk–believe me, you don’t want a list of what that “gunk” actually is–and get that drain in tip top shape. 1/2 cup Baking soda 1/2 cup Vinegar Lemon juice (optional) Measuring cups Step 1. Remove the drain cover.
Jun 5, 2019
My Secret Laundry Weapon is a Common, Easy to Use $15 Kitchen Tool
There's nothing I dread more than seeing a hand-wash tag on my new favorite shirt. Until now.
Jun 5, 2019
100 DIY Ideas for the 3-Day Weekend
It’s the start of the first three day weekend of the summer, so in keeping with (and expanding upon!) recent Apartment Therapy tradition, we put together a big list of DIY projects to consider for the days ahead. From crafting to cleaning, renovating to relaxing, there is an idea here for everyone – 100 to be exact! Join Us on Pinterest:Apartment Therapy Learn to make your pics prettier: How To Instantly Improve Your Photos Give your dining chairs a new (tufted!
Jun 5, 2019
The Truth? You Probably Don't Need to Be Washing With Hot Water
Clean IQ
Given the environmental impact and the fact that switching to cold water also saves you money, why are we still stuck on the heat cycle? Here's the science behind turning up the heat.
Jun 3, 2019
6 People With Super-Old Vacuum Cleaners, Still Going Strong After 30+ Years
Check out these old faithfuls—plus the modern versions you can buy today, from $54 to just a hair under $4000.
Jun 3, 2019
Why Your Space is Always Dusty: 2 Ways You Might Be Dusting Wrong
It's true: Dusting seems futile. But that's no reason to let it go. Here are two ways you might be dusting wrong.
Jun 2, 2019
IKEA Has a Genius $4 Idea for Hiding Your Out of Season Clothes and Bedsheets, In Plain Sight
With this fun hack, we’ve all got one more excuse to accessorize our living rooms and bedrooms.
Jun 2, 2019
Master This 10-Second Hack for Removing Lint When You Don’t Have a Lint Roller
The process of making your very own, super-powered lint roller is simple.
Jun 2, 2019
How To Clean Task Chair Caster Wheels for Smooth Rolling
The facts were undeniable: my task chair’s wheels had the ride of a Jeep traversing off-road terrain with a flat tire and roadkill stuck to the bottom. After weeks of home improvement projects, our apartment’s floors had become dirty with an assortment of debris, half of which seemed to have found itself stuck onto the caster wheels.
May 30, 2019
4 Big(ish) Cleaning Expenses You Should Start Saving For Right Now
No one said taking care of a home was cheap. Here are some cleaning projects you might need to outsource, along with estimates of how often you should do them and how much you can expect to pay.
May 27, 2019
The Natural, Food-Safe (and Practically Free) Way to Get Rid of Rust on Your Kitchen Knives
I’m always surprised by how finicky knives are. You’d think that a blade that can slice right through meat or cleave a squash in two would be pretty much impervious to any kind of wear! But if you — like me — have a habit of neglecting your knives, they can dull and rust pretty quickly. And sadly, rust is a frequent visitor in my kitchen. That is not OK, considering a good knife can cost more than $100!
May 22, 2019
5 Simple, Affordable Things That Helped Me Get Over My Hatred of Laundry
Laundry can be the most exhausting and tedious chore, or it can be your favorite excuse to unwind.
May 21, 2019
Quick Tip #45: How To Clean and Defog Bathroom Mirrors
Every well-run home is teeming with tricks and shortcuts to keep it humming along. We’re sharing our best quick tips — for cleaning, organizing and repairing stuff at home — to save you time and money. Click through for today’s helpful hint, and links to tons more… Use VINEGAR! First, thoroughly clean the mirror with your favorite product or homemade solution, then wipe it dry.
May 21, 2019
How To Clean Your Jeans Without Water (In the Freezer!)
Here’s an oldy but a goody that’s even more relevant now as MORE people are doing it… I recently bought my first pair of “serious” jeans. The reason I know this is because as I was standing at the register about to pay A LOT of money for them, a cool dude who was standing next to me at the register said, “Oh, you’re going to like those.” “Do you have a pair?” I asked him.
May 21, 2019
How To Clean a Power Outlet
This is slightly embarrassing but my power outlets are…grodie. Doesn’t it look like it’s crying out? It would be one thing if it was hidden behind the sofa but this is in plain view above the stove. However with a little elbow grease (about the amount of a Smurf) it’s clean, clean, clean.ToolsQ-tips Formula 409ScrewdriverRazor Blade (if you have excess caulking to remove) 1. Shut your power off.2. Remove the power plate cover.
May 21, 2019
How To Prevent & Get Rid Of Pantry Moths
Pantry moth infestations are most frustrating. At the same time, I am committed to using natural, non-toxic, and mostly no-kill methods to deal with pantry moths. Here are the methods we recommend to get rid of them and effectively prevent further infestation. If you suspect you have pantry moths, first inspect everything in your pantry. Although moths tend to infest flours and grains, you should also check dried fruit, candy, pet food, etc.
May 21, 2019
44 of the Best Chores for Kids, by Age
You're letting them know that you trust them, you're counting on them, and that they're an indispensable part of their family unit.
May 20, 2019
The Classic $1 Restaurant Towel Everyone Should Have in Their Kitchen
Whether I’m frying a few eggs for myself or preparing a dinner feast for 10, I don’t feel confident in the kitchen unless I’m armed with a side towel or two. Side towels, the chef’s term for simple cotton cloths slightly smaller than a dish towel, are a multipurpose kitchen tool. They’re so great, I guarantee that once you start using them, you won’t know how you ever did without.
May 18, 2019
Your Cleaning Supplies Might be Spreading Dirt Around—Here’s How to Clean Them This Weekend
Apartment Therapy Weekend Projects is a guided program designed to help you get the happy, healthy home you’ve always wanted, one weekend at a time. Sign up now for email updates so you never miss a lesson. Building a cleaning arsenal is an evolving endeavor. You find out about a new write-home-about-it wet mop and you know you’ve got to give it a try. Thousands of Amazon reviewers rave about a sponge with a smiley face and you wonder if it might change your life too.
May 17, 2019
My Great Aunt’s Laundry Trick Makes Coming Back From Vacation Painless
I don't get stuck in re-entry inertia with a suitcase clogging up our bedroom for a week or more
May 12, 2019
Good Question: Greener Swiffer?
Just this morning, AT:Green Home reader Shanalee wrote in:I have 2 cats and a dog. I Swiffer probably 3 or 4 times a week… that’s a LOT of Swiffer refills! Any green alternatives?-shanaleeDear Shanalee,By our calculations, you are spending about $1 per week, or $52 per year, on Swiffer refills, which means that over the next 5 years, you’ll spend upwards of $250 on something you’ll throw away.
May 11, 2019
How To Create a “Dust-Free” Bedroom
Since my husband has asthma, we’re always looking for ways to reduce allergens and dust in our home (although it’s impossible to create a completely dust-free environment). We came across a good resource the other day. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has a step-by-step plan for reducing dust in the bedroom. Some of the tips on the site were for extreme cases. To read the entire article, click here.
May 10, 2019
Quick Tip #35: How to Make Shower Curtains Glide Over Rods
Rub wax paper on your shower’s curtain rod to make rings run smoothly (and quietly) over the metal. The same concept works with metal hangers and closet rod. A single sheet of wax paper is usually enough, but if your curtain is especially screechy, it might take two. The paper will get gritty as it picks up the fine metallic dust.
May 10, 2019