The Tips That Will Absolutely, No Question About It, Most Definitely Build Up Your Savings This Year
We’ve all tried the money-in-a-jar thing—but it doesn’t work that well. Or maybe you’ve tried the envelope system like I did, and found the envelopes soon wore out and were abandoned. How does one really save money? Like, real, serious amounts of money? Here are the tips that really do make a difference. 1. Prioritize paying down debts. If you have a debt that is accruing interest, and you’re not paying it back as quickly as you can, you are wasting money.
Jan 31, 2016
A Bright, Warm, Well-Lived Montreal Home
Name: Marie-Claude and Martin and 7-year-old Romane Location: Notre-Dame-de-Grâce — Montréal, Québec Size: 1,400 square feet Years lived in: 8.5 years; Owned At the age of 17, Marie-Claude went to Venice, Italy on an exchange to study art and sculpture. This experience changed the way she saw the world around her and deepened her appreciation for art and design. Marie-Claude is a interior design fanatic, and it’s no surprise that the trade runs in her extended family.
Jan 31, 2016
Jesse & Dan’s Collected Chaos in Boston
Name: Jesse and Dan Moskowitz and their dog, Stormy Location: Roxbury — Boston, Massachusetts Size: 750 square feet Years lived in: 5.5 years; Rented When you enter Jesse and Dan Moskowitz’s comfy and colorful apartment in Boston’s historic Roxbury neighborhood, two things immediately stand out: the records and the pup. “It’s her apartment,” Dan states matter-of-factly, referring not to Jesse but to Stormy, the four-year-old Moskowitz dog.
Jan 31, 2016
Before & After: A Small Living Space Gets A Unified Look
Pedro took his dark, somewhat hodgepodge, living space to a very clean and bright room with a unified look. And he managed to do it all without covering up or distracting from the rooms interesting bones! From Pedro: This is the project about the remodeling of a living room in my house in Oporto, Portugal. I painted the walls gray, put in a new laminated floor, painted the ceiling and the doors in white and put molding on the ceiling.
Jan 31, 2016
Irwin’s “Timeless” & Art-Filled Studio
Name: Irwin Location: Washington, D.C. I live in The General Scott in Washington, DC. The building was built in 1941 in the Art Deco style. After renting for almost 8 years, I finally bought my condo from the owner in 2014. Kitchen renovation was completed in 2015. My unit is a junior one bedroom and is about 495 square feet.
Jan 30, 2016
Before & After: A (Mostly) DIY Compact Kitchen Remodel
I’m happy to share with you the DIY makeover of my compact apartment kitchen, which went from dark and red to bright and white (mostly). The only thing professionally installed was the countertop, and the rest was a lot of hard work over a few months. For cost reasons, the layout, appliances, and cabinets are all the same. The details are as follows: Cabinet molding: F.D.
Jan 30, 2016
You’ve Got This: Goodbye Cure, Hello to Keeping Up the Good Work
I’m convinced that there truly is something magical about the start of a new year. It’s like a big shiny reset button, just waiting for us to hit it, which allows us all to feel free to start fresh and move our lives toward whatever we see as ideal. But, in reality, that mindset can be an everyday one.
Jan 29, 2016
A Well-Appointed Mix of High and Low in A First Home
Project by: J. Wheeler Designs Location: Atlanta, Georgia The 850 square foot apartment designed by James Wheeler of J. Wheeler Designs is located in Midtown Atlanta and is the homeowner’s first home. It was chosen based on its location and the amenities, including accessibility to entertainment options, security of a 24-hour concierge, and ease of maintenance.
Jan 29, 2016
Avoiding Decorating Mistakes: A Design Pro Shares Her Do’s and Don’ts
Project by: Diana Kennedy of Diana Kennedy Interiors Location: Wakefield, Massachusetts Chances are good you might make a design mistake (or two or 20) in your life. While the lessons you might learn from these mistakes will certainly benefit your future decorating, if you can get away with learning the lesson without making the mistake, why not take the opportunity?
Jan 29, 2016
Paul & Katie’s Modern Eclectic London Flat
Name: Paul and Katie Alexander and their daughter, Mabel Location: De Beauvoir — Shoreditch, London Size: 850 square feet Years lived in: 3 years; Owned Katie and Paul searched for a flat in London that was close to both their work in the city and the nightlife of Shoreditch, and they ended up finding the perfect compromise: a lovely flat in the leafy De Beauvoir neighborhood a stone’s throw from the exciting city life.
Jan 29, 2016
No Frames Needed: Two Really Simple Ways to Fill an Empty Wall
Let’s banish bare walls. Because after seeing professional organizer Fay Wolf’s Silver Lake apartment, there’s no excuse for leaving a naked wall anywhere in your space. Instead, fill your big wall up with lots of little pieces that you love. You don’t even need frames, just grab some binder clips and tape and let’s go. The expanse above the sofa is a tough place to fill for a lot of home decorators.
Jan 29, 2016
Before & After: A Cramped ’80s Bathroom Opens Up
As someone who is often reluctant to listen to my sibling, I have to give Sanja’s sister major props for both her beautiful bathroom transformation and her ability to take her sister’s advice. Impressive on all accounts. From Sanja: My sister had a really cluttered bathroom, so I suggested she gut it and turn it around. It is a small bathroom (1.30m x 2.55m/ 14ft x 27.5ft) that was converted from half bath in the eighties.
Jan 29, 2016
Lighting Problems Renters Can Relate To (And What To Do About Them)
Rental apartments aren’t known for crystal chandeliers and beautiful statement lighting. Instead you get (almost always) awful and (frequently) unflattering light with shadows that turn even the prettiest people into Bela Lugosi — not to mention dated fixtures desperately in need of an aesthetic upgrade. Learn how to improve your lighting situation with one of these solutions.
Jan 29, 2016
Jenn’s California Gathering Place
Name: Jenn Location: Goleta, California Ten years after I fell in love with Santa Barbara, my husband and I managed to scrape together enough to buy a home in the area. However the home we could afford had been abandoned for 10 years, when we moved in there were no doorknobs, no light fixtures, and the property was covered in shoulder-high weeds.
Jan 28, 2016
DIY Cardboard Play Town
Looking for something to do with all of those online shopping boxes? Stef, of Non Toy Gifts, walks us through this super cute and super simple cardboard town. Skill Level: Easy Time Required: 2 Days Project Cost: $30-$40 1 or 2 cardboard boxes, depending on the size Paper for stencils Craft paint and brush Craft knife Hot glue gun Start by creating stencils for each type of house and use them to cut 6 cardboard pieces for each of the houses.
Jan 28, 2016
How Can I Non-Awkwardly Introduce Myself to My New Neighbors?
Q: I’m about to move into a new apartment building and I wanted to know whether leaving letters for my new neighbors would be a nice gesture or come off as weird/forward. In the past I’ve always fully intended to do a nice introduction with my neighbors, including giving them my contact info, but the first few times we’d bump into each other they or I would be hurrying off to something and we’d only really exchange names.
Jan 28, 2016
How Much Did This Room Cost? Sarah’s Stylish Dining Room
Sarah of Salt House somehow manages to live and work and host cooking classes, workshops, and other food-centered events in her modestly-sized apartment—and do it all with enviable style. Want to make her fabulous and flexible dining room your own? Here’s (approximately!) how much it would cost… Extendable dining table: Z Gallerie via Salt House $1,500 Chairs: via Salt House $143 x 10 = $1,430 Custom neon sign: Lite Brite Neon $?
Jan 28, 2016
5 Ways to Step Up Your Soup Game
(Image credit: Kimberley Hasselbrink) From The Kitchn → 5 Smart Tips for Making a Tastier Pot of Soup
Jan 28, 2016
The Once-a-Day, 3-Minute Secret to Success for Keeping Clutter Under Control
Of course, there never is a magic bullet for anything. Having a clean, organized home takes effort, no lie. But, it is possible to help keep your place more firmly on track by spending just a couple of minutes on it each day. No matter how clean and well organized a room actually is, it can look and feel like the opposite when the surfaces are cluttered with everyday stuff.
Jan 27, 2016
Michelle’s Open and Serene Home
Name: Michelle Location: Brookland — Washington, D.C. My husband and I fully gutted and renovated our home in 2014. The house was built in the 1920s and is 4 square style. We have an open concept home and every space is fully functional for our casual living lifestyle. I am inspired by Scandi, boho, mid century design. Although our bedroom is our favorite room; we especially love our DIY kitchen concrete counter tops, our master bath tile and custom built double vanity we designed.
Jan 27, 2016
How To Smoothly Transition from Two Incomes to One (Without Losing Your Money or Your Mind)
Everything we do for our spaces–the projects, the improvements, the dinners we cook and the parties we throw–it’s all fueled by the money we make. But we fully believe that you don’t need a ton of money to live well, so when the time comes that you and your significant other decide to scale down to one income for some reason or another, rest assured that you can do so without losing your minds or your money.
Jan 27, 2016
10 Stylish Ways to Organize Your Pantry
Keeping a well-stocked pantry user-friendly is definitely a challenge. Here are some of the best ideas for keeping your pantry organized. You’ll never spend 15 minutes digging around for the sugar ever again.
Jan 27, 2016
Record Listeners Rejoice: Here’s How to DIY a Bargain Craigslist Turntable into a Stylish Custom Record Player
Katie and Patrick spend a lot of time listening to music on the record player that Patrick restored. As they shared in their House Tour, “Since we don’t have a fireplace, it’s the hearth of our home.” Because of Patrick’s career as an audio engineer and tour manager, he worked on the project over the span of five months in between tours. Had his schedule allowed dedicated time at home, he says he could have completed the project in about three weekends.
Jan 27, 2016
A Deeply Dramatic, Contemporary & Classic London Flat
Name: Jane Heath and Jeremy Walker and their son, Henry Location: Gospel Oak near Hampstead Heath — London, UK Size: 1,120 square feet Years lived in: 18 months When architects Jane Heath and Jeremy Walker first saw this late-Victorian flat, located just around the corner from Hampstead Heath, they were at once drawn to the layout and the sense of space and light.
Jan 27, 2016
Before & After: A Townhouse Kitchen Brightens Up
This kitchen transformation is gorgeous for so many reasons (color! texture!) but I simply can not get over how much a difference the lighting made! A few brilliant lighting choices took this kitchen from small and dark to bright and inviting. From Shelly: We recently downsized from a 2,300 square foot home to a 800 square foot townhome. The small kitchen was dark, depressing and stuck in the 80s. We painted the upper cabinets white and bottom cabinets teal.
Jan 27, 2016
5 Tips for Keeping Your Counters Uncluttered
Jan 27, 2016
Keep Your Home Cleaner & More Organized, (Almost) Automatically
Getting this assignment done today will help keep your home cleaner and more organized for as long as you keep it up, guaranteed. This key part of the Cure ups your consciousness around what comes into your home, which is a pretty straightforward formula for success – the less dirt, clutter, useless paper and items that come in, the less time you need to spend cleaning and organizing it later.
Jan 26, 2016
Mary’s Calm and Collected Corner of the Universe
Name: Mary Location: Atlanta, Georgia I’ve come to nickname my house the Coucou Home, a tribute to the French word for “hello” that you might say to someone you know. And that’s the thing about my little “corner of the universe”; it’s comforting and welcomes people into my world. When I moved into my house, a renovated industrial space that was once a linen factory, the first thing I tackled was where to put my massive collection of signed books.
Jan 26, 2016
A Versatile Workhorse: Ideas for Using the IKEA Molger Bench All Around the House
It's a versatile workhorse you can use almost anywhere.
Jan 26, 2016
Before & After: A Well-Chosen Paint Color Saves a Drab Bedroom
When we purchased our house two years ago, the only word that accurately described our bedroom was “depressing.” As you can see in the before photo, we were the proud owners of a clanking window unit, a rusty radiator, and one window shade— all contained within four drab, off-white walls. I forced a smile and tried to tell myself that it was a “blank canvas” not “utterly dreadful,” which was the phrase that really kept flitting through my mind.
Jan 26, 2016
5 Ways You’re Ruining Your Towels Without Realizing It
Are you hanging up your towels after every use and giving them a good wash at the end of the week? Well stop it! As well-intentioned as your bath linen routine might be, you could be sabotaging your towel’s inalienable rights to life, longevity and fluffiness. Here are five ways you’re ruining your towels without realizing it… You don’t use bleach in the laundry, but you’re still seeing white specks all over your colored towels?
Jan 26, 2016
5 Items to Pick Up On Your Next Trip to the Indian Grocery Store
(Image credit: shutterstock) From The Kitchn → 5 Essential Items to Buy from the Indian Grocery Store
Jan 26, 2016
Ellen’s Design Challenge Season 2 Episode 2: Let’s Go Outside
One designer down, and seven are left as this week’s Ellen Design Challenge tests the contestants’ limits with outdoor furniture. Who sinks and who swims? Let’s find out. We start off in a gorge SoCal backyard, which is just not fair after the wintry weekend the East Coast had. But we watch TV as an escape, right? *cries* Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Ellen doesn’t pop out of the pool. She’s skipped this one and leaves the challenge explaining to C&C.
Jan 25, 2016
How Much Did This Room Cost? Cate’s Living Room
Design writer Cate St. Hill lives in a London flat that boasts a beautiful aesthetic she describes as “a light and relaxed style that’s one part Scandi and one part French, with a blend of old and new.” Let’s explore how much (approximately!) it would cost to recreate her lovely living room in our very own homes. Stool: Alvar Aalto Stool 60 from artek $285.00 Vintage armchair: eBay $? Linen curtains: IKEA Aina $59.99 Light: Eileen Gray Tube Light from Aram $588.
Jan 25, 2016
Anthea & Stuart’s Calm Oasis In Cape Town
Name: Anthea and Stuart, their daughters, Kate-Ruby and Rachel, and their dogs, Cameo and Pippa Location: Cape Town, South Africa Size: 2,600 square feet Years lived in: 4 years; Owned This lovely family home is tucked away in a quiet, secluded corner of the Cape Town City Bowl and is home to Anthea and Stuart, their two young daughters, and their adorable Italian Greyhounds.
Jan 25, 2016
The 10 Commandments of Saving: Smart Money Habits to Take to Heart This Year
Whether it’s 20 minutes of exercise a day leading to a healthy body or picking up the living room every day giving you a perpetually clutter-free space, good daily habits add up to big rewards. Money, of course, is no exception. A few tweaks to our behavior can lead to hundreds of dollars in savings each year. And when these behaviors become habits, the savings are automatic. 1) Budget. This can’t be emphasized enough.
Jan 25, 2016
Heather’s Eclectic, Little-Bit-Naughty, NYC-Style London Loft
Name: Heather Kane Location: Clerkenwell — London, UK Size: 1,200 square feet Years lived in: 1 year; Rented When you live above Etsy’s London headquarters in one of the capital’s best-known design hubs, you might feel some pressure to ensure your flat is up to the high standards of your neighbors. Luckily for Heather, one of her passions is interior design.
Jan 25, 2016
Take a Peek Inside America’s Largest Closet
A few weeks ago we featured 12 super luxurious closets that are about the size of the typical Manhattan apartment. But these, it turns out, do not even come close to the size of the biggest closet in America, which covers three stories and measures a whopping 3,000 square feet. The closet, to no one’s surprise, is in Texas, where land is plentiful and everything is bigger.
Jan 25, 2016
Erin’s “Handmade Modern” Tudor Duplex
Name: Erin Location: Tangletown — Minneapolis, Minnesota My husband, Ken, and I purchased our 1934 Tudor-style home in July 2015 and spent late summer and fall last year renovating much of the house. My background is interior design, but I’m currently a freelance writer and DIY blogger at Ken manages commercial construction projects, so naturally we were looking for a project to sink our teeth into with our first home.
Jan 24, 2016
Real Life Decorating: Ideas From Our House Tours That Cost Next to Nothing
Apartment Therapy house tours are a treasure trove of inspiration and decorating ideas. They are real-life examples of what people do with their spaces—often without a lot of money, but with tons of creativity. Here are some of our favorites from years past…. Above, Jove’s dining room walls are covered in pages from art books. The art is displayed in chronological order, so it starts on one side with primitive cave drawings and concludes with modern art.
Jan 23, 2016
Before & After: A Small Change, Big Impact Rental Kitchen Upgrade
I will never get tired of seeing real life, totally attainable home updates, especially when they’re renter friendly. Kevin’s flawless execution of some classic kitchen updates is absolutely worth a gander and may inspire some updating of your own. From Kevin: When I started thinking about giving our little kitchen a refresh, I immediately thought of what a big impact some color could have in our kitchen.
Jan 23, 2016
The Final Week Begins: Knock Out the Big, Bad Bathroom Clean Up
We’re heading into our final few Cure assignments, but before we dive in, take a minute or two and think about the past few weeks. Reflect on how much you’ve gotten done and how your space has improved. Resist the temptation to focus on what didn’t get done yet (even though we all seem to automatically go to the “should’ve” first) or what might be coming next.
Jan 22, 2016
Madeleine & Kihan’s “Just Plain Cozy” Seattle Apartment
Name: Madeleine & Kihan Location: Capitol Hill — Seattle, Washington Our two bedroom, one bath, 1100-square foot apartment is located in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood in a building built in 1903. Our neighbors and friends Becky and Andrew were recently featured on Apartment Therapy, and live 2 floors up, so we have the exact same layout—which I thought might be an interesting feature to see. Recently, the entire apartment was shot by friend and studio mate Rafael Soldi.
Jan 22, 2016
Organization Inspiration: Small Hallway Storage Projects That Make a Big Difference
Hallways are awkward spots in our homes, both overlooked and undervalued —they’re weird in-between places that we pass through multiple times daily, but we don’t actually spend a lot of time there. What they don’t have to be is a waste of space. With a little time and effort they can be storage powerhouses. Who says you can’t have built-ins in the hallway?
Jan 22, 2016
California Boho in an East Coast Shell: Framebridge’s Inspiring Office
Name: Framebridge Location: Georgetown — Washington, DC Size: 2,800 square feet Time occupied: 9 months Picture this: a small, old house—rumored to have been Francis Scott Key’s—sits nestled on quiet residential street in historic Georgetown. Inside, a surprise: the lively, Instagrammable hustle of Framebridge, a fast-growing custom framing startup.
Jan 22, 2016
Before & After: A Light & Bright Laundry Room
When it comes to Laundry Rooms, they tend to occupy the “out of sight, out of mind” spots in our homes. But after upgrading to a front loading Washer and Dryer that led to the removal of her closet doors, Sarah suddenly found herself airing her dirty laundry (sorry) at the top of her stairs. From Sara: When I bought my house I initially had the old school top load Washer and Dryers in a closet upstairs by all the bedrooms.
Jan 22, 2016
Sarah’s Small & Stylish Brooklyn Apartment
Name: Sarah Ashley Schiear Location: Williamsburg — Brooklyn, NY Size: 635 square feet Years Lived In: since May 2015; Rented Though the physical size of her apartment may be small, Sarah has created a multi-functional space where she lives, works and entertains. Sarah is a chef as well as the founder of Salt House, a New York-based lifestyle and events studio. Her experience in the food industry has heavily influenced her desire to entertain and bring people together around food.
Jan 22, 2016