Luckily, with a bit of planning and strategy, you can cut down on the time you spend washing dishes — and, more importantly, increase time spent with your loved ones.
Let’s face it: The bottom drawer of the fridge is nothing more than a black hole. We’ve all probably brought home a haul of fresh fruits and veggies, only to find them wilted or worse, moldy, in the same place a few weeks later. The issue? Many of us just don’t eat what we can’t see.
Well, it depends. But we came up with 10 different lifestyle scenarios (kids? allergies? access to easy laundry?) and asked experts to weigh in with a real answer for each.
If you want your investment pieces to last, it’s a good idea to practice extra care when washing your denim—but not everything you hear has merit. Here, we asked laundry experts to set the record straight.
While certain belongings may simply require a good dust-and-disinfect, other belongings — like, uh, those moldy food containers still sitting in the fridge — might need a little more love.
If you’re a hair-loser like me: You’ll only need an hour and three basic ingredients — which you probably already have on hand at home — to fully rehab your brush.
Ever do a load of laundry after a day outside and notice a weird, yellow ring on your shirt collar that you just can’t seem to get out? Here's the fix.
Outdoor projects are fun because you can let things get messy. Who cares if dust flies up or paint splatters? But there’s one important thing you might forget to clean afterward.