9 Rugless Rooms That Rock
It’s always interesting when homeowners make an unexpected choice in their spaces. In these nine rooms, one might expect to see a rug, yet these decorators have chosen to forgo one. It’s a slightly more subtle, sparse look that really lets the rest of the room shine. Take a look. So, tell us. What do you think about this look? Would you (do you) sport a bare floor?
Feb 26, 2015
The Magical MALM: 7 Real-Life Before & After Projects
The MALM line at IKEA is a true furniture workhorse: it’s inexpensive, it’s practical and best of all, it’s endlessly customizable. Just take a look at what these readers did to their chests, dressers and beds. You won’t believe the humble beginning of these unique pieces.
Feb 11, 2015
7 Times Painted Wood Looked Good
We know that some of you have very…err…strong opinions about painting wood furniture, but the owners of these dramatic before and after projects might disagree with all you naysayers. Especially on damaged or cheap wood, a coat or two of paint is an easy, cost-effective and super-cute strategy to refresh tired pieces. Watch me prove it seven times. Claire’s campaign nightstands got a new blue and a new purpose in another room.
Jan 31, 2015
Moving Math: An Easy Equation to Help You Decide If It’s Time to Pack Up
Everyone knows that moving is the worst, but sometimes your current place just isn’t doing it for you anymore. So should you to go through the trouble of uprooting your life to get an apartment upgrade? Get a reality check with this common sense equation. Let’s think about it like this: Basically, it means you should consider the benefits of a new place against not only the old place, but also the hassle and cost of the moving process itself.
Jan 29, 2015
Try This the Next Time You Get a Compliment on Your Home
You know that confidence is key when you’re getting dressed in the morning or giving a work presentation, so why do so many people lack confidence in the choices they’ve made in their homes? The next time someone admires your decor, try this. I’ve recently noticed that almost every time I give someone a compliment, they immediately start telling me what’s wrong with their space and what they plan to change. Whyyyyy?
Jan 23, 2015
5 Things To Purge From Your Bathroom Today
Sure, you give your bath a surface clean every once in a while, but admit it—there are things lurking in your bathroom that you probably haven’t seen for years. Time to change all that, my friends. Time to tackle the bath — and deal with these five things right now.
Jan 14, 2015
The Shared Wall: A Neighborly Guide to Co-Existing in Close Quarters
When you live in the close quarters of an apartment or condo, a little bit of consideration can go a long way towards happy neighbors. Sharing a wall can get awkward, so think about these tips before problems arise. If you can prevent or nip little squabbles in the bud, you can potentially save yourself massive amounts of misery and stress for years to come. Consider these keep-the-peace ideas: Think about your shared wall when planning the layout of your room.
Jan 11, 2015
Resolution Remedies: 10 Do’s & Don’ts to Keep You On Track This Year
It’s about time to get your resolutions in order — if only so you can have a quick answer to the only question you’ll be asked after New Year’s Eve. Once you’ve identified your big goal this year, make it last with these tips to keep you positive and on track. Start right now this minute — Whatever your resolution is, there’s no sense in binging on your bad habit prior to beginning your “good” behavior.
Jan 4, 2015
Petite and Perfect: Our Best ‘Under 1000 Square Foot’ House Calls of the Year
You know we love to celebrate small abodes, and we especially love it when our readers show us just how much style they can cram into a home under 1000 square feet. These petite House Calls prove once and for all just how much large living you can do in a small space.
Dec 24, 2014
Before & After: A Cheap Chair Gets a Chic Update
Luann spent just $40 on this thrift store chair and a great deal on discounted fabric to boot, but you’d never know it. Check out the expensive-looking (and, dare we say, nature-inspired) final results. From Luann: The finish was worn down on the arms and gunked up with…gunk? I sanded the wood completely down and stained and polyed it. I got a good deal from a fabric outlet on this fabric which is, in my opinion, perfect for this MCM chair.
Dec 16, 2014
Before & After: A Clunky Console Goes Glam
Since Shehzeen picked up this media console for free, anything she did was gonna be added value. Even so, we never thought it could look this good. From Shehzeen: I had it for about two years before I decided that it needed a bit of a facelift; it was way too dark for me suddenly. I painted it over in a white, added some gold to the legs, installed them asymmetrically and I think I’m sufficiently thrilled. See more at The Desi Wonder Woman. Thank you Shehzeen!
Dec 15, 2014
Before & After: The Mingo Masterpiece
Tanya did something amazing to find exactly what she was looking for: she asked. She posted a want ad to her local classifieds and lo and behold, someone was looking to unload this beauty. We bet the seller wants it back now! Check out the transformation. From Tanya: I wanted it so much, I didn’t even haggle (she was asking $250). I saved up, and then spent $400 on a professional upholstery job. Years later, this is still a favorite chair.
Dec 11, 2014
Before & After: A Sad, Old Loveseat Gets a Sassy New Look
Pam found this love seat in a thrift store and fell in love with its great bones. It was in perfect condition except for the dated, faded upholstery so crafty Pam gave it some love. Pam says, “All it needed was a good cleaning and a tailored slipcover in a sassy blue cheetah print to spring back to life.” Hear that, folks? This is a slipcover! Masterful work, indeed. See more at Pam Morris Sews. Thank you Pam!
Dec 9, 2014
Before & After: A $60 Sofa Gets The Royal Treatment
Lauren is on a tight budget so when she found this sofa at a thrift store for $60, she knew its makeover would also have to be a thrifty affair. From the look of the final project, you’d never know just how much she saved. From Lauren: I ripped out the old fabric, stripped the speckled varnish on the wood frame, sanded it down but kept the bare wood instead of varnishing again. I like how it looks more rustic that way.
Nov 24, 2014
Before & After: We’re Angling You’ll Love This Dresser Redo
Reeves was drawn to the simple style and gorgeous hardware of this dresser on Craigslist, but when she saw it in person it was a little more beat-up than she anticipated. So how did she cover the damage without being boring? Check it out. From Reeves: The top was extremely worn and scratched and a few places had pieces of veneer missing. I wanted a look for the piece that had clean lines, but wasn’t same old same old. Something new and different.
Nov 21, 2014
Before & After: A Screaming Plaid Sofa Gets a Makeunder
Minni was looking to replace her old sofa with something a little more streamlined. She loved the lines of this retro yellow sofa but it didn’t exactly scream “low key.” For €30, she took a chance. From Minni: I wanted to challenge myself with an upholstery project that I had never tried before. I found lovely gray upholstery fabric for a bargain of €13 /yard which I think is the perfect color and texture for this sofa.
Nov 20, 2014
Before & After: Windows Saved From a Fire Become Something Even Better
Rosalind lost her first home to a fire back in February and, although heartbroken at the loss of her 1940’s home, she found a unique way to pay homage to it in her new house by reusing some of the original vintage windows that were saved. From Rosalind: We’re in the middle of a whole house renovation right now, so I needed to do something to get my creatives juices flowing.
Nov 19, 2014
Before & After: From Cat Hair to Chair Flair
Jade got this Swedish chair for $30, not realizing that his cats would quickly use it as their scratching post. So, he decided that this horrible brown, fur-magnet needed an upgrade, stat. Wow! Looks like a certain feline creature still has a soft spot for this chair, but it’s looking so much better. From Jade: Instead of succumbing to our cats, I decided to upholster for the first time using heavy duty outdoor fabric and reducing the buttons because our cats tend to pick on them.
Nov 17, 2014
Before & After: A Blah Bookshelf Gets a Big Dose of Happy
Nicole tells us, “When the seller of our new home asked us to trash the book shelf and storage unit she deemed too battered and bulky, I thanked her kindly for her wasteful ways.” Nicole wasn’t nearly so quick to discount these useful shelves; she knew they just needed some love. From Nicole: We have a LOT of books so I knew we would need lots of shelving in our home office.
Nov 14, 2014
Before & After: 1 Weekend, 1 Dresser and 1 Fabulous DIY
DeaAnna found this dresser at a yard sale for $35. It had some fun details and the drawers were all in working condition so she decided to give it some much-needed love. It turned out so well she couldn’t stand to hide it in the bedroom anymore. DeaAnna and her husband recently swapped out their formal dining room set in favor of a more casual table and chairs but they were still missing storage. From DeaAnna: I decided to repurpose it as my dining room buffet.
Nov 13, 2014
Put This In Your Holiday Hosting Arsenal: An Emergency Cleanup Kit
It’s hosting season and you know what that means: your home will soon be getting a workout. Be it parties or houseguests, lots of traffic means lots of messes. Since you know spills are inevitable, do yourself a favor this year and put together an emergency cleaning kit so you’ll be prepared to act fast when someone slips up. Having this quick kit on hand has two benefits.
Nov 12, 2014
Before & After: A Worn Out Chair Gets a Wake Up Call
Not long ago, Linda spotted a picture of a Mid-Century Ercol armchair on Pinterest and completely fell in love. It didn’t take her long to find a similar style chair but it was in massive need of an update. Not only were the original cushions sporting a suuuper fashionable needlepoint-style print, they were torn to bits from decades of sitting. From Linda: I spent some days browsing fabrics and finally settled on an upholstery fabric from Clarke and Clarke featuring a large tulip print.
Nov 12, 2014
Be a Style Hustler: Street Smart Ways to Get What You Want In Your Home
Hustlers know: there’s the hard way to do something and then there’s the smart way. Your home is no different. Look to the shrewd, the savvy and the street smart and learn a thing or two about how to beat that long con that is your decor. All hustlers have a grand vision and you should too. Whatever you need to do to get there — goal setting, vision boards or a step-by-step strategy — a solid plan means you’ll be one happy hustler in the long run.
Nov 10, 2014
‘Jolie Laide’ and the Very French Art of Appreciating Imperfection
It’s funny how sometimes a phrase can change its meaning as you change your mindset. That is, its definition and significance remain the same and suddenly you realize that you’re the one who has come to better understand it. Such was the case recently when I was reminded of a French term I learned and thought I understood long ago: jolie laide.
Nov 10, 2014
Before & After: A Vintage Veneer Rescue
Steph was in the market for a little record cabinet and found this veneered chipboard ‘60s cabinet. The varnish was shot — scratched, faded, and bubbling where it had been left in the rain — and the veneer had chipped off in a couple places. Never fear! Handy Steph worked her magic and performed a wood resuscitation. From Steph: I replaced the broken veneer with pieces of new blackwood veneer, sanded off the old finish, and gave the cabinet a varnish all over.
Nov 10, 2014
Before & After: Book Lovers Make the Most of a Boring Basement Wall
Vicky and her husband had this blank basement wall just crying out for some pizzazz and they knew exactly how to get it there. Hint: it has to do with one of their favorite activities. From Vicky: My husband and I like to collect books. There is just something important about holding a real book in your hands, putting it on your bookshelf when you’ve finished it, and lending it to someone else if it’s worthy.
Nov 7, 2014
Before & After: A Super Cheap IKEA Shelf Goes Incognito
Soffia took a look at the $14.99 HYLLIS shelf at IKEA and thought she could give it an upgrade. A MAJOR upgrade. Check it out. From Soffia: I wanted a Restoration Hardware/Pottery Barn-ish industrial looking shelves for the living room. We used four Hyllis that we cut down to size and spray painted and some plywood that I treated. We got this and we love it 🙂 See more at Skyeytum Hus. Thank you Soffia! Re-edited from a post originally published 11.7.
Nov 6, 2014
Before & After: A New Mom Gets a New Old Rocker
Erin first noticed this “lawyer’s chair” style rocker at an outdoor antique market and kept right on moving. It was covered in flaking paint (what she called “legitimate shabby chic”) and had a water damaged seat so it didn’t seem worth the $85 asking price. But after wandering the antique stalls for a few more hours, she just couldn’t forget it. Though obviously neglected, it had such grand potential. She had to have it.
Nov 5, 2014
Before & After: This Craigslist Cupboard Gets a Cute Companion
Amanda spotted this round cupboard while trolling Craigslist and scooped it up for just $25. While it may not look like much to you and me, when Amanda saw it, “a lightbulb went off in my head.” Props Amanda, we would never had thought of this unique use. From Amanda: New dog bed for Mazzilli!! I love the idea of a small little nook for Mazzie that will look good in the middle of the living room.
Nov 4, 2014
Before & After: The “Wig Lady” Chairs Get Gorgeously Ghostly
Jean and Ruthie bought these chairs nearly 20 years ago from a mother-daughter duo who were selling the entire contents of their home. The creepy house was filled with an assortment of oddities and at one point they noticed piles scattered throughout the house – only to realize later that they were, in fact, piles of hundreds of wigs! They say, “The whole situation was a bit Grey Gardens.” When they went back the next day, the house was deserted.
Oct 31, 2014
Before & After: A Crumbling Cone Chair Resurrection
This Verner Panton cone chair surfaced as Andrew’s friend was cleaning his garage. It had been rained on and was in danger of disintegrating beyond repair. Not if Andrew had anything to say about it. In fact, this graphic transformation was also a surprise to Andrew! From Andrew: I rescued the chair, putting it in a dry place until I had the time to restore it.
Oct 30, 2014
Before & After: This DOA Desk Gets Some CPR
Beth says, “I love a good challenge.” She would have to! She bought this mess of a desk from Craigslist for only 15 bucks. It had been sitting out on a balcony and the wood was in shambles. From Beth: There was no way to save it the bottom portion. The top was stained beyond recognition and the drawers were beat to hell and back. Why did I buy this? It’s how we learn, people! So feast your eyes.
Oct 29, 2014
Before & After: A Table Skeleton Comes Back to Life
Karen found this table skeleton on garbage day and dragged it home. Creative soul that she is, she came up with an unexpected (and free!) solution to make it whole again. We can’t believe we’ve never thought of this one! From Karen: We are lucky enough to have a neighbor who is a flooring installer. He had leftover pieces of hardwood flooring. We chose a variety of wood grains and pieces. My husband helped me attach the flooring boards to the table top.
Oct 27, 2014
Before & After: A Botched 50’s Chair Gets a Brush Up
When Ian found this antique baluster oak armchair at a thrift store he could see it had been hastily reupholstered around 1950 (see that lumpy seat and vinyl?). He bought it anyway. From Ian: Instead of adding jute webbing and hand-tie coils for the seat (like I eventually did) the previous owner just dropped in an ill-fitting box spring system from another chair, added some foam and some ugly printed vinyl, and that is how it spent the last 60 years.
Oct 23, 2014
Before & After: A Dated Console Does a Meet Cute
Carlos and his wife are two architects living in an old house where “everything is very big and brown.” Well they fixed that particular dilemma, at least with this cute console. See it now. From Carlos; We have gradually been transforming the inside of the house, trying to do so by spending the least amount of money possible. We have focused on using all elements that already exist in the house so we’ve tried to reuse most of the furniture and make it more fun.
Oct 23, 2014
Before & After: No More Bad Plaid
Lucia in Italy proves once and for all that good bones and rich wood will always be a winner if you know how to look past a few dated details. From Lucia: This DIY project took just two afternoons. I took off the old trimming, the old fabric and the ugly clear plastic that covered the seat. The foam was quite good so I decided not to change it. I cut the new fabric and I stapled it with my automatic stapler. Then I bought gold pushpins and modern white trim.
Oct 21, 2014
Before & After: Chris’ Childhood Dresser Gets a Makeunder
Even though he’d already gotten plenty of use out of this dilapidated dresser (he’s had it since high school), Chris knew this baby had some life left. He says, “it was just asking to be redone.” From Chris: It’s a pretty heavy dresser so getting it out of the house was its own project. I bought some paint stripper, a scraper, sand paper and some Golden Oak wood stain. It was surprisingly easy to strip and I was amazed at the quality of the wood.
Oct 20, 2014
Before & After: Breanna Spys a Garage Sale Gem
Sometimes snooping pays off, at least it did for Breanna. She scored this beauty at a garage sale while investigating some odds and ends that weren’t yet pulled out for display. That’s one way to get first dibs! It was pretty cute to begin with but just wait until you see how Breanna jazzed up this darling dresser.
Oct 17, 2014
Before & After: Say Hola to This Henredon Honey
Leslie found this 1970’s Henredon Alvarado dresser at a thrift store. It was in perfect condition except for the “scraped, scratched, speckled yellow-brown sticky finish with the super-ugly, chunky pulls.” No problem, she could fix that. From Leslie: It was a lot of work to update it, removing the gummy old finish, filling the old pull holes (18), and sanding carefully. I used an edgy eggplant color I mixed myself, with a satin topcoat.
Oct 16, 2014
Before & After: A Sofa Named Jocelyn
Lynn tells us that everyone thought she was crazy to purchase this gold velvet sofa. Lucky for her (and us!) she could see a diamond in the rough. From Lynn: First we cleaned up the arms, all is took was a little elbow grease and some touch up paint and the wood and resin arms look fantastic. Next, upholstery….I decided to use a hardy linen-looking cotton blend in oatmeal. A busy fabric would take away from the overall elegance of the arms and the lines of the sofa!
Oct 15, 2014
Before & After: An Unexpectedly Cool Cabinet
It takes a healthy dose of vision to look at this peeling cabinet and picture the chic, modern piece it would eventually become. But Reeves seems to be just that visionary. Take a look at her masterpiece. From Reeves: This piece took a lot of prep work up front before I was ever able to get to painting. The mustard paint it had was so easy to scratch off so just putting more paint over it would do no good. I sanded almost all of the paint off, cleaned the piece, and spray primed it.
Oct 13, 2014
Before & After: A Frumpy Craigslist Find Gets Fab
Nicole found this frumpy side table on craigslist for “almost free” and wanted to use it in her bedroom. But first it needed a spruce up and boy did it get one. From Nicole: Since the entire piece was made from plywood, the drawer front was replaced with 1/4 wood veneer for a nice wood accent that would match the new legs that were attached. Both the new drawer front and legs were stained with danish oil.
Oct 9, 2014
How New York City’s First Elevator Revolutionized Real Estate
Not far from the Apartment Therapy offices in New York City is the five-story E.V. Haughwout building. It wouldn’t be difficult to walk to the top floor, but in 1857, you wouldn’t have had to because this is the site of the very first commercial elevator in New York City, manufactured by (who else?) Elisha Otis. Here’s how it changed everything. Mr.
Oct 8, 2014
Before & After: A College Dresser Grows Up
Jessica bought this dresser four years ago, as a college student. At the time, the entire dresser was painted green and naturally distressed (or “beat to death,” according to her mother) and worked with the shabby chic trend of the moment. After tons of elbow grease, it’s still chic but not so shabby. From Jessica: A couple months ago I finally decided to tackle the refinishing project. (The before picture is actually more of an in process picture, oops!
Oct 8, 2014
Before & After: Boring Stairs Get a Kick of Copper
David told us this project was six months in the making, even through “most of it was procrastination.” We’re glad he finally got around to it because this is one unexpectedly cool stair upgrade. From David: We started with plain, light wood stairs. We wanted a dark, near black color to match our cast iron, gas fireplace on the other side of the room.
Oct 7, 2014
Before & After: Anna’s Blood, Sweat and Tears Craigslist Chair Makeover
Anna’s craigslist chair makeover comes with a warning: “This was my first time ever reupholstering a piece of furniture, and BOY was it a lot more time consuming than I realized!” But worth it, Anna. So so worth it. From Anna: I don’t even know how many hours I put into this chair–not to mention the definite blood, sweat, and even a few tears.
Oct 6, 2014
Before & After: A Dumpster Dive Card Catalog Gets Darling
Chelsey found this old card catalogue in the dumpster. She could see how much stripping and sanding work there was to do, so she kept putting off the project. Now that we’ve seen the results, we can’t believe she waited so long. From Chelsey: There were layers of chipping black paint over high gloss stained oak and missing drawer pulls. I scraped, sanded, and added legs.
Oct 3, 2014