3 Lessons Your Dog Can Teach You About Happiness at Home
Owning a dog has been one of the greatest joys in my life so far. My Boston Terrier, Bacon, is pretty much my best friend. He’s given me so much love, so many cuddles, and – if I’m being honest – has actually put a few things into perspective for me at home. The rug? It might get peed on. The pillows? They might get chewed. But they’re just things, and they can be replaced (which gives you an excuse to shop, so… wash?
May 4, 2019
5 Things I’ve Learned from Watching Tiny House Nation
In the same way that I like dogs, but am not a “dog person,” I admire people who make the drastic change to downsize into a tiny home even though I know it’s not for me. My family and I enjoy watching the tv show Tiny House Nation and I’ve learned some important lessons from the show that anyone can apply no matter the size of your home.
May 4, 2019
The Simple Scheduling Trick That Will Be a Sanity Saver in 2017
First it was the painting I accidentally knocked off the wall (and for some odd reason didn’t rehang right away). Then it was the Halloween decorations I managed to take down but not put back into storage. When I noticed that my junk drawer was too full to stuff my scissors back into, I just set them on top of my counter and walked away. Then I got really busy one week and skipped vacuuming under my sofa (I think the cat fur-fueled dust bunnies have started growing personalities).
May 4, 2019
Ten Tips: How To Boost Your Productivity Painlessly This Winter
If you’re anything like me, winter means cozying up on the couch, shrouding yourself in blankets, and hitting the snooze button in the cold mornings. But life doesn’t always offer us the opportunity to hibernate, and it’s important to be productive, even when you’d rather lounge. Here are some tips that can be used year-round, but particularly in winter, to keep you feeling efficient. Pick three. Make a to-do list and fill it with all the things in front of you.
May 4, 2019
My Capsule Wardrobe Experiment: Part One – Why I Decided To Pare Down
Not my wardrobe. Sigh. (It belongs to Amanda of Chocolate Heels.) In the middle of 2015, I wrote a post on ways to reduce clutter in the closet and money spent on clothing. Among the ideas presented was the Capsule Wardrobe, an idea which has long been hanging around the internet, but which really took off that year.
May 4, 2019
Reasons You Need To Go To Bed Early Tonight
You’re getting very sleepy… no, seriously. Last night was a late one. And the night before that. And the night before that. You know deep-down you should be going to be earlier, so let’s help you get started. Here are some darn good reasons to get in bed early tonight. 1. Because this is what you would do if you were on vacation: Imagine, tonight, that instead of being at home recovering from a long day at work, you were at some resort someplace.
May 3, 2019
Smart Streaming: 10 Non-Music Things to Listen to (for Free!) on Spotify
I always make a playlist before embarking on a road trip, every time forgetting that I tire of listening to music somewhere around mile 15. But do you know what does hold my attention on a long drive? Spoken word. And there’s a lot of really great literature, language and comedy out there to stream anytime you want it.
May 3, 2019
Want to Be in a Better Mood? Give a Glowing Home Tour of Your Space
The secret to long-lasting happiness might just be at home, right under your nose. Or on the tip of your tongue, rather. One study suggests that there’s a correlation behind the words you use to talk about your home and your personal stress and mood levels. A study from the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that the way people describe their homes may reflect whether their time at home feels restorative or stressful.
May 3, 2019
IRL Plans for Cutting Back on Social Media this Summer
Raise your hand if you’ve ever opened up Instagram just because you were bored. Or if you’ve closed and re-opened Facebook within the same 30 seconds “just to see if anything had changed.” Social media is great for staying in touch with far-away friends, but it can really cramp your style when it comes to your IRL social life right here, right now.
May 3, 2019
Mental Minimalism: 5 Small Things You Can Do Today to Lead a Less Complicated Life Tomorrow
Minimalism is more than just a design style. It’s a state of mind. While decluttering your coffee table and creating a capsule wardrobe are both worthy activities to get your home in shape, don’t neglect the opportunity to engage a little minimalism in your mind, too. It doesn’t take a lot, just a handful of short exercises today can help you to lead a simpler lifestyle tomorrow, from the inside out. From email lists. From beauty boxes. From online content.
May 3, 2019
Want to Boost Your Creativity and Productivity? Try These Paint Colors.
Got writer’s block (or painter’s block, or are just in a general creative funk?) The color of your walls might be one of your culprits. It’s no secret that color can seriously affect your mood (we’ve previously explored how it can make you happier in your home, and highlighted the psychological merits of ROYGBV), but there are two colors in particular that can stimulate your creativity and productivity.
May 3, 2019
Chill: Easy Ways to Decompress from a Stressful Day
When you’ve been hustling a million miles an hour all day long, the idea of collapsing on the couch and unwinding is like the Holy Grail. Decompressing from the daily grind is easier said than done, though—in order to unwind, your brain might need a nudge. Here are a few simple strategies to boost your mood and help put a stressful day behind you. Literally.
May 3, 2019
The Surprising Everyday Things that Have Really Kept Me on Track with My Health Goals
Get more sleep. Yes. Eat better. Of course. Get regular exercise. Well, duh. We already know all the things we need to do to be healthier (whether we do them or not). The question mark is more the issue of how, and finding ways to reinvent ways to stay motivated can often be the biggest challenge. So, I’ve gathered together five “how”s that have made things easier for me to stay on track with my wellness lately. This probably sounds odd.
May 3, 2019
Essential Oils at Work: 5 Aromatherapy Tricks for Surviving the Work Week
We all have favorite scents and memories tied to different smells. Cinnamon might remind you of your grandmother’s family-famous apple pie, while the scent of fresh-cut grass takes you back to good times at summer camp. Just as those scents can evoke powerful thoughts and memories, aromatherapy with essential oils is thought to be able to impact your body and mind — energizing you, calming you, and altering your mood.
May 3, 2019
Binge Watching for the Soul: Shows to Marathon for Self-Care
Self-care means something different to everyone, but one thing most of us can relate to is the idea of coming home from a long day and turning on the TV. We watch shows that make us laugh, shows that make us cry, shows that scare us, shows that fire us up so much we can’t fall asleep, and shows that say all the things we’re too afraid to say ourselves.
May 3, 2019
How To Keep Your Apartment Clean Even When You’re Depressed
If you live with clinical depression, you know that sometimes even just getting out of bed can be a struggle, let alone tackling household chores. Every little thing feels like the world’s biggest hurdle, and sometimes you just feel nothing at all. And the whole “I’ll do it later” thing wouldn’t be such a problem if watching a mess pile up around your home didn’t make you feel even worse.
May 3, 2019
How To Trick Yourself Into Working Out… Every Day
In the spirit of Halloween, this month we’ll be sharing solutions that are so simple and easy—and at times, automated—they feel like magic. Hocus Pocus celebrates all the small ways you can trick yourself into living a better life. When you think about working out, does your mind go right to the idea of sweating profusely on a treadmill?
May 3, 2019
Building a Better Bubble Bath: How To Have a Perfect Soak Sesh
Turn a boring bubble bath into your most relaxing soak sesh ever with these tips to set the mood and de-stress.
May 3, 2019
In the Zone: Try These 5 Tiny Cleaning & Organizing Tasks to Instantly Lift Your Mood
Here’s a dirty little secret of the most chill people you know: They get overwhelmed and frazzled, just like you, but the difference is that they’ve cultivated a personal set of tricks that help them cool down when things get tough.
May 3, 2019
5 Things To Do Before Bed Tonight to Have a Stress-Free Monday Morning
Whether you’re a morning person who loves waking up before the sun or you’re known to hit the snooze button one too many times, we all want our mornings to be easy and stress-free. After all, the key to having a good day begins with having a good morning. Luckily, there are a few things you can do the night before to ensure that your morning goes as smooth as possible. Read on for some of our favorite ways to prepare for an easy, breezy morning. Mess equals stress.
May 3, 2019
Why You Should Keep a Notebook On Your Nightstand
Ever have those nights when you can’t fall asleep because your mind is racing? Can you remember the last time you woke up with a great idea, only to forget it before you had your morning coffee? One tiny change can help you free up your mind and keep track of all your important thoughts—just keep a notebook on your nightstand.
May 3, 2019
Why You Should Keep a “No-Reason” Group Text Going With Your Best Friends
Texting may seem impersonal at times, but for many of us it’s the easiest way to stay in touch with the people we care about most of the time. And if you’re part of a tight-knit group of friends, being a part of a group text from time to time is pretty much inevitable. Those group texts don’t have to be for specific events (like planning a party for someone) — actually, being in a long-term, no-reason group chat with your friends can have some awesome benefits.
May 3, 2019
I Got Rid of All My Clothes That Didn’t Fit… Here’s How it Changed My Attitude
Confession time: My body and I have a long, sordid love-hate relationship. I’ve dealt with chronic illness and body image issues for as long as I can remember—I was always somehow too sick or too big or too small in my mind, and I was never forgiving or kind enough to myself when I needed it most. And over the years, my struggles with my body became very much personified in my wardrobe.
May 3, 2019
Health Myths to Stop Buying Into
From fad diets to fitness, there are a lot of misconceptions that society perpetuates about our health—and sometimes, those ideas do more harm than good. There’s this notion that weight loss is the ultimate goal, that you can tell how healthy and motivated someone is by their body size, and there are all these ways we’re supposed to eat and exercise.
May 3, 2019
The Self-Help Books That Changed My Life
I’ll admit it. I’m a self-help book junkie. I’ve been reading them for years and have at least a dozen personal development books on my “to read” list at any given time. I can’t get enough of them. They’re uplifting, inspiring and—most of all—there to help you better your life. What’s not to love? Here, I’m sharing a few of my favorite self-help reads that have made an impact in my life in a major way.
May 3, 2019
Lean In to Your Crabbiness: 10 Things to Do When You’re Home Alone and Feeling Grumpy
Maybe I’m being a curmudgeon here, but the current cultural pressure to be happy and mindful and Mindfully Happy all. the time. —it’s too much. It seems like feeling any other way is culturally unacceptable, something to feel guilty about. Yet we’re emotional beings and life can be tough. Feeling sad, crabby, or even (gasp) angry is OK sometimes! No, it’s more than OK, it’s necessary. Right?
May 3, 2019
Do You Dread Your Commute? Maximize it by Doing Something Smart (and Productive!)
For those of us who live far away from work, the daily commute can seem like wasted time. We usually fall into the trap of hopping on the bus and zoning out with Instagram or jumping in the car and listening to whatever talk radio has the least commercials. Instead of seeing your commute as a hindrance, learn to embrace the down time and dedicate those to-and-from trips to learning. We’ve compiled a few of our favorite ways to optimize the commute for increased productivity and creativity.
May 3, 2019
Of Sound Mind and Body: 6 Ways to Center Yourself When You’re Feeling Totally Burned Out
Rushing, stress and long to-do lists can make the holiday season turn hectic in a snap. From buying gifts, and planning parties to staying on budget and keeping a social life, it’s easy get burned out when you’re trying to do it all. When it feels like you’re working overtime around the clock, do you find yourself feeling stuck? We’re rounded up a few tips you should definitely try during the festive season when you just can’t even.
May 3, 2019
Love Your Look: How To Change The Way You Think About Your Body in the New Year
Body positivity is a tricky, curvy road that you barrel down one day and miss an exit and detour off of the next. Everyone has their own experience when it comes to loving their body, but sometimes we look in the mirror and can’t help but scrunch up our noses. There’s always something to zero in on.
May 3, 2019
How Not to Let Gloomy Days Bring You Down
Every year, the holidays come and go, and come January 2nd, everything tends to feel a little more empty than usual. We spend so much of the lead-up to the holidays getting into the spirit, talking about the things we’re thankful for, spending time with our loved ones and basking in the magic of the season that when it’s all over, it can definitely get you down.
May 3, 2019
7 Things Keeping You From Packing Your Lunch Every Day
Let’s be honest—nobody likes to eat a sad desk lunch. Going out to a nearby deli or restaurant to grab a meal on your lunch break is always a more appealing option, but it’s also a more expensive one, and can be difficult for people with dietary restrictions or food allergies. Packing your lunch is a great alternative, but it always sounds like such a chore—the good news is, it doesn’t have to be.
May 3, 2019
Magic for Modern Life: How to Conjure a Good Night’s Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep is necessary, yet often elusive. According to the Mayo Clinic, we should be getting between 7-9 hours each night—something many of us struggle to achieve. Let’s see if a little modern day spin on a sleep spell might help conjure Hypnos so we can fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
May 3, 2019
Mindful Matters: Little Ways to Live Your Life More Intentionally
With the new year upon us, there’s no better time to start thinking more intentionally. The simple act of just thinking about what matters to you around your home is a step in the right direction. Whether it’s fostering a positive experience in your life, or just changing something that bothers you (like that pile of shoes in the entryway), there are plenty of small tweaks to make around the home to live a more intentional life.
May 3, 2019
I’m Taking a 28-Day Meditation Challenge for 2017
Jessica Estrada is one of six people tracking their resolutions with Apartment Therapy in real time. Meghan Trainor is all about that bass, but me, I’m all about resolutions. Seriously—I love the topic of self-improvement. By day, I’m a freelance writer who creates content on all sorts of lifestyle topics from food to fashion and everything in between. But by night, I’m a bona fide personal development junkie who loves a good challenge in the name of self-growth.
May 3, 2019
Right Now on Apartment Therapy: Follow 6 People As They Tackle Real 2017 Resolutions
If the calendar had subtitles, January’s would be “The month of reinvention.” New Year’s Resolutions are top of mind for everyone, and the ripples are showing everywhere—from our Facebook feeds to the newly crowded gyms. The new year promises a chance to start fresh with whatever you’ve been struggling with. Because that’s the thing, isn’t it? We all have areas where we’d like to improve.
May 3, 2019
Green ’17: 10 Easy Ways to Make Your Home Play Nice with the Earth
If your home goal for 2017 is to go green(er), here are 10 remarkably easy changes that require the most minimal amount of effort. Switches as simple as changing a lightbulb (seriously) or buying a dish towel don’t call for much work on your part, but together they’ll add up to a total eco-friendly home makeover. When buying new wood furniture, look for certified sustainably harvested options.
May 3, 2019
Wear the Clothes You Love (Even If It Scares You)
If you had asked me how I felt about crop tops two years ago, I probably would’ve said something like, “They’re super cute, but I could never pull them off.” (A few months later I’d be eating my words, but we’ll get to that later.
May 3, 2019
How I’m Feeling After Two Weeks of Daily Meditation
Jessica Estrada is one of six people tracking their resolutions with Apartment Therapy in real time. You can read her first installment here. My main intention for these past two weeks was simple: Try to have one mindful moment every single day, flirting with different types of mediations to see what feels right. Heading into the challenge I decided I was going to keep it fun and easy, and I’m happy to say that’s exactly what it has been.
May 3, 2019
How 28 Days of Meditation Has Changed My Life
Jessica Estrada is one of six people tracking their resolutions with Apartment Therapy in real time. You can read her earlier installments here and here. When I set out to meditate for the month of January, I was hoping it would change my life in two ways: reducing my anxiety and cultivating a sense of inner calm. Four weeks later, I’m happy to report that that’s exactly what happened. The change has been subtle but noticeable nonetheless.
May 3, 2019
Radical Self-Love Goes With EVERYTHING: Positivity Promoting Prints
Impossible standards suck. We’re so used to being beaten down with art and media that reinforce unrealistic beauty norms… it might be time to flip the world on its head and turn your home into a beautifully-decorated safe haven for body positivity instead. It doesn’t matter what your decor style is: Radical self-love goes with everything.
May 3, 2019
I Tried Feng Shui: Did the Mystical Principles Deliver on Their Promises?
I work from home as a freelance writer/editor in a room that once was my formal dining room, which I transitioned into an office, as I wasn’t content with sitting at my kitchen island on my laptop for hours on end every day. The room is jam-packed with furniture that didn’t quite work anywhere else in my home. That printed floral chair I bought for a corner of my bedroom that didn’t really fit? It’s in my office.
May 3, 2019
The Stubborn Person’s Guide to Sunday Meal Prep
The concept of prepping all your meals at once so you don’t have to worry about it during the week? Awesome in theory—until you think about all the time and energy you have to put into doing it over the weekend instead. If meal prep seems daunting or just doesn’t get you excited for one reason or another: first, you’re not alone, and second, know that it doesn’t have to be like this.
May 3, 2019
Stop the Stress: 15 Real People Share Their Go-To Relaxation Methods
At the end of a long, stressful day, what do you most look forward to? Everyone has a different way of unwinding—for some people it’s plopping down on the couch to watch their favorite show on Netflix, for others, it’s going to the gym or taking a long hot shower. There’s pretty much no limit to how you can relax and de-stress.
May 3, 2019
Confessions of a Box Hoarder
The other day I had to recycle two shoe boxes. They were very nice boxes, and it damn near killed me. Hello. My name is Nancy Mitchell, and I am a box hoarder. I know we sometimes throw that term around, but if the definition of hoarding is that you’re unable to properly identify which things are valuable and which aren’t, I think it fits my condition, at least when it comes to boxes.
May 3, 2019
These 3D Printed Vases Upgrade Plastic Bottles to Art
When sustainability and style come together to create a single product, the results can be visually stunning, as is the case with these 3D printed water bottle vases by Italian designer Libero Rutilo. The elegant series of flower vases creatively accentuates soft drink and water bottles by artfully encasing them in a geometric mesh material. If you’re into upcycling ideas to enhance your home decor, these fancy floral receptacles offer a rather cool alternative to traditional vases.
May 3, 2019
A Bunch of Comedians Tested Korean Sheet Masks For the First Time
So, first things first, can someone please alert the Pulitzer Prize folks about this article? Because there’s hard-hitting journalism and then there’s “Sheet Masks: A Journey in Pictures.” I know, guys, deep stuff. But truly, if you are even a little bit interested in trying the ever popular sheet masks, we’ve got a lot of reviews for you that range from, “I feel like I can take on the world!” to “SO slimy!” Life changing.
May 3, 2019
Overwhelmed Because Your Place is a Real Mess? Start Here.
When you it’s time to buckle down and get organized, not knowing where to start or what to do can leave you feeling totally defeated—and getting out from under whatever it is that’s overwhelming you can seem impossible. For some people, keeping things clean and organized and staying on top of the chores is just another part of their routine to breeze right through.
May 3, 2019
How Your Pets Make You Healthier
You love your pets, and you know they love you back (unconditionally, too). But did you know that your pets can actually have a positive impact on your health—both physically and mentally? Living with animals can make a huge difference in your life, and not just in your daily routine. Whether you’re a cat or dog person (or even a guinea pig person!) here are some of the health benefits you get out of living with your furry—or maybe even scaly—friends.
May 3, 2019
Why You Should Take a Day Off This Week
Say you woke up with flu symptoms this morning—fever, aches, a bad case of the sniffles and a cough that won’t quit. Would you call out sick from work so you could have a day to rest and help yourself feel better? We often take sick days when we’re feeling under the weather, but what about when we’re otherwise exhausted and drained or have been super stressed out lately?
May 3, 2019
The Life Balance Wheel: A Printable Tool to Find Harmony at Home
Try not to think about it too hard, but you’re currently flying through the universe at a million miles an hour. Your balance—a skill finely tuned since you were a toddler—is keeping you upright, allowing you to maintain control when everything around you is moving faster than you could imagine. Balance is no less important outside of the body.
May 3, 2019
Can IKEA Make Hydroponic Gardening Catch On With the Masses?
Last year, IKEA released a line of indoor hydroponic gardening products in the UK. The process, for those unfamiliar, entails growing plants without soil. Will the technique take off? In hydroponic gardening, a plant’s roots are either suspended in a water solution or in an inert medium, like gravel. When using a hydroponic system, plants can be grown indoors year round regardless of climate and with limited space.
May 3, 2019
I Replaced My Paper Towel Habit With Reusable Bambooee Towels
In an effort to green their clean routines, some Apartment Therapy staffers are taking on small shifts at home, replacing their usual products and tools with more eco-friendly versions. Anyone who watches Shark Tank knows about Bambooee towels. In fact, while I had our roll sitting on the counter waiting to take this challenge on, my husband couldn’t resist shouting “BAMBOOEE!” (in co-founder Noam Krasniansky’s contagious accent) every time he walked into our kitchen.
May 3, 2019
6 Streaming Documentaries Sure to Fuel Your Minimalist Fire
In an increasingly overwhelming world, minimalism is having a moment. It seems very appealing (and doable!) to take control of your life one possession at a time. You can purge what you don’t need, get educated and intentional about what you do need, and forget the rest. If you constantly feel like you’re too busy, too tired, or too broke, minimalism says that a life with less stuff promises more.
May 3, 2019
Live Your Best Life: Wellness Experts Share Their Morning & Evening Routines for Healthy, Stress-free Days
I know where you probably start and end most days: at home. But how do you begin and end each day? Your morning routine can set you up for a peaceful, successful work day. And a calming evening routine can help you unwind, de-stress and sleep better. Ever wonder what health pros do first thing in the morning? Or before they go to bed? These three wellness experts share their morning and evening routines…and you might find their daily habits inspiring for yours!
May 3, 2019
A Smart and Simple Way to Stay Active: Follow the 2/30 Rule
Want to be more mindful of your screen time and lead a more active lifestyle? There’s one simple formula to remember that can help you achieve both, and it’s called the 2/30 rule. It’s simple, really—the goal is to limit yourself to 2 hours of TV watching time per day, and to also get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. It’s about spending less time sitting in front of a screen and spending a little more time working on your fitness.
May 3, 2019
Grab Your Headphones: Guided Meditations for Every Part of Your Day
If you feel like you can stand to become more centered and relaxed throughout your day, then take a look at the guided meditations free on YouTube – there are hundreds of videos to choose from that take you from a stressed, anxious state, and back down to a zen attitude. No one’s weekday is an absolute breeze, and it’s easy to get caught up in stress when your responsibilities and to-do lists pile up mile high.
May 3, 2019
Take Fifteen Minutes and Make Someone Else’s Week
Reach out, reconnect, give thanks and appreciation to someone in your life who would love (and possibly be very surprised!) to hear from you.
May 3, 2019
Optimize Your Home for Happiness: 4 Mood-Boosting Tricks to Turn Things Around
If you’re like so many of us who are struggling to maintain a sense of peace and balance in this big crazy world—especially as of late—then it’s time to consider how your home might be contributing to your daily stress. As it turns out, your home’s design can have a major, scientifically-proven impact on the way you feel each day.
May 3, 2019
These Are the Impulse Buys You Need to Watch Out For When Stressed, Study Says
We joke about retail therapy all the time, but as it turns out, there is some merit to the idea that people spend more when they’re stressed—just, maybe not in the way you’d expect. According to recent research from the Journal of Consumer Research, when people feel like they’ve lost control of their environment, it can affect their purchases—even at the grocery store.
May 3, 2019
Still Not on the Bullet Journal Train? This Book Explains Exactly How to Use them to Get Your Life Together
Bullet journals basically do it all—they’re a totally customizable place to keep track of just about everything in your life, and they’re beautiful enough to be Instagram content (seriously, every time I look at a bullet journal I’m reminded that I need to up my penmanship game!). There’s also so much bullet journaling content out there that, if you’re new to the whole concept, it can be a little overwhelming. Where do you start?
May 3, 2019
I Lived According to the 10 Commandments of Pinterest for a Week
If you’ve ever spent even just a few minutes browsing through Pinterest, you know that it’s full of tips that people claim will make your life easier and leave you feeling happier and healthier. So, I decided to give it a go and try out all this wisdom —what would it be like to live life according to Pinterest for a week? What did I have to lose? To make this experiment possible in the first place, I had to figure out what life according to Pinterest would even look like.
May 3, 2019
10 Style (& Life!) Commandments, Courtesy of Meghan Markle
Before soon-to-be duchess Meghan Markle met Prince Harry, she was already a style icon. The American actor and humanitarian started lifestyle blog The Tig (named after her favorite red wine, Tignanello—which, if your keeping track, isn’t actually pronounced with a hard ‘g’) back in 2013. She shut the site down back in April 2017, but thanks to the wonderful internet archive, we can still sneak a peek at some of her timeless advice. Here are ten of her best tips.
May 3, 2019
The Sunday Scaries are a Real Thing—and Here’s How to Manage Them
It’s Sunday afternoon and the sun is setting on the weekend. It suddenly hits you: Tomorrow’s Monday. Dozens of emails, unwritten school papers, difficult colleagues, or household chores will be vying for your attention tomorrow. You’re anxious and overwhelmed… and it’s not even Monday. This experience is known as the Sunday Scaries. According to a 2015 survey from job site Monster.
May 3, 2019
The 5-Letter Trick to Making Resolutions Stick
With the New Year right around the corner, now is the time to reflect on the past twelve months and contemplate resolutions for the future. Whether it’s eating more healthily, paying off credit card debt or flossing, setting goals helps you create a life filled with actions or accomplishments that reflect your values. If only it was that simple. Ever gone into January with the best of intentions, only to toss them aside or forget about them come February?
May 3, 2019
One of Pinterest’s Hottest Wellness Trends is Perfect for Introverts
Ever since Pinterest has become the search engine of choice for people in need of creative ideas, we’ve been turning to the data there — like the annual Pinterest 100 list — for insight on what people are searching for in order to discover how to live their best lives. This year, there was a major uptick in searches for “self care” — up 537 percent over last year, which is, well… massive.
May 3, 2019
I Read 75 Books In One Year & Here’s What I Learned
I set (what I thought was) an ambitious reading goal for myself in January 2017: I wanted to read 52 books. One book every week seemed challenging and exciting, but I was well through my quota by early summer. I pushed ahead, aiming for an even 100 but it’s looking like I will fall short of that renewed goal. Looking for a recommendation? Read Samatha’s picks here: I Read 75 Books in 2017 & These Were My Top 10 Still, a grand total of 75 books (and counting) is not too shabby.
May 3, 2019
The Creative New Year’s Resolution That Helped Me Find Sanity and Community
Editor’s note: The writer of this piece describes her experience with the hair-pulling disorder trichotillomania. It was December 2015, and I needed a distraction. My anxiety had hit a peak, I was feeling lonely in a big city (New York), and it seemed my brain was rusting over. I am a creative person. I like being a creative person. But my 9-to-5 job working in social media, coupled with my hours-long Netflix binges after work and on weekends, wasn’t fueling that creativity.
May 3, 2019
Make 2018 the Year You Finally Read More Books
I want to read more. I really do. But it’s easy to let myself off the hook, with all the responsibilities that come from having a gaggle of young children, a house to care for and work to do. But I also know that reading — good, solid, offline reading — adds a dimension to our lives that only books (or e-books) can offer. Let’s determine to find a way to make more time for them in the coming year.
May 3, 2019
4 Tips for Surviving Dry January—From Someone Who Did a “Dry December”
After overindulging at a networking event in November (who thought it was a good idea to slip me those extra beer tickets?), I decided to swear off drinking until my birthday in January. It wasn’t until I posted my promise on Facebook that I realized I’d instated my ban in what is perhaps the booziest time of the year: the holiday season. Rather than deleting my post and giving up, I decided to go for it anyway.
May 3, 2019
Rethink the Weekend and Skip These 5 Things
If you’re like us, your work week is insanely busy; your to-do lists are overloaded and your inboxes are out of control. And then, the weekend arrives with the promise of redemption: This will be the weekend you do all the things that have been preventing your ascension to greatness. You will answer your emails. You will deep-clean the bathroom. You will make lasagna and freeze it for later, in practical, single-serving squares. Or, you know, you could not.
May 3, 2019
Why March 6th Holds the Key to Your New Year’s Resolution
Ever heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit? Turns out, it may require longer than just three weeks for your New Year’s resolution to become second nature. New research shows that it takes 66 days on average to form a habit — busting the old 21-day myth.
May 3, 2019
What Happened to My Mind & Body When I Quit My Phone for a Week
Everyone seems to be talking about “kids these days” and their addiction to technology. Yet, where’s the accountability for adults? With many of us checking our phones up to 85 times a day, it feels like we could all use a bit of an intervention. So this is exactly what I decided to do. I vowed to give up my phone for a week with just three simple rules: 1. No cell phone or social media for a week in any way. 2. No cheating. 3. Seriously, no cheating.
May 3, 2019