Banish Paper Clutter for Good With This Simple System
Part of the reason that the Cure works so well for so many people is its adaptability. By month’s end, you’ll start taking your own track with the assignments we send every day, and your home will be looking and working better than it ever has before. For today’s task, though, we’re targeting what seems like everyone’s worst home enemy: paper clutter. What we’re doing today is part remedy and part prevention.
Jan 9, 2018
3 Things Super Organized People Do at Home that You Don’t
Each of us has personal feelings about cleaning and home keeping. But what remains remarkably similar across the board is the trouble spots that we all find tricky to solve. Which, by extension, means that those perpetually organized people who never seem to have the stuff explosions most of us fall prey to have found successful ways to address these very same sticking points. Nothing multiplies like paper piles.
Jan 7, 2018
How to Use This Unexpected IKEA Product in Every Room of the Home
IKEA’s Algot collection is a closet system, a modular, budget-friendly alternative to something like the Container Store’s Elfa. But like a lot of IKEA products, it’s also incredibly versatile, suitable for a huge variety of uses that go far beyond closets. Here are some of our favorite ways to use Algot shelves, drawers, and bins in every room of the house. Algot can be a bit of a lifesaver in a closetless entryway, providing drawers, shoe racks, hanging bars, and shelves.
Jan 5, 2018
Your New Year’s Cosmic Cleanout: The Perfect Cleaning & Decluttering Plan for Every Zodiac Sign
New Year’s perpetually brings on the urge to purge, and with Mercury now out of retrograde and a pack of planets in Queen-of-the-Capsule-Collection, Capricorn, it’s a luminous moment to catch some serious stardust with your Swiffer.
Jan 4, 2018
Here’s the Secret Weapon for Decluttering Your Space
Sometimes the biggest obstacle standing between you and a cleaner, clutter-free home is an unwillingness to just let go of unneeded stuff. When faced with getting rid of things, we can all turn into a bunch of hoarders at heart (“but what if I need it someday?!”). Luckily, your best weapon against a chronic case of “keep it just in case”-itis is a simple thing we like to call the outbox.
Jan 4, 2018
Do This and You’re One Hour Closer to a Happier, Healthier Home
There’s a quote by French writer Antoine de Saint Exupéry that I’ve always loved to repeat to myself when I need perspective: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” As much as you want your home to be a better, happier place, you have to understand that it takes work to get there. And not all of that work is spent on hands and knees, scrubbing showers or sorting drawers. Much of the work is just planning — deciding what to do and committing to when to do it.
Jan 3, 2018
It’s Time to Reset Your Home for 2018: Let’s Kick Off the January Cure!
Happy New Year! It’s always amazing to me what a boost your mind and body can get — in the form of renewed energy, motivation, and focus — by seeing the calendar reset at January each year. It’s the perfect time to make a fresh start, which includes getting your home primed for the year ahead. Because who doesn’t want a home that works better and looks better, too?
Jan 2, 2018
Joanna Gaines Has a Smart Tip For Dealing With Sentimental Clutter
She's been cleaning out her attic on Instagram.
Dec 30, 2017
Our Best Closet Cleaning Advice Of All Time
The New Year is right around the corner, and with it comes a new burst of energy that makes people want to roll up their sleeves and organize their lives. And what better place to start than our over-stuffed, bursting-at-the-seems, stress-inducing, messy closets? If you’re getting stress sweats just thinking about your own wardrobe, stick around. Ahead is a roundup of our (*picks up megaphone*) best closet cleaning advice of all time! Let’s tackle this together.
Dec 30, 2017
We Found the Perfect Calendar for Every Person on the Planet
There’s no better way to get organized for the new year than picking up a cool new calendar. However, sometimes finding the right one for your unique personality (aka one you actually want to look at everyday) isn’t always easy. So to help you jumpstart 2018 in style, we rounded up creative calendars for a range of personality types. From animal lovers to the uninspired, here are the ten best wall and desk calendars for every person on the planet.
Dec 26, 2017
15 Things to Get Rid of Before the Holidays
This time of year is one of influx and more, more, more. Layers of decorations, extra throw pillows and blankets, house guests, that second slice of pie — not to mention all the new items brought into the home as gifts. While everything is still contained in wrapping paper and ribbons, before the shiny new things enter the realm of official Household Stuff, take time to make some space by getting rid of these oldies you’ll never miss.
Dec 13, 2017
The Key to Decluttering Without Burning Yourself Out
Decluttering—especially if you have a lot of stuff to begin with—can be an exhausting task. You can spend hours going through your things and realize you’re not even remotely close to being done with all your sorting. If you always feel totally spent when you’re done with a major decluttering session, the key might be in avoiding those giant, day (or weekend!) long clean-outs in the first place.
Dec 6, 2017
Marie Kondo’s New Show Is Coming To Netflix
Update: We now know more about Marie Kondo’s upcoming TV show. The Hollywood Reporter announced Wednesday that the eight episode season will air globally on Netflix. The as yet untitled series “will focus on Kondo as she guides people who, as Netflix describes them, are at a crossroads to spark joy in their homes, transforming their lives in emotional and surprising ways.
Dec 4, 2017
This Decluttering Pro’s 10-Percent Method Will Help You Pare Down Guiltlessly
Here’s the thing about stuff—even when we don’t need it, it’s easy to become attached to it, assign meaning to it or feel guilt about getting rid of it. Gifts from loved ones or an expensive purchase you regret but can’t return can weigh you and your home down. So, what do you do when you feel like you can’t part with anything you own—even when you have multiples that you don’t need?
Dec 1, 2017
The 10 Commandments of a Clean & Happy Closet
It’s way too easy to let closets get out of control. After all, you can just close the door on the mess. But whether you’re getting something out or putting something away, being greeted by an orderly closet is an instant mood booster. Not to mention you actually know where stuff is can get to it! Here are ten strong suggestions for how to keep your closet in check. Keep a small laundry basket or even a paper bag in your closet to toss in clothes that don’t make you feel great.
Nov 28, 2017
Where to Stack Coats and Bags When You’re Having a Big Party in a Small Space
Nothing is more fun during the holiday season than hosting friends and family for a gathering. But what happens when you love to entertain but don’t actually have a ton of room or even a proper coat closet to store everyone’s stuff? Fret not, friends—a cramped living space doesn’t have to be a problem. Here are five options to consider when deciding where to stow your guests’ things during your holiday festivities this season.
Nov 22, 2017
The 10 Commandments of a Clean & Happy Junk Drawer
The junk drawer is a tricky little monster. Even its name makes you think it’s okay to let it get, well, junky. But a junk drawer without parameters means that every few months you’ll have to tackle a small mountain of those suuuuuper annoying little things you’ve basically just put off dealing with. For a “junk” drawer that’s really more of a useful spot for miscellaneous items in the kitchen, follow these ten commandments.
Nov 21, 2017
The $1 Storage Solution You Won’t Know How You Lived Without
I’ve picked up the odd Dollar Tree clear plastic bin here and there for, well, I can’t remember what for now that I use them for everything. Seriously, since discovering and drooling over The Home Edit‘s Instagram feed (I even rainbowtized my apps, but that’s a story for another day), I’m clear-binning all the things. Here’s why I wish I’d started organizing with them years ago.
Nov 21, 2017
How To Organize Your Entire Bathroom for Under $100
Wish your bathroom was more organized? Even in the tiniest of bathrooms, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to make things work. Between damage-free hooks and shelves to portable items (like a rolling cart), you get can your bathroom in shape in no time. Pretend you have a budget of $100 to get everything you need to revamp your bathroom; here’s what you can get with that to make it all happen. Let’s get shopping — hypothetically at least — shall we?
Nov 15, 2017
It’s Time to Purge Your Holiday Decor: Use Our Two Simple Rules to Declutter
Whether you crank up the Christmas music the second Halloween’s over, or you restrain yourself and stick to fall decor at least until Thanksgiving, now is the time of year that your bins of holiday decor have come down from the attic or out from under the guest beds. Rather than waiting until it’s time to put it all back and bemoaning the amount of stuff you have that, once again, you didn’t use, go through it now.
Nov 13, 2017
The One Product That Seriously Boosted My Closet Space
For most small space dwellers, a tiny apartment usually translates to an equally compact closet—so finding extra storage space can be an uphill battle. Thankfully, there are still some affordable and foolproof ways to score some extra closet space at home—it just takes a little imagination.
Nov 13, 2017
The 10 Commandments of a Clean & Happy Pantry
Be it a room, a cabinet or even just a drawer, your pantry deserves a little love.
Nov 11, 2017
27 Things to Get Rid of in the Kitchen Before Thanksgiving
Nothing turns a happy chef into a frazzled one like rifling through drawers or disassembling the kitchen to dig out the necessary tools. Don’t let this be you at Thanksgiving. For a smoothly running kitchen — and, more importantly, a smiling cook — eliminate everything that doesn’t need to be in your kitchen before the big day.
Nov 6, 2017
11 Projects That Solve What To Do With All Those Winter Boots
If you’re like me, you’ve always had a growing pile of shoes in your vestibule/ entryway/mudroom. Which normally wouldn’t be an issue except that the shoes are now boots – they take up more space, they track in more mud, and they can take a bit longer to dry out after a good rain or snow. So what do you do with all of them? How do you solve the growing boot dilemma this time of year?
Nov 5, 2017
7 Clever Organizing Ideas to Turn Your Linen Closet Into a Work of Art
You can turn any crowded closet into a streamlined space without breaking your bank account.
Oct 29, 2017
City Life Done Right: How to Attractively Store a Bike Indoors
If your preferred mode of transportation is powered by bike pedals, you might be familiar with the dilemma many bike owners + city dwellers face: Where the heck do you store a bike? Like, in a way that’s not totally revolting to the eyes? These real-life spaces have the right idea. As a rule, your best choice is going to involve some sort of wall or ceiling hanging situation. Why? Because attaching your bike (or bikes) to a solid surface will impose visual order on them.
Oct 25, 2017
The Amazon Hangover Cure: Handling the Packaging Monster, Sustainably
We’re online shopping more than ever and, unfortunately, that means bringing unwanted waste into our homes in the form of cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, and other packing supplies. (A problem that gets especially frustrating when I discover the refrigerator-sized box on my porch actually just contains the single pack of face wipes I ordered).
Oct 22, 2017
How to Fit a Whole Lot of Storage Into a Foot or Two of Wall Space
Believe it or not, a sliver of wall space can still offer some serious storage potential. Whether it’s a short bedroom wall or a cramped bathroom corner, even a narrow foot or two of free wall space can wind up being a total storage game changer for your home. To prove our point, we’ve rounded up the smallest—but no doubt savviest—space-saving wall storage ideas we could find on the web.
Oct 10, 2017
The Stylish Shoe Storage Solutions You Need For a (Finally!) Tidy Entryway
Tackle your own Mount Shoeverest and try implementing an entry way storage solution that fits your needs.
Oct 7, 2017
We Have Proof: All You Need for a Clean Home is 10 Minutes a Day
We’re all busy, but we can probably all spare 10 minutes or so, right? Just a few minutes a day is all you need to keep your home clean and in order—and if you don’t believe it, we’ve got proof. The guide you need to turn you into a believer? “Simply Clean,” a new book out this year by Becky Rapinchuk (aka Clean Mama).
Sep 29, 2017
New Wardrobe, New You: What to Ask Yourself While Cleaning Out (& Revamping) Your Closet
I’m a stress cleaner—as in, I tend to clean and organize things when I’m overwhelmed or feeling down. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my emotional clean-out sessions, it’s that the sometimes the most satisfying thing on the planet is cleaning out your closet—even if it’s hard for you to part with some of your old favorite clothes.
Sep 26, 2017
Show Off Your Storage With Stylish Baskets You Can DIY
Don't let your storage bore.
Sep 23, 2017
Organizational Upgrades That Will Make You Feel Like a Totally New Person
Raise your hand if you’re still using storage products that you’ve had since college… or at least, ones that look like they should be in a dorm room. (Don’t worry—I’m right there with you). They’ve done a great job at serving their purpose, but you don’t need to hold onto them forever.
Sep 21, 2017
The Dark Side of Decluttering: Have You Ever Regretted Getting Rid of Something?
We talk about getting rid of stuff all the time and laud the benefits of getting more and more things out of our homes. Freedom! Negative space! Less to clean and organize! While these are all most definitely positive effects of shedding excess, it’s possible that in our maybe-too-hasty pursuit of an ideal that may or may not be your own, we have some casualties, we lose things forever at our own hand and then feel the pang of missing them.
Sep 20, 2017
You’re Not The Only One Thinking It: Hilariously Relatable Tweets About Minimalism
Paring down and living a more minimalist life sounds amazing in theory, but when you’re a “stuff” person—someone who owns a lot of things and tends to form emotional attachments to them—it can be a serious challenge to downsize.
Sep 18, 2017
How To Pluck Up, Buckle Down and Peacefully Deal With Your Most Emotionally-Charged Clutter
In general, the process of going through your things and letting go can be difficult, but it becomes even more of a struggle when you’re dealing with grief and trauma in the process. Going through a bad breakup with someone you live with, or dealing with the loss of a loved one, for example, often come with the task of going through things and deciding what to keep (and who gets what) and what to get rid of.
Sep 13, 2017
Junk Drawer No More: How To Tame a Tangle of Cooking Tools
It’s natural to focus your attention on the parts of your home that other people see, but we’d like to advocate today that you turn your focus to a small spot that easily becomes messy, cluttered and frustrating — your kitchen utensil drawer. Go open yours right now; what do you see? A streamlined monument to organization and efficiency? No? Ok, it’s time to straighten it up. It will look better and, more importantly, work better for you.
Sep 7, 2017
Get Organized: The Best Handheld Label Makers, at Every Price Point
Handheld label makers can be a godsend, especially when you’re trying to get your home more organized. They’re handy in so many ways—labeling food containers and leftovers, keeping track of boxes, keeping you organized at work, and categorizing just about everything you can think of—and even better, they’re fairly inexpensive. Not to mention, some even work with your smartphone (seriously, there’s an app for everything now).
Sep 6, 2017
Ready for a New Lease on Life? Start With the Bathroom
With kids starting a new school year, cooler weather arriving, and leaves beginning to fall from the trees, Autumn is a season of reinvention—and a great time to get started on a new chapter of your life. If there’s a change you’ve been putting off or a goal that you’ve been dragging your feet on, why not throw your mind, body and soul behind it now? Every journey—no matter how long—has to begin with a single step.
Sep 2, 2017
The Cleaning Nudge You Need: Take 20 Minutes and Make Today Fridge Day!
I’ve never been skydiving or gotten a tattoo, but I like to imagine the rush that keeps people coming back for more is a lot like the feeling I get when I open my refrigerator door to find a perfectly pristine display worthy of being photographed for “I Eat Well and Have My Life Together” magazine. Because, truthfully, I feel like a clean and well-organized refrigerator is the most important key to happiness.
Aug 27, 2017
The Versatile, Industrial-Style Storage Item That Works in Any Room
It’s not that anyone forgot that lockers and filing cabinets exist, it’s just that they aren’t used nearly as commonly as they ought to be in my opinion. They’re affordable (to buy new or find used at thrift stores) and you can store lots of different things in them. They’re DIY’able (hello, paint one a bold color!). They not only fit in with a lot of different design styles, but they offer up a heaping dose of industrial vibes to any room they live in.
Aug 25, 2017
How To Store (& Show Off!) Blankets & Throws in Style
The saying, “there’s nothing new under the sun” got a lot more real with the invention of the internet. If you think you’re doing something original, there’s a good chance Google will prove you wrong every time. That’s why unique ideas, like this log-holder-turned-blanket-storage from Chrissy Phelan’s West Hollywood home (and salon!) are all the more impressive.
Aug 24, 2017
Sign Up to Get Organized: The September Sweep Starts Tuesday
There’s something about the switch from summer to fall that inspires a shift in thinking. Maybe it’s the temperatures dropping, or the leaves starting to change, or maybe it’s just that the kids are back in school, but September has always felt to me like a transitionary month. Like a fresh start in the middle of the calendar—where you can redefine your life and your home without waiting for January to come along. So we’re going to harness that motivation this year!
Aug 22, 2017
The Clever DIY Storage Idea That’ll Take Your Kitchen to the Next Level
If you’ve got a pantry—no matter the size, from a small cabinet to a complete closet to a dedicated room—chances are you have a door or two enclosing it. While you might have given attention to organizing the shelves within your pantry, have you thought about tackling all that wasted space behind your door? This DIY pantry door storage solution is functional and beautiful. And it’s such a good idea, we’re rerunning this post two years in a row!
Aug 22, 2017
The 10/10 Decluttering Exercise Will Make You Rethink Your Attachment to Stuff
Some people just aren’t “stuff” people—they’re born minimalists who just don’t acquire much and seemingly don’t get attached to their things. But there are plenty of us who are stuff people. It can be because we assign emotional value to things that makes them hard to let go of. For others, it may be that we just don’t like parting with things we’ve spent money on.
Aug 21, 2017
All You Need is $10 Worth of Stickers to (Finally!) Organize Your Storage Area
Forget Konmari philosophies and vacuum bags. The real secret behind any tidy home is hidden storage, and lots of it. It might manifest itself as a garage stuffed with boxes (yours, or your parents’) or an off-site storage unit—which, yes, is the key to living successfully in a studio, at least if you’re a maximalist. Most people have stuff. And the stuff needs to go somewhere. That’s inevitable.
Aug 19, 2017
The Internet’s Favorite Plastic Zipper Food Storage Bags
Plastic zipper bags are probably a food storage staple in your home—they’re an easy way to store food in the fridge and freezer, plus they can help keep you organized in other ways, including being a necessity when you travel by air.
Aug 14, 2017
7 Modern DIY Message Boards to Get You Organized
There’s nothing like seeing back to school supplies everywhere to make you realize, man, I miss having a reason to buy 64-count box of crayons. And, oh ya, it’s probably time to get my life in order. With new modern DIY message boards, that first step to organization gets a little more fun. Copper is the metal trend with staying power and is put to great use as a message board!
Aug 14, 2017
Before & After: This Organized Wall Storage is a DIY Dream
Eileen’s overflowing closet was becoming a problem. Rather than digging around for what she needed she was ignoring the space completely, heralding the need for a serious change. From Eileen: Prior to this project, we had an overstuffed closet – a dresser, multiple plastic drawers organizers, and a cart. The closet will filled to the brim, and it was difficult to find anything I was looking for.
Aug 10, 2017
The Incredibly Easy One-Touch Cleaning Rule Will Keep You Clutter-Free
How often do you quickly tidy one area of your home by just moving the mess somewhere else? Have you ever come home only to put your coat on a chair temporarily before you finally hang it up in the closet? (I know I’m guilty of this, because it just feels easier in the moment after a long day). It might not feel like a time suck, but it actually makes you put in more effort in the long run—all those steps add up, and it makes keeping your home clutter-free a slightly harder task.
Aug 10, 2017
These Memorable Mantras Will Help You Declutter and Guide Your Quest for Less
The most powerful tool in your decluttering arsenal? It’s your mind. Truly, when you seem to have a problem with “too much,” the biggest obstacle in the way of getting rid of needless things is your own brain. It’s there in the background insisting, maybe, that you’ll wear that ill-fitting dress some day again, or that this old broken lamp is the last thing that connects you to the memory of your grandparents’ condo.
Aug 3, 2017
Patch Before You Purge: Skills that Just Might Save Your Wardrobe
In a world filled with fast fashion and disposable trends, taking proper care of our clothes has become less and less of a priority. While this is partly due to the decreasing quality of mass-produced attire, the reality is that, unlike generations before us, many of us don’t know how to correctly care for our wardrobe. And even though poorly made clothes rarely deserve our long-term attention, it’s important to have the ability to tend to ones that do.
Aug 2, 2017
7 Kitchen Drawer Organizers to Actually Get Excited About
When you think of a silverware organizer, you probably think of a standard cutlery tray—a plastic bin with sections for knives, forks and spoons, with maybe an extra section or two for other miscellaneous utensils. But just because most of the options you come across are simple, that doesn’t mean you’re stuck settling for the basics.
Jul 28, 2017
The Easiest Way to a Decluttered Home: The Power of One
Decluttering a home is never easy. The thought of organizing a packed hallway closet or a stuffed storage room can be exhausting enough to make you put it off for another year. But what if we told you there was an easy, foolproof way to finally get your clutter under control that won’t take more than a few minutes of your day? All you have to do is remove one thing—just one thing—from your home that you no longer need – every day .
Jul 26, 2017
Where To Buy a Whole Bunch of Wooden Hangers Without Going Broke
Wooden hangers are supposed to be the best—Martha Stewart swears by them, and a quick Google search reveals tons of sites extolling the benefits of using wooden hangers. They protect your clothes by preventing your clothes from being hung too closely together, they’re less abrasive and they allow for more air circulation, according to The Spruce.
Jul 25, 2017
Made for Your Shades: A DIY Display for Organizing Sunglasses
On any given week, I’ll see anywhere from one to seven pairs of glasses and sunglasses make their way onto my kitchen island. (Why is the kitchen island the ultimate catchall for junk?) Coming in or going out, it’s the landing pad for shades.
Jul 24, 2017
The Best-Looking Bathroom Trash Cans Under $15
A good-looking bathroom trash bin is hard to find. That’s why most of them wind up stashed near the toilet or under the sink. Sure you can invest in a fancy one that looks great, but who wants to drop serious cash on something as small and well, trashy as a garbage can? Lucky for you, we did our research and it turns out the web is filled with some surprisingly sleek and inexpensive bathroom receptacles.
Jul 20, 2017
How To Organize Your Pantry for $49 and One Trip to the Store
A five-part plan for a better pantry by tomorrow.
Jul 17, 2017
Ask a Pro Organizer: What Organizing Products Are Worth Buying?
Staying organized from day to day is no easy feat. Throw a small, storage-deprived apartment and, you know, life into the mix—and suddenly keeping your sh*t together becomes daunting, if not darn near impossible. And while the web is brimming with promising organizational products, deciding which ones are actually worth your money is a whole different story. Thankfully, we have Sharon Lowenheim, aka the Organizing Goddess to call on for help.
Jul 14, 2017
Brightening Up a Manhattan Condo with Patterned Tile and Built-In Storage
Project by: Zach Rockhill for Hatchet Design Build Location: NoHo — Manhattan, New York The team for Hatchet Design Build worked with their client, Marika, to turn her apartment into a light-filled and texturally interesting space. With stained floors, envy-inducing tile and stylish yet inviting furnishings, the space surprises us by playing with our expectations of what a historic New York condo should look like.
Jul 13, 2017
Target Just Brought On These Celeb-Approved Pro Organizers
Target wants to help you get organized, and to do so, they’re tapping some of the best organizers in the biz—The Home Edit. They’ve helped the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Molly Sims, and now with the help of the bullseye, they’re here to teach the rest of us a thing or two about tidying. Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, the women behind the Nashville based brand, are sharing their tips for a successful move over on Target’s corporate blog.
Jul 13, 2017
Smart Organizing Solutions that Make it Easier to Share a Bathroom
Living with roommates—or even with multiple family members—can get complicated in general, but the one place in your home that’s hard to share? The bathroom. Especially when your bathroom is extra tiny, and you don’t have a lot of storage space. Below, some simple ways to keep all your things separated and organized, without products totally taking over your bathroom.
Jul 12, 2017
Your Organized Gameplan for Successfully Sharing a Closet
Keeping your closet organized is hard enough when it’s just your clothes in there, but what happens when it’s shared by two people? When you have to divvy up precious wardrobe room with someone else, things can get a little stressy, fast. So rather than turn your bedroom into a battleground, try these tips for splitting the storage so everything stays fair and tidy.
Jul 10, 2017
Make it Count: Smart Uses for the Space Above Your Doors
Think your apartment is totally out of storage space? Think again—and look up. You probably have at least one doorway in your home with a little extra space above it, right? Now’s your chance to turn it into something useful—maybe it will be your new mini library, maybe you’ll turn it into a garden, or maybe you’ll use it to store towels in your teeny tiny bathroom.
Jul 6, 2017
The Hardware Store Item That Will Organize Your Entire Home
Need an organizational overhaul? If you’re on a tight budget, there’s one inexpensive thing you can get at the hardware store that, with the help of some craftiness, can help you organize just about every room in your home: PVC pipes. PVC pipes come in a wide variety of different sizes, which means there are tons of options available to use throughout your home. For inspiration, check out these simple-but-stylish DIY PVC solutions.
Jul 3, 2017
The Renter-Friendly Secret Weapon That Solved My Small Kitchen Storage Woes
Plus, it's super renter-friendly.
Jul 3, 2017
Stylish and Clever Recycling Solutions That’ll Up Your Cleaning Game
Trash cans and recycling bins can take up a lot of space, especially if you have to sort your recyclables into different containers. All those bins definitely add up. Whether you’ve been recycling and you’re just tired of your old system or you want to start so you can be more mindful, there are plenty of solutions that will allow you to recycle without taking up too much space in your home, or at least that won’t detract from your decor.
Jun 23, 2017
How to Store Necklaces & Other Jewelry: 14 Creative Ideas
These creative ideas—some to buy, some to DIY—will look great stored away or on display for all your favorite pieces.
Jun 21, 2017
30+ Shortcuts & Strategies to Get Your Home Cleaner Faster
Raise your hand if you wish you could clean your home faster, but you just don’t know how to make it work. (I’m raising my hand along with you, if you couldn’t tell). The good news: Housecleaning pros, former messy people and the like all weighed in on Reddit with their best speedy—but effective—cleaning tips. Below are some of the best methods and tricks from the thread that might help you reduce your cleaning time and clean more effectively.
Jun 19, 2017
A Kitchen Storage Trend That’s a Fresh Update on Floating Open Shelving
If you’re itching to kick your standard closed cabinets to the curb to update the look of your kitchen, you may be considering the controversial open shelf. But before you add a bunch of bespoke floating wooden shelves to your kitchen, consider this in-between look that’s a little less expected. It just might be the thing you’re looking for to add some organized, yet visually interesting storage to your cooking space.
Jun 19, 2017
Why Decluttering is Worth It: 6 Reasons You’ll Love Living with Less
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of getting into a decluttering groove, of riding the high of letting go of things, of piling the back of the car high with bulging bags bound for anywhere but the over-full garage. But that’s not the end of it. Once the excitement subsides, you’re left with a space that has, well, space and you’ll begin enjoying the benefits of a life with less.
Jun 18, 2017
When Your Hanging Space Just Isn’t Cutting It
Some people live in homes with walk-in closets with nearly absurd amounts of hanging space. Others live in old, quirky apartments with one closet 24 inches wide. If you are less than blessed when it comes to hanging space, you may be scratching your head about where to put all your clothes. But there are solutions — and we’ve got plenty of them here. Here are ten ways to buy (or DIY!) your way to closet bliss.
Jun 18, 2017