Blu Dot Will Swap You New Furniture For Your Old Junk
Dying for new furniture after growing sick of your old stuff during the social-distancing period? Modern furnishings company Blu Dot wants your junk for fresh new furniture.
Blu Dot recently launched a new competition/giveaway called “Swap Meet,” which asks Blu Dot shoppers to trade their “talents/oddities/collections/crafts/whatnot” for some cool new pieces to add to their furniture collection.
“Prepared to part with odd ephemera? Crafted a nifty, one of a kind creation? Unearthed a new talent?” Blu Dot asks via the Swap Meet webpage. “Behold the Blu Dot Swap Meet, where your creativity can buy you the furniture of your dreams.”
Here’s how to get involved: First, follow @BluDotSwapMeet and @BluDot on Instagram. Then, take a pic of your weird object or newfound talent and send it to the Blu Dot team, describing what makes it so dang cool, as well as what Blu Dot piece you’d rather have in return. Your swap will then get posted on the @BluDotSwapMeet Instagram account where other Swap Meet followers can comment, like, and share your interesting bit or bobble.
The team will then vote on whether or not your swap is good enough to take, and if it is, you win some new furniture from Blu Dot.
So far, people have submitted interesting artworks, a “flair collection,” light up crucifix, fresh-baked cookies, and so much more random goodness—like this inflatable Alf doll…
…”Richard Gear…”
…and this “handmade, one-of-a-kind (I know ’cause I only made one), sculptural, pork-themed pewter tankard.” Because, of course.
Head over to @BluDotSwapMeet to check out what people are trying to swap, and then submit something bizarre of your own to bring home the Blu Dot piece of your dreams. If anything, the Blu Dot Swap Meet provides some really great entertainment that will keep your scrolling for hours.