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If you’re a Killing Eve fan and you’re looking for more TV series to fill the void or keep the thriller flame fanned, here are five options that should help.
Allison Green and Dan Theriault built this small post and beam, passive solar, straw bale ADU on their property in Boise, Idaho... and it's as gorgeous as it is sustainable!
Yasmin and their husband's job is finding vintage treasures (mainly Scandinavian and Italian designs from the 1950s to 1980s), while travelling to places like Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, around Germany, France, and Italy.
It's a tale as old as time: a couple buys a new house or decides to renovate their longtime home, only to realize that they have very different design ideas.
Hester Vogelzang's retro interior-themed Instagram tagline is “Born in the nineties, living in the seventies,” and that applies to the home shared with boyfriend, Jens, and newborn son, Wobbe.
Having a work-from-home space that merely works isn’t enough. We need them to also look and feel great to be in — and not just to show off on video calls. Spending eight (or more) hours in a space that expresses your personal style is one of the perks of working from home, plus it tends to be more energizing than sitting in a cookie-cutter workstation under fluorescent lighting.