Winning at Laundry Day: What to Learn From My Worst Laundry Mistakes (So You Don’t Make Them, Too)
I’ve ruined a lot of great clothes in my life and most of them could have been saved had I known a few handy laundry facts before I embarked upon my trial-and-error method of clothing care. Official warning: don’t make my mistakes! Don’t do this stuff anymore.
May 4, 2019
Design History: Why Can’t We Wear White After Labor Day?
We’ve all heard (and probably ignored) this common fashion rule but just where did it come from anyway? Let’s take a look. Let’s start, of course, with sweat. In the pre-AC summers of the Guilded Age, cities were a sweaty mess. There were no breezy tank tops to help cool anyone off. People wore, as a general rule, formal, modest clothing which covered more skin.
May 4, 2019
Neighbor Favors: Tips to Help Keep Your Dog From Barking When You Are Out
All dogs love hanging out with their humans, but if you need to leave Fluffy home alone once in a while, how do you make sure he doesn’t bring the house down with his bark? Besides good training (always a good idea), try these tips to keep him happy (and quiet) while you’re away. Dogs can hang out alone, but don’t close him up all day without company, a meal or a walk. If you need to be away from home for more than four hours, you’ll need to make arrangements for Fido.
May 4, 2019
10 Perfect-For-Fall Real Room Colors (Plus Paint Names!)
We’re still in the dog days around here, but in our hearts, we’re thinking ahead to our decor plans for fall. These ten homes from our tours each used a cozy, crisp, or dramatic paint color perfect for fall. So we found out the color names and manufacturers so you can copy these looks. Above: A dramatic bedroom in Deep Space by Behr. Benjamin Moore Moroccan Spice Ricky & McCary made their own taupe mix of Benjamin Moore paint. Melinda and Mark picked Rustoleum chalkboard paint.
May 4, 2019
Need to Be A Night Owl? Try These Tricks to Stay Awake
I used to be a night owl. A midnight movie? No problem! An after-after party? I was there. But, in an interesting turn of life events, I’ve begun getting drowsy embarrassingly early these days. Obviously this means some of my late-night habits have had to change (hello 10:30 bedtime), but when I know I’m going to have to stay up late? I do this stuff.
May 4, 2019
Before and After: The Smartest Stairs in Scandinavia
We already knew the Finns were a stylish people, but this example really takes smart, small space design to the next level. This little loft went from a scary, exposed ladder to a new staircase with a secret. You have to see this one. That looks awesome, but get ready for the real magic: Whaaa? Look at how much storage was hiding under there! And we especially love how these Finnish folks at StyleRoom broke up the larger space with pull-out shelving for designated items based on height.
May 4, 2019
Never (Ever!) Say This Word To Guests In Your Home
We all work so hard to make our homes beautiful, relaxing spaces where we can host our friends and family. So what if I told you that by merely uttering one little word, you could derail all the positive, beautiful attributes of your home in the eyes of your guests? Please, lovelies, never say this! “Sorry about the mess.” “Sorry it’s so hot in here.” “Sorry, we’re out of milk.” Sound familiar?
Feb 24, 2019
Molly & Tyler’s Classic Cool Cottage
Name: Molly and Tyler KingLocation: Echo Park, Los Angeles, CaliforniaSize: 680 square feetYears lived in: 5 years; Owned I first met Molly and Tyler years ago when I tagged along with a friend to their Labor Day barbecue, and since then, I’ve watched them welcome countless friends into their charming Eastside home.
Feb 20, 2019
5 Things Your Real Estate Broker Won’t Tell You
House hunting? You probably need a broker to help with your search. A great broker can find you a place to live but also sometimes winds up acting as your best friend, your mom, and your therapist all in one. For a successful end result, you really want to make this complex relationship work; we’ll let you in on what your broker might really be thinking… When you’re a broker there are no guarantees.
Nov 20, 2018
Use Your Lifelines: Shopping Helpers Inspired By Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
It was a game show in the ’90’s, but these lifelines can really work anytime. After a recent re-watch of Slumdog Millionaire (holds up!), I started remembering a few of the ins and outs of this gameshow. Turns out, all the lifelines they offered contestants to help them field trivia questions work in real-life situations too, especially when it comes to the one major area where we face tough choices every day: shopping.
Sep 24, 2015
3 Renegade Ways to Shake Up Your Home and Hone Your True Style (Without Spending a Dime)
You’re sick and tired of looking at the same old, same old, but it’s all you can seem to see. You’ve surfed and pinned until your fingers bled, but you can never seem to translate those ideas into real-life change. Never fear. These three steps require you to get off the couch and take some action. Doing this stuff will get you going, we promise.
Sep 24, 2015
The Invisible Things Around the House That Are Worth Spending Money On
These are not your sexy showstopper purchases. In fact, no one (except you) will probably even know these things exist. But that’s okay. Your life will be miles better if you spend some bucks on this stuff. Money spent on setting your space up for organizational success will never be wasted. What these helpers costs in cash (which, ahem, can be very little if you recognize the simple power of a recycled shoebox), it will make up for over and over in time saved.
Sep 23, 2015
How to Decorate Around a Piece With Lots of Patina
There are certain pieces of furniture or decor that have history. On a good day, you might call their particular style vintage or shabby chic; on a bad day, it’s just plain dilapidated. Pieces full of patina can be super special and look great, especially if they’re included with just the right touch. Here’s how to make your own pieces stand out in a good way. You’ve chosen not to redo this piece so celebrate it in all it’s worn-in glory. In other words, own it!
Sep 19, 2015
Here Are 10 Things You Could Get Rid of Today (and Never Miss)
After a while, you get so accustomed to seeing the things in your home that you tend to gloss over cluttered spaces because they seem normal. So we’re getting really, really specific. Are you guilty of storing any of these things that you don’t want or need? The groceries are long gone; their day is done. Is your linen closet keeping up with your furniture? Why are you still storing that frizz-inducing shampoo?
Sep 11, 2015
3 Ways to Save Your Memories (So You Can Let Go of the Actual Things)
One of the our biggest emotional blocks against reducing clutter is nostalgia! We want to keep remembering the great things that happened to us while wearing that sweater or the time in our lives when we loved those plates, so we hang on to stuff that we no longer need. But guess what? You don’t need the actual items to keep those great memories at the front of your mind. Try these ideas.
Aug 30, 2015
Find a Fresh Perspective: 4 Ways to Look at Any Room As If It’s For the First Time
Getting your home to look its best means an occasional decor shake up, furniture rearrangement or new color palette. But sometimes it’s hard to see your space for exactly what it is. We’re all tied up emotionally to our homes, which is great, but it also limits the change we can visualize. We’re so used to the way things are! If you want to stop glossing over your home and really get a fresh perspective, try these things.
Aug 30, 2015
Does Making the Bed Really Make You Happier? I Found Out
We tell you all the time about the importance of making your bed — the one task that will make you happier, healthier, permanently stress-free and rich beyond your wildest dreams (or something along those lines). But against my own advice — I know, I’m a hypocrite — I rarely make my bed. Mornings are always such a scramble that it never seemed like much of a priority.
Aug 26, 2015
Furniture Facts: 5 Important Things To Do Before You Buy
Furniture shopping is about more than just style; there are so many elements that go into getting the right fit for you and your home. These five are the essentials. Don’t leave the store without doing this stuff. Duh. But sit on it mindfully! You’re looking for not only comfort, but also how this piece fits your body. Does the seat accommodate the length of your thighs? Do your feet rest comfortably on the floor? Is the arm rest at the right height for your own arm?
Aug 23, 2015
3 Secrets of People Who Know How To Say “No”
For such a small word, it sure is hard for some people to say no, even when they really, really want to. So how do some people breezily refuse an invitation while others begrudgingly accept? How do they pull if off? Like this! Here’s the deal: even though it doesn’t feel like it, saying no is your right. If you choose that path, you don’t need to explain yourself. That’s not to say you need to be rude.
Aug 23, 2015
Lessons From Our Tours: 4 Smart Ways Natasha Turned Her Small Studio Into Much Much More
So often studios are difficult to deal with because there’s no separation of the types of spaces you need: living area, bedroom, kitchen and entry. Well, I recently revisited Natasha’s Brooklyn studio tour and was wowed at all the smart things she did to carve out definition in her 500 square foot space. She’s moved all over the world (and has the decor to prove it) so it’s no wonder she’s great setting up a home. Here’s what she did that you can do, too.
Aug 22, 2015
Safe and Smart: How To Sub-Lease Your Apartment The Right Way
Need to be away for a while but don’t want to eat a chunk of rent? You might be in the market for a sub-leaser. Letting someone in your home comes with plenty of issues so let’s wade through them together. Read on. You have a set of guidelines for your tenancy; it’s your lease. Check it to see the rules for sub-leasing. In the event that it’s not addressed, you really need to bring it up with your landlord.
Aug 20, 2015
How to Love a Temporary Living Situation (Even Through It’s Not Forever)
If you’re languishing in a dorm room, sublet or any other type of temporary housing, you’re probably facing a particular kind of decor dilemma. On one hand, you’re living there so you want it to be nice. On the other, the idea of putting tons of time into fixing up a place where you won’t be for very long is exhausting. What to do? Read this. If you know you’re gonna be on the move again soonish, it’s worth it to figure out how to weed your belongings down.
Aug 16, 2015
Are You A Bad Tenant? 5 Ways to Tell
Last week we talked about warning signs to heed in order to avoid getting stuck with a bad landlord. But remember, it takes two to tango. Are you the best tenant you can be? Maybe you have the best of intentions but are still making some unwitting mistakes. Here’s the cold hard truth. Rules are there for a reason, unless you reeeally need to do your laundry after midnight, right? Sorry no.
Aug 14, 2015
The Awkward Files: 3 Things to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say About Someone’s Decor
Who likes keeping their friends? Me! So what do you do when your friend proudly shows off his new apartment and, well, you don’t love it. You won’t need to lie if you keep these responses at the ready. You can always find at least one thing you like! Sincerely complimenting one specific thing is so much better than hemming and hawing and offering a half-hearted, “Wow, what a great place…” generality.
Aug 13, 2015
5 Ways to Create Defined Zones in an Open Plan Space
So you have a huge open space on your hands? Great! Not so great is the feeling that it’s just one big, undefined area. Never fear. You can strategically use the things you already have to create separate zones and get your space organized. Try these tricks. Want something to look different than everything around it? Paint it a different color! It’s one of the easiest and fastest ways to create definition. Furniture doesn’t have to stick to the walls!
Aug 12, 2015
Style Spotting: Statement Lighting From Our Tours (& Where to Buy It)
Do you often scroll through our house tours and think, “Where did they find that?” Me too. So I found out. Each one of these amazing photos has a chandelier that you could buy today. We’ll tell you where! Above: Grant and Gabriel in Chicago bought the Crown Major Suspension by Nemo Lighting. See the whole house here → Gabriel & Grant’s Warm Minimalism Jennifer picked out a chandelier from Anthem San Francisco.
Aug 9, 2015
Rental Red Flags: Watch Out For These 5 Bad Landlord Warning Signs
Even a great rental will be hell if you’re stuck with a bad landlord. Don’t be blindsided by a dud. Heed these warning signs before you commit to a lease and it’s too late. Even if the apartment you tour looks immaculate, be wary if the rest of the building seems surprisingly run down in comparison. What about the landscaping outside, the lounge or the laundry room?
Aug 5, 2015
Give Up the Guest Room: 5 Other Ideas to Squeeze the Most Use Out of An Extra Bedroom
If you’re lucky enough to have an extra bedroom in your home, you might be getting some familial pressure to have a guest room always at the ready for out-of-towners. An extra bed is never a bad idea, but letting an empty room go to waste the other 51 weeks of the year seems like a shame. Maximize your space by turning that room into one of these things that you can appreciate all the time. Your guests will understand!
Aug 4, 2015
Marie Kondo Says Don’t Do This Key Thing While Decluttering
Decluttering maven Marie Kondo has inspired us all to live, not only with less, but with only the things that spark joy. Her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing is full of inspiration and instructions about how to make your home the streamlined, joy machine it can be and, notably, warns against one specific thing (that we do all the time!). We wouldn’t have thought of this one but it’s so true.
Aug 2, 2015
5 Small Space Strategies Everyone Should Use (Even If You Have Plenty of Space)
Lots of small space strategies are about so much more than just making it work in an itty bitty box; they’re smart ideas that everyone can use in any space. Try these on for size. Roll your eyes all you want, but remember, clutter can take over and make you crazy. Although we often hear this advice in reference to small spaces where every inch counts, no one in a home of any size should be hanging on to too many things they don’t need.
Aug 2, 2015
Small Spaces with Style: 8 Great Tours in 500 Square Feet or Less
How do our house tour subjects cram such style into such small spaces? Like this! These tours are all between 200 and 500 square feet but they manage to pack a punch. Have your own small space? See how these folks did it and get inspired to take advantage of every inch. Evan’s 295 sq foot Manhattan studio has so many different zones (including an outside space!) it feels much, much bigger.
Jul 28, 2015
The “I Hate Camping” Person’s Guide to Surviving a Family Camping Trip
So you somehow got roped into a family camping trip this summer. If the word camping inspires a particular feeling of dread in the pit of your belly then you need our help. You CAN get through your ordeal vacation. Follow this guide. Maybe you think sleeping on the ground is for suckers or maybe you don’t fancy the idea of being shower-free for multiple days. These problems have solutions!
Jul 22, 2015
4 “Starter Apartment” Ideas You Should Always Keep in Your Back Pocket
You sure didn’t want to stay in your starter apartment forever, but your early days of living lean did have some great lessons. Don’t forget about these ideas once you can afford to move on up. Sure, now you can afford to buy what you like in the art department, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still mix it up on your walls. We always love an unconventional showpiece! It shows you have more than cash, you have style!
Jul 12, 2015
20 Last Minute Ways to Make Your Home Look Guest-Ready (When It’s Actually Kind of a Mess)
Are you a robot who is always ready for spur-of-the-moment guests? Good for you! The rest of us humans need to fake it once in a while. Here are twenty easy ways to do just that. Make your home look loads better in a hurry with one or two (or more if you’re feeling motivated!) of these low effort, high-impact (and dirt-hiding) tips. 20. Sweep clutter from all visible surfaces. 19. Make the bed. 18. Clean the bathroom mirror. 17. Light a candle. 16. Putting out a store-bought snack?
Jul 9, 2015
Critical Thinking: Identifying What You Really Like About a Room in a Photo
When you’re clicking around the internet with inspiration in mind, you sometimes come across those great photos that make you gasp. But why? Can you pinpoint exactly what you like about a beautiful picture so you can recreate that element in your own space? It’s probably one of these things. Even if you don’t love large lemon art, you might be drawn to how bright and happy the above photo feels. Or maybe a moody, dramatic photo really gets you going.
Jul 3, 2015
The Right Way to Break a Lease: 5 Rules for an Easier Exit
Want to get out of your lease early? You need to play it smart. Whatever the reason you need to leave, we can help you navigate the tricky business of breaking your lease before things get ugly and expensive. Try these five things. A lease is a legal document so respond in kind and put every communication regarding that lease in writing.
Jul 1, 2015
Sharing a Studio: How A Brooklyn Couple Makes it Work in a Small Space
Danny & Joni’s Brooklyn loft is a pretty generously sized studio at 690 square feet, but to make it work with two, they had to employ some smart strategies that you can steal. Danny and Joni spent two years with a regular bed frame while constantly fighting for storage space. Finally, they bit the bullet and found a builder to make them a custom bed + space divider + storage unit in one!
Jun 25, 2015
This is Real: The Baby Cage
1930’s London wasn’t known for its plentiful fresh air or sunshine but for a quick minute, these babies got to soak up as much as they could of both…while dangling high above the city streets in a wire cage. Guess that’s one way to get your kid to play outside. This incredible invention was brought to our attention courtesy of an hilariously tongue-in-cheek recent Gothamist article.
Jun 23, 2015
How To Get Your Rental Back to Move-In Ready (After You’ve Customized Your Heart Out)
Who likes getting their security deposit back? We do! If you’ve gone crazy with color or went ahead with a full-blown gallery wall (and have the holes to prove it), then you’ll need to take a few steps to make sure you save your security. After all the boxes are packed, don’t forget to address this stuff. So you went nuts with the shelving or you got fanatic about frames. No biggie. It’s time to patch away.
Jun 22, 2015
The #1 Most Repeated Piece of Advice From Our House Tours
Time and time again we hear our House Tour subjects tell us the same piece of “best advice” when they fill out our style survey. So what do these decor savvy folks do that they think you should do, too? We might as well let them tell you. As Brook Baker Eide concicely puts it: Even when you’ve got the shiny keys to a brand new apartment and you’re raring to go paint every wall and decorate every corner and get every little thing into place, don’t.
May 17, 2015
Don’t Forget to Do These Things Before Leaving on Vacation
Vacation season is finally here! You know to make travel plans and pack (that’s the fun part!), but don’t forget to do these things around your home that will keep it clean, protected and even conserve some energy while you’re gone. • Change the sheets — When you come home from your trip exhausted, nothing will make you happier to be home than falling into a fresh bed.
May 14, 2015
How To Talk to Your Landlord (and Get What You Want)
The landlord v. tenant relationship can be a tricky one to master; there are so many minefields to step around when dealing with your home and his property. But going into any discussion with the right knowledge and attitude can significantly improve your chances of request success. Here’s where to start. The number one secret to getting extra-good service from your landlord? Be the kind of tenant your landlord wants to keep around.
May 10, 2015
4 Terrific Habits of Homebodies (That Anyone Can Do)
Everyone knows a homebody. (And if you don’t know one, you definitely are one.) Homebodies aren’t boring and they’re not necessarily shy. They just know hanging around the house can be pretty awesome. Here’s why… Homebodies love spending time at home and so they naturally put a lot of effort into making their home a great place to be. That might manifest through calming colors, lots of comfortable seating or even just plenty of snacks.
May 3, 2015
The Worst Real Estate Euphemisms (And What They Actually Mean)
We’ve heard some pretty delusional ways to describe architectural features over the years. There are always certain less-than-desirable elements to any home and it makes sense to soften the bad things by lying… er— circumventing the truth. So what are the most common euphemisms we’ve come across? Read on. Nice try, this means tiny. Means just old. Don’t be fooled, this means basement. Small/weird. Usually more shabby, less chic.
May 1, 2015
Selling Your Home: 3 Investments to Get Your Best Possible Price
Yep, these things will require you to spend some cash up front but won’t it be worth it when your house sells faster and for more money? Try these three tiered ideas that let you invest a little or a lot. This is the minimum you can do to make sure both the inside and outside of your home are sparkling clean and pretty. It’s your first, best way to tell your potential buyer that this is somewhere they want to be.
Apr 29, 2015
The Breakup Guide: 4 Basics to Help You Get Your Home and Sanity Back
Nothing I can say here is gonna make your breakup not suck. Sorry. But there are some little tricks that will ease the sting and help you get back to normal (or better than normal!) faster. You already know this stuff in your heart, but you probably need to hear it anyway. If you’re living together, you need to stop. No excuses.
Apr 21, 2015
Ideas to Steal: 5 Grocery Store Tips to Develop Your Decor
You go there every week to fill your fridge, but just how much attention have you paid to the decor at your favorite grocery store? Not enough! From smart space planning to draw-your-eye blue light specials, your mega mart has plenty of stellar ideas you can steal for your own space. Let’s take a look. You know we constantly extole the virtues of great lighting in your space and the grocery store really gets it done.
Apr 1, 2015
Before & After: From Beige Box to Crazy Curb Appeal
This house might be perfectly nice on the inside but it was tough to get past the beige and boring outside, so these homeowners used some super-smart ideas to jazz up the exterior of their home and give it acres of appeal. You can copy these! So much better! So what exactly happened here? The bare windows got a dose of interest with added white molding, which really makes them stand out. More molding separates the first and second floor (kinda like a chair rail in a room!
Mar 17, 2015