24 Room Divider Ideas to Give Your Space More FunctionDesign Ideas
Create more spaces with one of these genius room divider ideas.
Dec 19, 2024
This $10 IKEA Storage Bestseller Has the Most Unexpected Use in Your KitchenOrganizing
Your spice drawer will never look better.
Nov 25, 2024
The Peaceful Filipino Housewarming Ritual I Regret Not Trying SoonerLife
I always wondered why my aunt’s home felt so soothing.
Oct 31, 2024
The Controversial Housewarming Ritual You’re Missing Out OnLife
It’s the equal opportunity celebration you’ve been looking for.
Oct 17, 2024
126 Ideas for Creative & Thoughtful Housewarming GiftsLife
So for that new neighbor upstairs or your favorite couple who just bought their first place, here are 120+ creative ideas for new-home gifts they’ll actually love.
Oct 11, 2024
The 10 Best Cleaning Tools Every Home Should HaveCleaning
Whether you're just getting started in a new space or looking to complete (or maybe upgrade) your cleaning kit, here's what you need.
Dec 5, 2023
Just Starting Out? 5 Strategies for Outfitting Your First ApartmentDesign Ideas
Homes are made up of so many pieces from furniture basics to personal touches so how do you make a place feel like home when you’re starting from scratch and with little scratch to spend? Here are five strategies to help furnish your home when you’re just starting out… You’ll be surprised what people will offer you. It may not be just your style, but it can be a placeholder until you can afford something better.
Oct 4, 2023
The Foolproof Way to Calculate Your Home's Square FootageHome Projects
You'll need a measuring tape and calculator on deck.
Aug 11, 2023
12 Easy DIY Tips and Tricks for Hanging Pictures, Frames & ArtworkDesign Ideas
Here are 12 easy ways to make the un-fun process of hanging artwork a little bit more tolerable. Follow these tips and tricks and you might just spare your fingers some physical pain, or skip the mental frustration that comes from drilling holes in the wrong place the first time around. Read these, and live wiser my friends: 1. This goes in the “how to figure out where to stick the nail” folder, and it’s a good one from Fabulous Home Blog. 2.
Mar 30, 2023
13 Tips for The Sexiest Bedroom … Like EverDesign Ideas
Mae West was famous for saying, “The best way to get over a guy is to get under a new guy.” Despite its many implications, it was a good reminder to me that amidst all the politics of dating, as an Apartment Therapist, underneath it ALL is a bed and the BEST way to catch the new person you want is to have a fantastic bedroom. Your bedroom is the clearest expression of how you are feeling about yourself right now and is bathed in your pheromones.
Jan 25, 2023
Real Life in London: 7 Things You’ll Need to Be OK With To Love Living HereReal Estate
I canvassed my friends, from born-and-bred Londoners to long-term expats and recent arrivals, for thoughts on living here.
Nov 16, 2022
How To Move Long Distances with PlantsPlants & Yard
It’s hard enough making any big move, but add in actual living things like pets and plants, and the stress of moving gets even tougher to handle. You might already be thinking about how to keep pets happy during the journey to a new home, but have you considered the well-being of your botanical friends, too? Here are some great strategies for making sure your plants survive the long trip to a new home and stay happy and healthy along the way. Prep your plants.
Nov 9, 2022
The Great Toddler Bed DebateDesign Ideas
One of the enduring debates among our readers is whether to transition a child from their crib to a toddler-size bed or go straight to a twin bed (or bigger). It’s a decision most parents will make at one time or another, and there is a multitude of competing factors to consider. This debate has come up time and again on Apartment Therapy, with hundreds of comments on the topic.
Oct 19, 2022
This Is What a "Soul Home" Is, and How I Found Mine
It’s where you’re supposed to be.
Oct 15, 2022
The Unexpected Yet Practical Housewarming Gift Your Friends Will Thank You ForLife
It doesn't have to be expensive.
Oct 14, 2022
Starting Out in Style: A Look Inside 10 Fantastic First HomesDesign Ideas
When it comes to setting up a home, we never forget our first spaces. From our first apartments in college, to our first solo space, to our first time moving in with a significant other, we set out excited, inexperienced and ready to take on each empty space and make it our own. Here are a few first homes from our house tours. TOP ROW: 1. Mara Alex’s First Home as a Married Couple: Mara purchased her first house solo, and it became her first home as a newlywed as well. 2.
Oct 13, 2022
Moving Questions: What Will You Miss/Look Forward To Most?Life
As our family has been preparing to move from a new-ish house in town to a crazy little farmhouse way out in the country, we’ve been discussing all the things we’re excited about, and all the things we have to admit we’ll miss… I think saying things like this out loud can be crucial, especially for kids.
Oct 12, 2022
Here's How To Literally Move a House to Another LocationReal Estate
The cost might surprise you.
May 28, 2022
5 Smart Home Essentials for New HomeownersDesign Ideas
Amp up your security with this connected tech.
Apr 8, 2022
6 Easy Renters Fixes for Ugly Ceiling LightsHome Projects
For many renters, it isn’t the blank walls or the basic carpets, or even the neighbors that can disrupt that feeling of home sweet home. Instead, it’s the lighting. Whether your rental sports flourescent light bars that cast a jarring light, or those much-hated flush mount lights that seem dated and unoriginal, ceiling lights in rental units aren’t exactly envious. But there’s a rental hack for just about anything.
Apr 4, 2022
The Best “Grown Up” FutonsDesign Ideas
Growing up, the only type of couches my family owned were futons. I thought they were the coolest — you could change the covers, they expanded for sleepovers, and they seemed much more modern than an overstuffed sofa. Nowadays futons are more often associated with dorm rooms than cool furniture. However, there’s no denying a futon’s small space convenience. Here are a few convertible options for your post-collegiate home.
Sep 2, 2020
7 Things New Homeowners Should Never, Ever Apologize ForReal Estate
In your first year of owning your own home, every new day brings on a new challenge. And thanks to that fresh and dewy homeowner glow, you’re poised to tackle them all. Who cares if the wall is crooked and the kitchen is in disarray—they’re yours. Owning a home isn’t all good feelings, though. And people don’t seem to want to discuss all the bad vibes that can frequently come along with buying your own first place… What if the neighbors are horrible?
Jul 18, 2020
Apartment Therapy on Copying to LearnHome Projects
My kitchen Before.. just two-three months ago. Name:Type of Project:Location:Type of building:Whenever I am asked how you learn to make good interior design decisions, how to trust yourself or how to just plain have style, I say the same thing. Start by copying. I don’t mean the type of copying where you cheated in high school by looking at someone else’s answers.
Jul 17, 2020
How’s That Working Out? 6 Months Without a Changing Table or PadDesign Ideas
When you ask parents what not to buy for a nursery, a changing table rises to the top of the list. “Official” changing tables don’t repurpose well into non-baby furniture so many parents choose alternatives to traditional changing tables, primarily dressers or desks that are at a comfortable height and deep enough to accommodate a changing pad.
Jul 17, 2020
Before & After: Simple Office Nook MakeoverOrganizing
Sometimes there is just not enough space – or money! With an upcoming wedding and two blending households of avid readers into a one bedroom condo (plus one curious object collector – me), we’ve got books and baubles coming out of our ears. This office area is one of my least favorite places in our home due its lack of light and wall space restrictions, so it was time for a cheap and quick fixer-upper!
Jul 16, 2020
Before & After: Under Stair Storage RedoOrganizing
Like many other small space dwellers, we have almost no closet or storage space in my home. The tenants before us took the first step to maximize the dead space under the stairs by removing a partition wall to open up the area, and installed a drop down hatch under the stair. Unfortunately they didn’t install a railing and instead only those awkward, sharp rectangular boxes — after several falls down the stairs it was painfully obvious something needed to change!
Jul 15, 2020
Worthy Splurge: 5 Things That Are Never Worth Skimping OnLife
In the midst of all this talk about budgeting and saving money, it’s important to realize that not everything can be done on the cheap. There are areas of your life at home where more money equates to better quality. Not just better quality construction, but also a better quality life (and sleep!) for you. These are five things around the house where you should put price aside and buy exactly what you want—even if that means saving up for awhile.
Jul 15, 2020
Under $50: 10 Online Sources for Affordable ArtDesign Ideas
The idea of collecting art can be a daunting one and when it comes to finding the perfect pieces to fill your walls it can feel like there are only two directions you can go in, mass produced cookie-cutter art or the intimidating, confusing and often expensive option of buying directly from a gallery. The internet has democratized the process quite a bit, but can be hard to sift through what’s available. Here are ten of my go to resources for good, affordable art.
Apr 2, 2020
2 Rooms, 2 Kids: Share a Bedroom & Gain a Playroom?Design Ideas
It seems that, increasingly, it’s becoming the norm for kids to have their own bedrooms, especially if there’s adequate space for it. But what if you have two rooms, two kids, and no playroom? Is it a better use of the space to have the kids share a bedroom? In my experience, young children don’t feel much of a need for a private bedroom. They would rather have ample space to play.
Mar 12, 2020
Kim’s Final Reveal: It’s the Little ThingsDesign Ideas
Part of my motivation behind doing the Style Cure this year was to reclaim our main living space. It has been a whirlwind of a year for us and we pack a lot of living into not a lot of square footage. Unfinished projects, leftovers from our wedding and all of the (amazing) gifts from our guests left us with an apartment that felt like it was always almost there, but not quite.
Mar 11, 2020
Accidentally On-Trend: My Rose Gold Pantry ShelvesHome Projects
I am giddy over my new pretty, pretty pantry shelves. Just days ago, they were a hodgepodge of mismatched boards and faux-wood stickers. It’s amazing what a little paint and the old switcharoo will do! When we started working on our new house, I was pleased to find a set of shelves in the pantry. They were nothing to write home about, but they would hold things and they were free and they were fine.
Mar 11, 2020
How To Properly Light a KitchenDesign Ideas
The kitchen: it’s the laboratory of the home, where we “work” to create meals for ourselves and those we live with. Conversely, it’s also often the social hub of the home, where friends gather at parties or even where you might like to hang out solo, just reading a book or listening to the radio. With these dual purposes in mind, it’s often tricky to strike the right lighting balance.
Mar 11, 2020
When Do You Consider A Place Move-In Ready?Home Projects
In all my years of apartment renting, moving-in was a rushed, desperate attempt to get out of whatever storage unit/friend’s basement/truck I was stranded in—though I did always manage to scrub down each apartment first. Now that we’re renovating a house, the move-in-ready question is trickier… When we first began work on the house, it was put forward that we didn’t necessarily need to have the walls painted before we moved our stuff in.
Mar 11, 2020
The Ultimate Guide to Making Any Rental More Energy EfficientLife
Think that because you don’t own, you have no control over your home’s energy use? Not true! Here’s our ultimate guide; full of links to quick, easy and yes, even inexpensive, ways to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your bills (your landlord will thank you!). Most of these changes are likely to pay for themselves in energy savings over the duration of your rental.
Mar 11, 2020
5 Double-Duty Room Combos that Always WorkDesign Ideas
Maybe you’re making room for a new baby’s nursery or that cave of collectibles you’ve always wanted. Or maybe you just like living small. No matter what your motivation is for maximizing your space, the best way to do it is by combining two functions into one room. Here are five classic double-duty room combos we see all the time, proving that when it comes to a thoughtful layout, you can kill two birds with one stone. 1.
Mar 11, 2020
High & Low: Laundry HampersOrganizing
Living in a small space there are no hidden places to store dirty laundry, thus the laundry hamper is an essential design element in the bedroom or bathroom. Here is a round up of the most stylish laundry hampers on the market whether you are on a shoestring or unlimited budget.High End:1. Rolling Wire Storage and Liner, Pottery Barn $1592. Torrey Divided Hamper and Liner, Pottery Barn $1793. A Tempo laundry basket, Alessi $1794. Handwoven Baskets from Senegal, Brook Farm General Store $1455.
Feb 27, 2020
How To Properly Light a Living RoomDesign Ideas
Here at Apartment Therapy we’re big fans of considered lighting, and the way doing it right can completely change the look and feel of a space. It’s particularly important in the living room, where we often spend quite a bit of time. However it’s a tricky space to strike the right lighting balance, thanks to the many different functions the living room serves. Read on for some tips: The first step when lighting any room is to ask yourself: what happens here?
Jan 17, 2020
Three Things Homeowners Regret Not Knowing Before Buying a New BuildReal Estate
Costly upgrades are not your friend.
Jan 4, 2020
The First Apartment Checklist: Things to Buy Now, Things to Buy LaterReal Estate
Because you won't be buying a whole house full of furniture in one fell swoop — and really, where's the fun in that anyway?
Nov 20, 2019
Fast Fixes: Small, Landlord Friendly Upgrades For the BathroomHome Projects
When we moved into our apartment, the bathroom was the first thing I wanted to upgrade. In an attempt to satisfy the urge to remodel the entire room, I decided to start with several low cost, low time investment upgrades.Towel Rack The towel rack didn’t hold enough towels, and it was just low enough that the towels dangled around the top of the only logical location for the bathroom garbage can. Yuck.
Sep 6, 2019
Sean’s DIY Bathroom Lighting MakeoverHome Projects
Sean has been transforming his white box of an apartment into a stylish and personalized home. In one of his recent blog posts Sean shows off this DIY bathroom lighting makeover that works around an existing awkward location in a creative way.This lighting over the double basin sink in Sean’s bathroom was unattractive – both as a light fixture and in the shadows it cast on the folks under it.
May 5, 2019
Hide That Remote! 5 Pretty Storage BoxesOrganizing
Advances in technology are making excessive wires and cables slowly go the way of the buffalo but, the remote? It looks like we may be stuck with that one for a while. So if you can’t beat it, hide it! (Along with those goofy 3D glasses that seem to come along with every new TV.) We’ve rounded up a few options that you won’t mind leaving out based on the average size TV remote (7.5”) though you may want to check them against your own. 1.
May 5, 2019
Before & After: Audrey’s Scavenged Parisian Chair MakeoverHome Projects
One of the (many) nice things about living in Paris is that people often put their old furniture out on the pavement for opportunistic treasure hunters like myself to scavenge. I found this old chair one evening and I suspect that, as I took it home on the metro, the other passengers thought I was an eccentric expat who brought her own seating.However when I got it home it looked a bit drab so I decided to perk it up with a lick of paint and a bit of decoupage.
May 5, 2019
Get Laken’s Look!: DIY Dorm Bed Canopy ProjectHome Projects
Yesterday we saw the reveal of Wash U freshman Laken’s spruced up new digs. Today, Laken is showing us how she created the custom bed canopy shown above. If you like the look, you can make one for yourself! Materials Large 24″ diameter embroidery hoop Two curtain panels (we used one package of IKEA Vivan, for $9.
May 5, 2019
5 Things To Know If You’re Having FiOS InstalledLife
This past summer my husband and I were excited to learn that Verizon’s high-speed, fiber-optic, internet/phone/tv FiOS service had become available to our building and we were quick to sign up. Having suffered through many tedious cable and internet installations over the years, I was expecting pretty much the same rigamarole, but there were a few twists to the process you might want to know about if you’re on the brink of making the switch yourself.
May 4, 2019
It’s Probably Time for a Replacement: 8 Easy-To-Forget-About Household ItemsCleaning
You’ve got a lot going on at home so it’s no wonder a few things slip through the cracks now and then. That’s where we come in. You probably have all these things in your home right now and chances are at least some of them need replacing. Don’t wait until you need this stuff to realize it’s expired/used up/grimy or dried out. Get proactive and conquer this list today. 1. Sponge — The thing you’re using to clean needs to be clean!
May 4, 2019
Tips For Negotiating a Lease with Exotic PetsLife
I am an exotic pet person. This came as quite a surprise to me when I moved to a new city and called a vet specializing in small animals to see if they could fit in one of my guinea pigs who had developed a sneeze during our move, but was told that the vet did not treat “exotic pets”. Surprise! Both of my guinea pigs and my little mouse are exotic pets. I assure you they all felt quite fancy when I informed them of their status.
May 4, 2019
How To Downsize a Kitchen: 8 Tips for Owning Less in the Most Space-Sucking Room in the HouseCleaning
Lately it seems that I’m hearing the word “downsize” everywhere. From friends buying their first bijoux apartments after years in shared and spacious rented accommodation, to my parents’ generation selling multi-bedroom suburban houses and moving into city condos, to articles about living more minimally, owning less is trending. Obviously, downsizing is going to be different for everyone.
May 4, 2019
How To Establish a Home Filing System (& Stick To It!)Organizing
It’s a new year, and around the globe people are making that age-old promise to themselves: this is the year I finally get organized. No more drowning in paperwork, no more dining table cluttered with bills and receipts—this year it all stops. Want to know something? It can be done. A simple, user-friendly filing system is something every home should have, and is easy to set up and maintain.
May 4, 2019
13 Housewarming Gifts for NewlywedsDesign Ideas
Another weekend, another wedding- sound like your summer? Soon all those lovebirds will be moving into their love nests and there will be another reason to celebrate. Leave all the really practical gifts for the family to buy and instead bring something unique and fun to the housewarming party. Whether the happy couple is starting from scratch in a new place or consolidating two spaces into one, it’s nice to have a few new things that really mark the space as ‘theirs’.
May 4, 2019
3 Simple Ways to Get a Stronger WiFi Signal at HomeLife
Reliable internet is a necessity these days. I actually came really close to signing a lease for a perfect little apartment close to work a few years ago, but ducked out at the last possible second after discovering that I’d be locked into a crappy internet provider (a wise decision later confirmed by online reviews of said ISP). The point is, nothing should stand between you and a strong and fast internet, and your router placement has more than a little to do with it.
May 4, 2019
Spend a Little to Make More: Inexpensive Curb Appeal Upgrades That Will Improve Your Home’s ValueReal Estate
Planning on selling soon? I’m sure you know that kitchens and bathrooms are a great target for your makeover dollars, but they also are the most expensive places to renovate. If you have just a little cash but want to make a major impact, step outside and check out the view from the curb. A fresh coat of paint will go a long way. If you want your property to pop out on the block, go for a bright, eye-catching color that’s a little out of the norm.
May 3, 2019
Hang Ups: Storage Solutions for Kids Rooms Without a ClosetOrganizing
The start of a new year often injects us with energy and motivation to organize and clean. (And, in my case, the feeling is usually gone by February!) Closets are a traditional target, but what if you don’t have a closet? Kids usually get the smallest bedrooms in the house, often lacking a closet, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a functional, organized faux-closet. Above are 15 examples to explore.
Feb 24, 2019
Social Media Do’s & Dont’s for New HomeownersReal Estate
Congratulations! You’ve taken the real estate plunge and bought a place of your very own. It’s a scary time, but also a really exciting time. I bet you can’t wait to share the good news on Facebook and Instagram. But wait—before you do, we have some advice for when and how to use social media responsibly while you bask in that new homeowner glow. DO take and share great photos of your new place.
Jan 28, 2019
9 Signs You’re Ready to Stop Renting and Buy Your First PlaceReal Estate
Do you dream of a future with a yard and a white picket fence? One where you’re not writing away 30 percent of your salary to your landlord every month? Being able to buy a home is a big part of what we’re sold as “The American Dream,” but it’s not for everyone. Renting an apartment forever is absolutely an option, and a damn good one.
Nov 29, 2018
Can You Finance a Tiny Home? Here’s What You Need to KnowReal Estate
Those trendy 500-square-foot tiny homes sure are cute and it’s a cool idea reduce your environmental footprint and embrace conscious “micro” living. But though these homes may be but little, they can be fiercely difficult to finance, since traditional home mortgages aren’t always an option.
May 15, 2018
4 Stress-Busting Things You Should Do Before You MoveReal Estate
You might not think an empty house or apartment as an especially beautiful thing. There’s a reason why houses are staged when they go on the market, and that is because people usually think of empty houses and apartments as sad and lonely. But, after you’ve signed on the dotted line and the home is yours, the emptiness can be a spectacular vision. Instead of loneliness, the space is a blank slate for all the happy memories (and awesome decor) to come.
May 10, 2018
The Things ALWAYS Worth Paying For When You MoveReal Estate
While moving is a great opportunity to pare down belongings and have a fresh start, it’s not on anyone’s list of Fun Things to Do. Spending money on the right things, though, can help keep your move smooth and successful. Whether it’s to stave off potential moving disasters or to make things just a bit easier on everyone involved, these are the things you should never scrimp on when moving. You’re moving on and starting over.
Sep 14, 2016